Trump and North Korea


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
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Kim Jong un and Donald Trump, two unstable personalities playing chicken with nuclear weapons, what could possibly go wrong?
I'm a bit annoyed with Trump about Syria. He was supposed to be none-interventionalist, but he's proving to be just the same as those that went before him. Septicemia had just as well have voted in Hillary, and coming from me, that is fucking saying some thing!
Every time the west meddles in Syria, it gets more unstable and gives ISIS a victory. Let Assad and the Russians finish off ISIS before doing anything else.
1.5 million per cruise missile times 59 equals 88.5 m. And the Syrians were operating that airfield the the next day. Empty gesture, but an expensive one.
I wonder if Kim Jong actually knows how to read a map, or understands how far away and how big the USA really is? He should really try not to piss the unpredictable Trump off too much. I don't think the Chinese will be so quick to come to the rescue either.
A military strike by the US is just too risky, we can destroy their capacity to make war in a few days, maybe less. But if Kim Jung Oddball even manages to get one missile off. A few million south Korean or Japanese get vaporized.

He needs to go, but it needs to come from the inside, have the Chinese encourage a few colonels aspiring to greater things that it's time for their boss to take a dirt nap
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Now he's threatening Australia over sanctions, and for following their "US master" by helping the US isolate the DPRK. The DPRK even told Australia that continuing these actions would be a "suicidal act" by coming within range of the DPRK. Australia should really watch out man! Kim Jung Un might have an army ready with those Nerf air darts to launch on Australia's navy. Providing his military can get the darts in the air that is. DPRK hasn't had much luck at getting weapons up and airborne :-) They're like the limp dick of nuclear ballistic missiles.
One newspaper headline today seems to be suggesting North Korea has missiles that can reach the USA. Where is Ronnies raygun when you need it?

I wonder if Kim Jong actually knows how to read a map, or understands how far away and how big the USA really is? He should really try not to piss the unpredictable Trump off too much. I don't think the Chinese will be so quick to come to the rescue either.
I think he does have missiles with the range to reach the US west coast, certainly Hawaii. He also has nuclear weapons. The problem is that the North Koreans don't yet have the technology to miniaturize one of their warheads to fit into a long range missile. That and their long range missile tests to date have been very hit or miss.

The real danger is a nuclear attack on South Korea or Japan. They have the technology to do this now. In addition to a massive loss of life, this would likely create a world wide financial crisis that would dwarf the Great Depression of the 1930's. Also it destabilizes the nuclear powers, once the first nuke goes off, everybody is very, very nervous. The Russians, the Chinese, India and Pakistan all now have their fingers on the trigger.
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You left out (unofficially) Israel.

Also, the European Union are now trying to develop their own nuclear weapons programme, along with creating a European Union Army. Quite why, is any ones guess. Still, those despotic bastards probably pose a bigger threat to the world than North Korea or Iran, because they have the resources to create devestation rather than just create a dirty bomb with wings.

They have already proven proficient at destabalising Russian areas of interest such as Ukraine and Syria, and that is even before they any thing more than military ambition! Imagine the chaos a fully fledged Federation of Europe would create....
Threaten to nuke north korea to get the jerk to stop launching missiles.

Honestly the only reason this guy keeps launching missiles is because people are letting him get away with it. Fuck politics and threaten to beat his ass down if he doesn't quit his shit.
Thankfully I happened to hear about Trump saying if N Korea attacked Guam it would be like nothing N Korea has ever seen.

Trump may not be the best president, but he's not going to bend over backwards to let N Korea anally rape his country like everyone else has been doing since the Korean war ended.

Really the only reason it ended was because we threatened to drop the A-bomb on them. We should have just done it instead of threaten then we wouldn't have that dumbass over there in the first place.
Thankfully I happened to hear about Trump saying if N Korea attacked Guam it would be like nothing N Korea has ever seen.

Trump may not be the best president, but he's not going to bend over backwards to let N Korea anally rape his country like everyone else has been doing since the Korean war ended.

Really the only reason it ended was because we threatened to drop the A-bomb on them. We should have just done it instead of threaten then we wouldn't have that dumbass over there in the first place.
Wow...and I thought you were actually kinda smart...

its all good to thump our chests about wiping North Korea off the map. And we can do it, I have great confidence in our armed forces, I spent six years in them. But here is the problem, do we have the capability to destroy every single one of Kim Jung odd's missiles and their launch sites in a pre emptive strike? Because if we miss one, just one, a whole bunch of South Korean or Japanese civilians are going to get incinerated.

the North Koreans are crazy, but I don't think they are stupid. they have developed nuclear weapons to preserve their odious little regime. The only realistic scenario where I see them using them is if we strike first. Kim Jung Badhair has been issuing threats, or his family has, for years. Do we we really want to roll the dice on a nuclear exchange because we were insulted by a an idle threat from a whack job with a funny hair cut?
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That's true. Probably why we're waiting for them to strike first. It's just seems really stupid to me to allow a jackass like that to continue making threats all the time with the only thing that happens is "sanctions."

The U.N. is a fucking joke. The idea behind it was a good one but the implementation was done by morons.
anyone ever notice that in a country right on the brink of starvation, Kim appears to be the only fat guy?