Surfergirl's Ordeal - Part 1

vlad the impaler

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Apr 28, 2013
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It was a rather rough crossing, and Abdul had been feeling more than slightly seasick. It was his first time crewing on the motor yacht, although he had been part of the drug- smuggling gang since his late teens. The other three members of the crew were seasoned seafarers, and they had mocked his pallid, nauseous demeanour, cruelly stuffing their mouths with food in front of him to see whether they could get him to throw up. Fortunately, he was able to deny them that pleasure.

They had set off from the beach near Tangier, Morocco an hour and half earlier, and although the crossing to Spain would have been well over by now had they taken the most direct route, the fact that they were carrying drugs worth several hundred thousand dollars meant that they took a considerably longer course that avoided the patrol boats that were the greatest danger to their endeavour. Now they were within half an hour or so of their destination, and Abdul had found his sea-legs. The sea too had calmed down quite a bit, and he was looking forward to completing the drop and returning to Tangier.

The boat they travelled on was “El Tiburón” a beautifully appointed 30 metre Princess M-class motor yacht, a luxury vessel that would not elicit suspicion when moored up a any marina in the world (although the “goods” were loaded and delivered via inflatables on remote beaches). In addition to Adbul, the crew consisted of a mixed bag of hardened professional criminals of impressively multinational provenance : the skipper Serge, a huge French ex-special forces man in his fifties who had been involved in drugs, sex-trafficking and arms-smuggling since being thrown out of the army for the alleged brutal rape of a young waitress in Marseilles (never proven as the complainant had mysteriously disappeared before she could give evidence); Karim, a Gulf Arab in his thirties who was the main contact with the Magreb drug suppliers, a bit of a sophisticate, a natty dresser with a good education, and with mastery of several languages, the “brains” of the operation; and finally the man known only as “The Mechanic”, a fellow in his early sixties who had been a torturer at the notorious Navy Mechanics' School in Buenos Aires during the reign of the Argentine junta. Despite his age, the South American was a terrifying man, very heavily built and almost as strong as the skipper. Generally taciturn, Abdul had once heard him, drunk and uncharacteristically garrulous, tell the crew of the many young women he had tortured and raped during his years as an interrogator in Argentina. Coming from a family closely connected to the Generals, he had been very high up in the hierarchy of operatives at the centre and thus had his pick of the female prisoners. Karim had expertly winkled out the details of the torments he had inflicted on his lovely victims, and had even suggested a few that he would have added had he been in the torture room beside him. Abdul had listened with growing lust to the stories of tortured young women, discovering that, in addition to their sadistic sexual proclivities, The Mechanic shared his particular partiality to the naked female foot. “Those were the days”, he had drunkenly drawled: “my cock swam in the blood of torn hymens, my ears rang with the screams of helpless virgins thrashing in agony!” “The Mechanic” always had a large leather Gladstone bag with him, which he never let out of his sight. Its contents were unknown to the others, but Karim suspected that it contained some of the torturer’s favourite tools from his days as a professional interrogator of young women: the criminal trade they plied had made them all rich men, and he had no doubt that The Mechanic, like him, spent a considerable part of his riches on indulging his perverted tastes. As for Abdul, he was the product of the Tangier underworld, hard, sharp, vicious and out to make a name for himself in the lucrative world of organised crime. Although raised in the backstreets of Tangiers, his parents were Sudanese and the racism he had experienced as a black boy had made him bitter and angry. He had grown into a massive, terrifyingly powerful man, tall, ugly, cruel and quick tempered, and had already earned a reputation as a brutal fighter. Abdul was the principle “muscle’ in the crew, although with the possible exception of the wiry, sinister Karim, all the men on board were exceptionally hard muscled and powerful. No-one in their right mind would pick a fight with any of them.

The realisation that she was in trouble happened quite suddenly. The young English girl had been out surfing for maybe an hour or so, catching good quality waves, charging down the line, kicking out before the crest broke, and paddling back out to await the next set. She was a reasonably good surfer, having been brought up in Cornwall on the Atlantic coast of England; this had been her first surfing trip abroad, and she had come with a group of friends to celebrate her eighteenth birthday (just 2 days ago now) and enjoy the sun, ambience and waves of Southern Spain, basing themselves in the resort of Bolonia. It was as she was sat up on her board waiting for the next ride that, turning to look towards landward, she realised that she must have been caught in a rip, and coupled with the receding tide, she was now a very, very long way from shore. Lucinda Grey had led a sheltered and privileged life, and as is so often the case with youngsters from such a background, she was at first unbelieving that she could actually be in danger. She started to paddle back towards shore, but no matter how hard she tried, she was no match for the ocean current and she continued to be swept out to sea. Panic rose in her; she sat up on her surfboard and started to wave frantically towards the shore, but she was far out now, and was far too small an object for anyone on land to see. She hugged herself in fear, whimpering, praying that her friends would miss her and raise the alarm. The sun was still up for now, and her wetsuit was keeping her body warm; but her little feet were bare and dangling in the water, and were beginning to hurt from the increasing cold of the deepening water. She started shivering, partly from the cold that gripped her feet and now her hands, partly from an increasing sense of dread. Please God, she prayed, please let me be found. Little did she know that her prayer would be answered, but not in the way she would have hoped.

Chloe Harrison was worried: her young friend Lucinda had set off surfing nearly three hours ago, and there was no sign of her. Chloe had been in the water too, on her bodyboard, but had been content to mess about in the shore break. Lucinda however had paddled out back on her 7 footer. She had seen her friend catch a few waves, but then lost sight of her. The other two girls had gone back to the apartment they were renting some time ago, and Sophie had phoned them on her mobile to ask whether Lucinda had returned, but they had not seen her. Chloe decided it was time to alert the coastguard. The emergency number was displayed on an information board on the beachfront, and it wasn’t too long before she was connected to an English-speaking operator. In an anxious voice, Chloe explained the situation. She was asked to give a description of the missing girl. “She’s petite, 5 foot 2inches tall I think…..Oh, in metres…um…yes, around 1.57. Long blonde hair, green eyes, looks younger than her age. She’s on a surfboard….Blue and white….Oh, God I’m so worried”. The coastguard reassured her that they would put out an alert for all shipping and mount a search as soon as possible.

The drop had gone entirely to plan: a small beach tucked to the West of Bolonia from which a contingent of RIBs had ferried the drugs ashore, and the crew of “El Tubiron” were on the return trip to Morocco, when Abdul’s keen eyes spotted something on the water some 500 yards off the starboard bow. “What’s that ?” he exclaimed. He was on the bridge with the skipper, and picked up the binoculars that hung from a peg beside the wheel. He trained the optics on the object and let out gasp: ‘It’s a surfboard, by Allah, and there’s a girl sitting on it.“What the fuck is a surfer doing three miles out at sea?”. “Must have got caught in a rip” explained Serge. “She’s seen us” reported Abdul “She’s waving with both arms. Looks desperate”. “So she should be” sneered Serge. “Once the sun goes down she’ll be finished”. Karim had come up from below. “What is going on?” he queried. Abdul explained the sighting. Karim grabbed the binoculars and focussed on the drifting surfer. “Well, we better pick her up, had we not?” he said. “We are not in the business of performing rescues at sea, Karim” snapped Serge. “No, but consider: the girl has seen us: if we leave her and she is rescued, she might report having been ignored by a vessel, and give a description. Not I think a desirable state of affairs. Also, although it is hard to be sure from here, she does look like she might be quite an attractive catch. After all, she is missing at sea. Who is to know if we bring her onboard and…..well, I leave the rest to your imagination”.

Relief flooded through Lucinda as she saw the yacht turn towards her. God had answered her prayer: she was saved! Serge expertly manoeuvred the boat until it was within a few yards of the girl, and Abdul, Karim and The Mechanic were all on deck, curious to see what the ocean had delivered to them. “My God”, whispered Karim,”What a stunning beauty. Look at her, my friends. Just look at her!” Abdul threw the girl a line, which Lucinda grabbed with one hand, gripping the edge of her surfboard with the other, and Abdul pulled her in to the stern of the vessel. There was a swimming platform there, and she clambered on to it, the board still attached to her ankle by the leash. Abdul jumped down onto the platform and pulled it aboard; he leaned down and ripped off the velcro strap that attached the surfboard leash to the girl’s ankle, allowing his hand to lightly brush her naked foot. He looked up and caught The Mechanic’s eye: they had both noted the exceptional beauty of the girl’s tiny naked feet, their delicacy and nakedness in stark contrast to the large, heavy seaboots worn by the men. But it was by no means only Lucinda’s little bare feet that enchanted her rescuers: she was, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the most beautiful creatures any of them had ever seen. Her long blonde hair had dried in the breeze, and sparkled in the light of the now setting sun. Her large, beautiful eyes were a stunning emerald green, as though they had been formed of the sea from whence she had been plucked. The tight wetsuit showcased her exquisite figure, her tiny waist, her pert breasts, her plump derriere, her long tapered legs. Her face was utterly angelic, with the most delicate features, shell-like ears, perfect little nose, soft perfectly shaped lips. She looked younger than her true age, and the men all thought she was sixteen, or at most seventeen years old. Not that that mattered to any of them in the slightest: none of them had ever shown any mercy due to a female’s age.The crew exchanged glances: they all had raging erections by now, and there was no need for them to discuss their next move. Their little catch was going to pay dearly for her passage. As for Lucinda, so relieved and grateful was she to have been saved that she was totally unaware of the lascivious stares directed at her by her saviours. “Oh God, thank you, thank you” she stuttered, tears of relief flowing from her lovely eyes. “Thank God we found you” crooned Karim, his voice soothing and reassuring. “Come, let’s get you below and warmed up. Get you a hot drink and find you something to put on instead of that cold, soaking wetsuit”. Gently, he guided the girl down the companionway to the capacious cabin below, and to a fate that she could not have imagined in her very worst nightmares. As Lucinda disappeared below, Karim threw her surfboard back onto the sea, having first ripped the leash off. Any coastguard boat or helicopter finding it would assume that the surfer had lost contact with her vessel, and drowned. Lucinda Grey would be presumed dead, and no-one except the crew of this boat would know her true fate.

Chloe was in tears. The coatsguard officer had called Chloe and Lucinda’s other friends into his office to update them with some terrible news.’”We launched a search for your missing friend” he explained. “Half an hour into it, we found her surfboard floating out at sea.There was no sign of the girl - it appears her leash broke. We will continue the search until dark, but I must warn you that the chances of finding her alive are extremely remote. A general call to shipping was put out, but no vessel has reported a sighting or a rescue. I’m sorry. You should inform her next of kin”.

The layout of “El Tiburón” was luxurious and spacious. The drugs being smuggled were below the deck in a large false hull, accessed via a hidden hatch in the sole of the forward cabin on the lower deck. Karim guided Lucinda into the beautifully appointed master cabin on the upper deck. A huge Emperor- sized bed, leather suite, large en-suite bathroom, wood-panelled floor, cocktail bar, enormous TV….Lucinda had never seen luxury like it. “So young lady, let’s get you sorted out, shall we’” purred Karim, his gentle, reassuring tines belying the raging, sadistic lust coursing through his body. “Please” said Lucinda “Could you contact someone on shore, tell them I’m OK. My friends will be worried sick”. “Of course”, lied Karim. “What is your name?” “Lucinda. Lucinda Grey”. “And how old are you, Lucinda” asked Karim. For the first time, a tiny seed of doubt entered the girl’s mind. Why did he need to know her age? Still, it could do no harm to tell him. “I’ve just turned eighteen” she replied. “Really” mused the Arab. “Hmmm…you look younger”. She stood awkwardly before him, longing to remove the wetsuit which, having dried, was increasingly tight and uncomfortable. “Um…please can you let me have some clothes and let me get changed out of this wetsuit?” she asked, suddenly feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable standing before this stranger. She became suddenly aware that the boat’s engines were no longer thrumming, and glancing out of the large porthole to her left she realised that they were no longer moving across the water, but appeared to be gently drifting. As Lucinda’s tired mind tried to process this information, the cabin door opened and the two other men who had been on deck when she was rescued, plus another she has not seen before, entered the room. Karim’s expression changed. His friendly, reassuring pretence dropped and a hard, cruel glint entered his eyes. “So, young Lucinda, it’s time to pay for your rescue. It’s time to get that wetsuit off you; and no, we will not be providing you with any clothing. For what we have in mind any covering on your body would be entirely inappropriate”. Serge nodded to Abdul: “Take her down to the Black Cabin” he snapped. “Oui,mon Capitaine” quipped Abdul, his face opening into a wide, sinister grin. “I’ll` heave-to the vessel and put out the sea anchor”. Abdul grabbed Lucinda’s right arm and started to drag her out towards the companionway outside the cabin that led to the lower deck. The girl let out a shocked cry and struggled to free herself, but the black man’s powerful grip was unbreakable. “Leave me alone….what are you doing….stop it!” screamed the frightened girl as she was forced unceremoniously down to the lower regions of the yacht. The “Black Cabin” was an aft cabin, almost as large as the beautiful stateroom where Lucinda had come from, but appointed in a very different style. Again there was a large bed, but this one was a very different nature: the bedstead was wrought iron, and dangling from the four corners of the frame were ropes. A table was bolted to the dark oak cabin sole next to the bed, as was a very solid, simple wooden chair, the arms and legs of which had padded manacles attached. From the ceiling hung two manacles, attached to ropes that ran through pulleys and were tied off to cleats on the floor. Several other, more conventional and comfortable chairs were dotted around the space, No natural light entered the cabin; it was illuminated with powerful ceiling lights, and the walls were covered in full length mirrors, some of which formed the doors to large cupboards. Up against the forward bulkhead was a bathroom with toilet, sink and shower. A huge, antique sea chest was placed next to the bed.There were other details that the terrified girl didn’t note at first, such as the many video cameras that were attached strategically around the space and centred on the bed, aligned to capture all the angles. Abdul forcefully shoved the girl into this alarming space, causing her to fall to the ground., as the rest of the crew members entered the cabin. Lucinda scrambled to a corner and curled up defensively into a foetal position. “Wha…what do you what…please just take me back to shore…please don’t..” “SHUT UP YOU STUPID LITTLE BITCH” screamed The Mechanic, his face hard with rage. “Strip her” ordered Serge” Let’s see what this petite gamine looks like au naturel”. “Hold her down, Abdul” said The Mechanic, “ Let’s get this fucking wetsuit off her. Are the cameras recording?” The captain nodded in assent. Abdul grabbed both Lucinda’s arms and pinned her to the ground whilst The Mechanic walked over to the sea chest and raised its lid. He rummaged about in it, pulling out a few items and placing them on the floor as he searched for what he needed. Lucinda whimpered at what she saw removed form the chest: many of the objects she did not recognise, but some she did - a pair of leather riding crops (she had ridden horses when younger) and a cat o’ ninetails (she had seen these in pirate movies), and some coils of rope. Finally The Mechanic found what he was searching for: a very large pair of scissors. He approached Lucinda, an evil grin on his face. “’I’m afraid your wetsuit is about to become unusable, young lady”, he sneered. “But then that will soon become the least of your concerns”. He knelt down by Lucinda’s left leg and viciously grasped her naked foot. She cried out in pain as he sadistically crushed her pretty little toes in his huge, hard hand, the back of which, like the rest of his body, was covered in coarse black hair. The erotic contrast between his huge, gnarly, calloused hairy paw and Lucinda’s tiny, soft, exquisitely pretty little naked foot was not lost on the crew. Karim in particular started shaking with lust at the prospect of getting his own hands onto, and teeth into, the girl’s helpless extremities. Whilst the huge black man held her down, The Mechanic expertly cut away Lucinda’s wetsuit, slicing up the legs and arms with the scissors, ripping down the zip at the back and finally cutting it away at the crotch. Beneath the neoprene, Lucinda was wearing a simple dark blue bikini. The men all stared in wonder, admiration, and most of all lust at the exquisite young body before them. Her firm, pert, uplifted breasts were not large, but perfectly formed. The bikini top was unwired: her teen tits needed no external support. Her long, tapered legs, her perfect white skin, her lovely neck, her perfectly turned ankles, her exquisite little feet, her sensationally pretty, tear stained-face, her gorgeous long blonde hair, her green eyes, there was no part of her young body that any of them could imagine more beautiful. ‘Let’s get that fucking bikini off her” cried Serge, his rampant cock causing a massive bulge in his trousers, his desire to see her bare breasts and nipples, and her helpless little pussy almost overwhelming “All in good time, my friend” said Karim. “Why rush: such an exquisite dish should be savoured a mouthful at a time”. “Tie her to the bed” said The Mechanic. “Arms spread, feet together a the top of the frame. Let’s soften her up with some pain”. Abdul lifted the girl and threw her onto the bed, Whilst he tied her slender ankles to the base of the bed, Serge and Karim bound each wrist to a top corner until the sobbing girl was tied with her arms spread across the top of the bed and her little feet raised and exposed at the base. The Mechanic meanwhile had gone back to his cabin. He collected his large leather bag, and swallowed a large dose of Viagra: he didn’t really need it, but he wanted to make sure that when the time came he would cause Lucinda’s little cunt as much pain as possible.

The Mechanic returned to the Black Cabin, opened his bag, and withdrew a metal cylinder. It was about a foot long, with a diameter of a little under three inches. From the front end, there protruded two inch-long metal prongs, whilst towards the base twas placed a round, red button. “This, gentlemen, is commonly known as a “cattle prod”.However, it has never been used on such beasts. It delivers an excruciating electric shock to any part of the body it is applied to. This model was especially developed by the Argentine Navy to be used to, shall we say, encourage prisoners to talk. Personally, I was never interested in talk: I used it exclusively to encourage beautiful young women to scream. Let me demonstrate”. The Mechanic walked over the base of the bed to which the helpless Lucinda was tied. She was squirming in terror, unable to move her bound limbs, her arms tied spread to the top of the frame, her two ankles attached to the top of the base, the tops and soles of her feet helplessly exposed. The men stared lustfully at their lovely captive, bound and helpless, wearing only her dark blue bikini. Serge couldn’t wait to rip off her top and panties, to get his hands on her pert young breasts, his teeth into her little pussy lips, and his cock into her tight little cunt, but he was also enjoying the delicious sense of anticipation. As Karim had said, a fine meal is best appreciated a mouthful at a time. “One of the most sensitive, and in my view also beautiful, parts of a girl’s anatomy are her feet. There are over 200,000 nerve endings in each of these pretty little extremeties” explained The Mechanic, stroking Lucinda’s left foot, and causing her toes to curl, “ And I intend to cause them all to explode with pain”. So saying, he jabbed the prongs of the prod into Lucinda’s naked right sole and pressed the device’s button. There was a crackle and the faint smell of ozone as a thin blue arc of electricity shot between the instruments electrodes. Lucinda’s entire body spasmed and she let out a piercing howl as unbelievable agony seared through her little naked foot.The Mechanic kept the shock going for 3 seconds, then released the button. He waited for Lucinda to calm down a little, then repeated the attack on her other little foot. For over ten minutes the sadist continued to torture Lucinda’s naked feet, applying increasingly long shocks to her soles, the tops of her feet, and to her lovely little toes, the girls’ agonised screams reaching an ear-splitting crescendo. At last, The Mechanic forced the electrodes against her left instep and kept the shock going until, mercifully, she passed out from the pain. ‘String her up” said Karim, his sadistic lust thickening his voice. They untied the unconscious girl and dragged her onto the floor. Serge attached the manacles to her slim wrists, then used the ropes to hoist her erect. Lucinda hung from the ceiling, her little toes just touching the ground. She came round quickly, no doubt the discomfort of her new position breaking through her faint. “Oh God, oh God…What are you doing….please don’t hurt me any more …PLEASE!!!!” “Let’s get that fucking bikini off her!” shouted Serge. “I need to see this little vixen completely naked!” He grabbed Lucinda’s top and with a single vicious jerk ripped it off her chest. There was a collective gasp of appreciation at the sight that greeted the men. Lucinda’s breasts were perfect: uptilted, pert, with exquisite little pink nipples - each of her captors started plotting what they would do to them, and none of their plans were kind. “The panties are mine” snapped Karim. He went up to Lucinda, and grasped her chin, forcing her to look up into his eyes. She was so petite, and all the men towered over her: never had a girl seemed so vulnerable, and her helplessness caused an almost unbearable lust in the brutes who held her prisoner. Still forcing her to look at him by tilting her lovely face up with his left hand, Karim reached down and brutally ripped off Lucinda’s bikini panties. She let out a sob of desperation: no man had ever seen her undressed before, and now she was completely naked before a group of vile, cruel strangers. “Jesus” cried Serge, “Will you look at that … the things I’m going to do to this little mignogne…” Lucinda’s pudenda were completely smooth: her friend Chloe worked in a beauty parlour
and had persuaded her to get fully depilated as an eighteenth birthday present from her, and she had reluctantly acquiesced. She still wasn’t quite used to the feeling, and now it made her feel utterly miserable as the sadistic animals that held her captive ogled her nude form. She broke down into desperate sobs, her whole lovely body shaking as sheer terror overwhelmed her. “I wonder….” mused Karim. He kicked the girls feet apart with his boots and thrust his hand between her thighs. Lucinda snapped her legs together, but the Arab had his thigh pushed between them and she was unable to defend herself. she whimpered in despair as she felt the man’s thick finger part her labia, then let out a cry of pain as he tried to force his fingertip into her vaginal opening. “By Allah, never have I encountered a quim as tight as this” exclaimed Karim. “Stop, stop…oh please don’t ….” begged Lucinda; “I’m….I’m a ….I’m a virgin” she sobbed. Karim stepped back form the girl, and looked at his companions. “A virgin, my friends; a beautiful, helpless, naked, petite virgin. The question is, of course, which among us will have the pleasure of deflowering her, of ripping her hymen?” “We draw lots” responded Serge. Abdul, there is a pack of cards in the one of the drawers in the dining room sideboard; go get it would you”. Reluctantly, Abdul tore his lustful eyes off the naked virgin before him and went to fetch the pack. He walked awkwardly, his massive erection impeding his gait. “This little beauty looks rather pale, don’t you think?” said The Mechanic. ‘I think we should get her circulation going a bit” He walked over to the open sea chest and selected some items: a riding crop, the cat o’ nine tails and a thin cane. ‘Butt, breasts, feet and thighs only, gentlemen. We’ll leave her pussy intact….for now”. He handed the cane to Serge. “Captain, I think her lovely little ass can be your field of endeavour. Karim, take the crop: those lovely tits are yours to abuse. I will use the cat on those exquisite little feet of hers”.

It had taken Abdul a while to find the playing cards, and he was on his way back to the Black Cabin when he heard the first shrill scream of agony. Running into the cabin, he was greeted to the sight of his crewmates savagely torturing the little blonde. The captain was slicing her plump buttcheeks with a cane, leaving vivid wheals across the pale, delicate skin. Karim was laying carefully aimed strokes with a riding crop across her gorgeous breasts, eliciting particularly piercing cries from the pain-demented girl when the blows landed across her taut nipples. The Mechanic meanwhile was expertly lashing the beauty’s tiny naked feet, whipping the cat with power and unerring accuracy so that the strands sliced into the tops of each exquisitely arched foot and whipped around to slash into her soles, then reversing the direction so that her instep received the first part of the blow and the tops of her toes were caught with the knotted ends.
‘Shit! Bastards! Started without me! Give me something, for fuck’s sake!” “Take one of her feet” growled The Mechanic. He was sweating profusely form the effort, and stopped his attack briefly to strip off his shirt. His whole torso, front and back, was covered in thick, coarse hair, mostly still black, but tinged with the grey of age. He looked like some ghastly bear, and the contrast with the completely smooth, pale, feminine skin of the girl he was hurting could not have been more stark: Abdul found the sight hugely erotic. Bending down, he grasped Lucinda’s right ankle and raised her nude foot to his mouth. With a deep growl of lust, he thrust her pretty toes into his mouth and bit down, very very hard. Demented now with lust he attacked her instep, the top of her foot, her heel, every part of the defenceless ped gripped in his massive hand. Lucinda’s scream reached a new intensity as the black man’s teeth ground into her tender footflesh. The Mechanic meanwhile resumed his whipping, laying all his blows on Lucinda’s left foot, as the other crew members continued to torture her bottom and her tits. Finally, the agony was too much, and the girl passed out.
“Let’s get her back on the bed” ordered Serge “I think it’s time we got inside this little vixen”. They released Lucinda from the cuffs, and carried her back to the bed, tying her this time spreadeagled to the four corners of the bed frame.
Serge put the deck of cards on a table beside the bed . “We will each cut the deck. Highest card gets to take the girl’s virginity. Aces high.The others go in order of the cards”. One by one, the crew cut the cards. Karim drew a four, The Mechanic a seven, Serge a nine. Abdul went last - and drew a King. “YES” he shouted. “Her little virgin twat is mine!” “Lucky fucking bastard” muttered Karim. “So, Abdul first, me second, The Mechanic third, and Karim last…too bad for you, you Arab bastard” smirked the Captain, looking at Karim. “Just pray her pussy isn’t totally destroyed by the time it’s your turn!” “Huh,”grunted Karim. “If it is, there are always other options”.

As Lucinda returned to consciousness, the men prepared themselves . They removed their tops, but kept their trousers and boots on. They all shared the opinion that in a rape situation, the victim should be naked but the perpetrator should be mostly dressed, and certainly booted. It increased the feeling of utter powerlessness of the girl. The only exception was The Mechanic, who removed all his clothing except his huge leather sea boots: he knew from long experience that his horrible, powerful but bloated body, covered in thick animal-like hair, elicited utter terror and disgust in women, and nothing tightens an unwilling pussy more than a cocktail of fear, disgust… and of course pain.

Abdul walked over to the top of the bed and thrust his face into Lucinda’s terrified visage. “Hello, little girl” he cooed. “I have some terrible news for you. I am about to savagely rape you: if you think the pain you have so far endured was bad, prepare yourself for something infinitely worse. Prepare to suffer, ma belle, prepare to scream!” Abdul pulled down his zipper and released his fully engorged penis. So hard, so turgid was it that it stood up almost vertically from his abdomen. “See this” he screamed at her, grabbing her head and forcing to gaze upon his throbbing cock, “This is going inside you! ALL OF IT!”

The sight of Abdul’s monstrous erect member sent Lucinda into complete meltdown. It was insanely long, at least twelve inches. But even more terrifying was it’s girth: a good three inches in diameter. The virgin girl had never seen a man’s erect penis before, but she knew from sex education classes at school that this was a total freak of nature. She had seen stallions with erections at the stables where she used to ride before; this man’s weapon was like one of those! It would kill her for sure! This could not be happening! ‘NOnononono…..You can’t…It won’t fit…You’ll kill me”. ‘“Only one way to find out, isn’t there” snarled Abdul.
Abdul had never actually raped a girl to death, but he had never been able to penetrate any woman, no matter how experienced, without causing terrible pain and damage. It was fortunate therefore that he never had any desire to “make love”: rape was his bag, and the more pain he could cause his victim, the greater his sexual pleasure. And a petite, gorgeous virgin like Lucinda would be the ultimate prize. Lucinda whimpered and begged incoherently, thrashing against her bonds, overwhelmed by the horror of her situation. Leaving her wrists bound to the top of the bedstead, Abdul untied her ankles, and gripping her little naked feet in his hands, bent Lucinda’s legs and forced her knees up towards her pert naked breasts, thoroughly exposing her helpless sex. His cock was so rigid now that he had no need of a hand to guide it to her pudenda, and he used his glans to force apart her petal-like cunt-lips. “Now, ma petite” he growled; “Prepare to have your little virgin pussy ripped apart. This is going to really, really hurt. You have my permission to scream yourself hoarse!”’ She was beyond tight, and the other men couldn’t see how such a gigantic penis could possibly enter such a tiny virgin aperture. But they hadn’t reckoned on Abdul’s immense strength, nor the insane hardness of his erection, and somehow his massive glans was forced into the entrance of Lucinda’s defenceless slit. Then, with a mighty thrust, Abdul rammed his massively engorged manhood into her desperately tight, unwilling quim. His grotesque cockhead met the pathetic resistance of her hymen, and he held back briefly to savour the moment of her imminent defloration. “EEEARRGH…Stop…Stop..” begged Lucinda, “Take it out..It hurts….It…” But the girl never finished her plea. Instead her let out a piercing screech of unbearable pain as Abdul, with merciless savagery, smashed through the delicate membrane, ripping apart her virginity. His ears rang with Lucinda’s high-pitched wail as her tortured cunt exploded with agony, and he felt the moisture of her blood coat his invading cock as he plunged ever-deeper towards her cervix. He bellowed as he began raping the petite beauty with brutal, merciless force, savagely bruising her delicate labia and tearing her vaginal tissues. Lucinda screamed in agony as the bestial rapist destroyed her spasming, cruelly dry virgin cunt, the blood from her torn sex dried by the relentless friction of the colossal rape-tool inside her. Her cries grew in ever greater volume as he forced his monstrous cock deeper and deeper into her deeply injured sheath. As if the agony of the vicious rape was not enough suffering to visit on his lovely young victim, Abdul used his huge, powerful gnarled hands to crushingly pump her delicate little naked feet in rhythm with his increasingly rapid penetrations. The girl thrashed wildly, her wrists bleeding from the ropes that bound them as she desperately struggled to escape her immolation, her shrieks of agony counterpointing the deep guttural grunts of lust of her sadistic rapist. He was smashing into her cervix now, each blow sending waves of unimaginable pain searing though the teenager’s petite body. As he neared climax, the violater raised Lucinda’s left foot to his mouth and began grinding his teeth into the delicate, incredibly sensitive flesh of her dainty instep. The girl was insane with agony now, her shrieks and thrashing body completely out of control until, at last, with a beast-like roar, Abdul forced his massive boots down against the bottom of the bed and thrust his grotesque member into her ruined cunt with insane force, smashing up against her bloodied, horribly bruised cervix as his throbbing cock ejaculated inside Lucinda’s tortured pussy, pumping gobbet after gobbet of his infernal sperm into her destroyed sex.

Abdul flopped down on top of the sobbing, pain-racked girl., his breath heavy, washed over with the deep pleasure that always followed a good rape. “Come on, you bastard, get off her” exclaimed Serge, “The rest of us want our turn”. Abdul pulled out of Lucinda, but even though his cock was now semi-limp, so tight was she that the withdrawal caused her once again to scream in pain. ”He’s ruined her”, complained Karim. “I know we all have unusually large members, but she’ll hardly notice any other cock rammed up her after having that monstrous black snake rip her up”. “On the contrary”, said The Mechanic, ‘“Further rapes will hurt her even more, She’s torn and abraded and even a finger inside her will cause her immense pain. See…” So saying, he pushed his forefinger into Lucinda’s ravaged quim. ‘AAAEEEEEEE!!!!!” she screamed , kicking out with her legs at her tormentor. “Anyway, I have methods that will tighten her up even more . Tie her ankles up again and get her spreadeagled. It’s time for you gentlemen to once more watch an expert at work”. Karim grasped Lucinda’s right ankle and tied it to the base of the bed, whislt Abdul dealt with her right limb. The Suadanese beast was already getting hard again, and he took the opportunity to indulge his foot fetish once more, thrusting Lucinda’s pretty little toes into his mouth and biting down hard. A shrill screech escaped her pretty mouth, and the other men stared hard at Abdul. “Leave her alone: it’s someone else’s turn to hurt her” snarled Karim. “You’ll get another go in due course”.
With the girl once more tied down spreadeagled, The Mechanic retrieved his cattle prod, and positioned himself to one side of the bed. He let the sobbing girl see it, watched her eyes widen in terror as she remembered the pain he had caused her with it before. Slowly he ran the tip of the instrument up and down her body, without activating it, starting at the tips off her pretty toes, up her lovely tapered leg, across her belly, until it rested on her right breast, the electrodes lying on either side of the virginal nipple. Lucinda’s body tightened, shuddering in anticipation. But nothing could have prepared her for the sudden excruciating pain that shot though her breast as the Mechanic pressed the button and sent the current surging across her tender nipple. “AAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEYAHHHHH” she screamed, her body bucking wildly. Her torturer let the shock pulse through her lovely tit for a full fifteen seconds before pausing. A moment for her to recover, and then the other nipple received a similar visitation. Six times on each breast; then a short reprieve as The Mechanic waited for the girls’ body to cease spasming. Then, to Lucinda’s utter horror, she felt the prod being slowly dragged down her torso, past her navel, past her mons, until the infernal instrument’s terrible prongs lay against her raped vagina. The sadist carefully manoeuvred the end of the device between Lucinda’s bruised labia. He let it sit there a while as the helpless girl trembled in fear. Then he depressed the button.
Lucinda screamed in utter agony as the electricity surged through her little quim, the semen and blood from her earlier rape moistening her and conducting the current perfectly through the desperately tender tissues of her torn vagina, her shrieks so loud that the men’s ears would be ringing for hours. Her back arched up off the bed, her wrists and ankles straining at the ropes that held her spreadeagled. The Mechanic continued to press the devilish prod between her labia, adjusting the position of the prod so that one electrode was placed above her clitoris and the other below it, the blue arcing charge of electricity centring on the tiny nub. Lucinda started frothing at the mouth, her pretty little toes spread in agony, her slender fingers clutching wildly at the empty air, her whole lithe body spasming in agony, until, with a terrible final shudder, she passed out from the unbearable pain. “Fuck it, you’re killing her” exclaimed Serge. “No way have we finished with this little doll”. “Don’t worry”, snarled The Mechanic , “I know what I’m doing. I’m a professional: I can gauge just how much pain a girl can take. If you rape this little beauty once she comes round, you’ll find the torture I inflicted on her little pussy will have made it nice and tight again!” Serge walked over to the bathroom and brought back a bowl of hot soapy water, a cloth and a towel, and proceeded to clean up the unconscious girl’s pudenda. ‘What are you doing that for?” asked Karim, amused. “I want a clean, dry start to proceedings” answered the Frenchman. When he had finished cleaning the girl’s injured sex to his liking, he started lightly slapping her face, trying to bring her round. ‘Wait,’ said The Mechanic. He delved into his bag and produced a syring. “What’s that?” queried Serge. “Adrenaline: it will prevent her passing out so easily: we used to use on the girls back in the Argentine - sometimes we could keep them conscious for hours of torture without them fainting”. He jabbed the needle brutally into Lucinda’s arm and injected the drug. Almost immediately her eyes snapped open, and with a sharp intake of breath the girl was once again fully conscious. “All yours, Capitaine” said The Mechanic. “I’m next after you. Let’s see whose cock can cause her the most pain!”

Serge climbed onto the bed and knelt between Lucinda’s outstretched legs. The sight of this exquisite young beauty spreadeagled and completely helpless was beyond exciting, and his hand was trembling with lust as he unzipped his flies and pulled out his erection. Although not of the same beastial enormity of Abduls’ tool, Serge’s weapon was nonetheless a formidable sight. A good nine inches long, thick and with a huge prominent purple glans, it had accounted for many torn vaginas, and he had no doubt he was about to add to his tally of tortured pussies. “Oh please, no more. I’m so sore, it hurts so much in there, please ….please…please i’m begging you”, whimpered the distraught teen. “Beg all you like, mon enfant”, sneered Serge, “It will do you no good. I am not a merciful man”. Bending at the waist, the captain dropped his face down between Lucinda’s silky thighs and inhaled her girl-scent. Putting his lips to her sex, he sucked the tender petals of her labia into his mouth, revelling in their soft vulnerability. Then he bit down, hard, with all the strength of his jaws. Lucinda’s shrieked in pain as the sadistic brute chewed her sex-lips, tasting blood as he ground his teeth into the delicate flesh. NNOOOEEEEEAHHHHHRRRR”: incoherent screeches of pure suffering exploded from the tortured teen as she thrashed uselessly against her bonds in a desperate attempt to escape the searing pain that shot through her delicate pudenda. But there was no relief to be found, and for several minutes her attacker savaged her sex, biting and chewing and gnawing at her like a wild beast devouring its prey. Rampant now with overwhelming lust, Serge sat up, shuffled forward between the girl’s legs, and pushed his cockhead in between her bleeding labia, his glans up against her vaginal opening. The Mechanic had been correct: she felt unbelievably tight, almost impenetrable, the tortures inflicted on her by the cattle prod and his teeth having caused her pussy to go into spasm. ‘“See”, said The Mechanic, observing the difficulty Serge was having in forcing his entry. “it is a phenomenon called “vaginismus”. The cunt goes into a protective spasm: bad news for the woman if what she is trying to keep out is forced in, though. Vastly Increases the pain she suffers. Go on, rip her up!” Serge needed no encouragement. With a brutal thrust, he forced the first four inches of his cock into the girl’s insanely tight vagina, eliciting a high-pitched scream of pure agony form her pretty lips.

Lucinda began weeping and sobbing as Serge’s cock reopened the tears that had been inflicted by her first rape, as his thick nine-inch cock rasped against her naked little pussy lips. Bound though she was, Lucinda tried to squirm away from her attacker, but with one massive hand, he grasped the girl’s slender waist and pulled her onto himself, slowly increasing the pressure until the girl’s sobs turned once more into shrieks of pain as she felt herself being stretched open to admit him into her defenseless body. Serge had forced his thick cock head almost all the way through the girl’s vaginal muscle when she felt something inside her tear. She screamed, and Serge groaned with pleasure. This was going even better than he’d hoped. He’d hardly gotten started on the girl and already his cock was hurting her terribly. His desire to torture the lovely little teen was, if anything, even greater than his need to rape her. Now each lust was complementing the other and beginning to raise his sexual pleasure to unbelievable heights.
Though it had been painfully stretched, the girl’s vaginal channel was still incredibly tight. So Serge, holding the tip of his cock inside the struggling girl, gripped and lifted her waist with two hands, got up on his knees, and then forced her body onto his cock with one powerful motion. He felt his huge weapon smash its way into the fragile barrier of her cervix. Lucinda gasped, her body stiffened; then her back arched and she shrieked in agony. Serge snorted like a bull in rut, spit and snot flying from his mouth and nose as all humanity left him and he became an unstoppable rape-machine. Crying in pain, the skewered girl thrashed about wildly, but the rapist held her impaled on himself for almost a minute to enjoy what her frantic struggles were doing to his deeply imbedded cock. He lifted Lucinda almost completely off his throbbing member, paused for a moment, and quickly pulled her all the way back onto himself again. And again she screamed. He looked down and saw that his huge cock was making a noticeable bulge in the girl’s underbelly. No wonder she screamed each time he impaled her on himself!
Lubricated with blood from her recently ripped hymen and partially ruptured vaginal passage, Serge pulled Lucinda off his cock once again and then forced her back onto himself, harder this time. She shrieked and convulsively thrashed her head from side to side, lifting her shoulders off the mattress as if she was attempting to double over from the pain. His excitement building, Serge began to pull the bitterly sobbing little beauty off and on his cock with a slow, steady rhythm, almost as if the two-hundred pound sadist was using the eighteen year-old girl’s slight body to jerk himself off!
Grunting and snorting with sexual pleasure, Serge picked up the pace , harder, faster, hurting the girl more each time he impaled her. To hysterically screaming Lucinda, it felt like her insides were being beaten and torn apart at the same time. With each intensely painful blow to her womb feeling like it was about to destroy her, the helpless girl was being flailed about like a rag doll. Panicked, she thought “He’s killing me!!” Nothing else could hurt this much!!! As Serge’s thrusts became ever more brutal and rapid, he felt his balls tighten as he approached his climax. Leaning forward, he took Lucinda’s right nipple in his mouth and bit down with all his might. The girl’s body arched in agony, and an ear splitting scream escaped her open mouth as her brutal rapist came inside her, pumping his sperm into her ravaged quim as blood from her crushed nipple oozed into his mouth. He rested a few moments on top of her, then sat up and looked down at her lovely tear-stained face, before dropping his gaze to her crotch. His cock was still inside her, and as it lost its rigidity blood and spunk oozed out of her devastated quim. He withdrew harshly, still big enough to cause suction as his glans popped out of her tortured sex. Sighing with satisfaction, Serge left the bed and went to the bathroom to clean himself off, leaving Lucinda writhing and weeping in her bonds.


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