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  • Hi, I'm definitely interested in the idea of Incest Roleplay. I like the idea and have some pairings I would love to try:

    Father and Brother team up and rape sister
    Daddy with twin daughters and brother. He could team up with his son and rape the twins, making them their rape slaves. Sometimes they would coerce the twins one at a time to help them rape her sister.

    If you're still interested in doing scenarios like this, please feel free to PM me or if you have KIK Messenger (my messenger of choice), you can add my handle which is PrincessRavishMe and if you come across the screen name CleoDemi, that's me!

    Would love to play with you!
    Okay. But one of the group messaging apps would work better. Its like email...but.also like texting if we are both available. Less waiting :)
    regarding yoru post on the young mother thread in the stories forum. I'm happy to share stories regarding the humiliation of women especially when they are in a position of authority. email me at averagejoepornlover@yahoo.com if you have any good stories. I have about 30 you may like. leave me your email addy and I'll send you what I have to.


    average joe
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