Taylor B's Adventure


May 28, 2011
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This is set after the cabin

Bob was living the life collecting money from the government due to COVID . Bob had saved enough money to buy himself a small cottage in a rural area, with not many people around mostly farms.

Buying a rural cottage became a fascination of Bob's. Ever since Jack and He spent the weekend at the remote cabin with Emily and Katie , Bob knew he needed a rural location to hace more "Adventures". Bob was feeling the itch to go find himself a hottie.

Bob started to attend sporting events at the local school. First he found himself looking at the cheerleaders, He then fondly remembered his time with Katie. Bob decided he already had a cheerleader and should look someplace else.

There were two other girls sports going on at that time volleyball and track. Bob went to the next track meet and saw several possibilities, one blonde one brunette. Yet he felt that he really wanted another red head.

Bob decided to check out the volleyball team the next night. As Bob parked at the school he noticed the girls team finding their way into the building. One thing he found odd some of the girls were wearing face masks still.

After getting into the building and finding himself a seat on the bleachers, Bob saw the home team filter into the gym. He watched as each girl passed him, Definitely a few good looking ones in these tight spandex.

Then the away team made there way into the gym. Bobs was watching as they got setup on their side of the gym. Once both teams were situated, it was time for the game to start. The accoucer went over the game and read team rosters. After that the refs called over the team captains. Bob sort of remembered the home teams captain was named Samantha, and he thought the away teams captian was Taylor.

As the two captians made their way to the refs , Bob noticed that the away teams captain had a slender figure with larger breasts. But what really grabbed his attention was her red hair. Bob thought to himself this might be the one I've been looking for.

Watching closely as the refs had a quick briefing, Bob saw Taylor he believed her name was talk to Samantha or whatever her name was and the game began.

Bob was listening closely to the announcer as he called the players names. Bob was able to figure out the away captain was named Taylor B and she was a senior at her school. Now all he needed was to find a way to get her away from everyone else.
Bob watched the game for a few minutes longer then decided to scope out the locker rooms. On his way down the hall he noticed there was a maintenance room right by the locker room exit. After a quick look around Bob used his card for jimmy the block striker on the maintenance room door. Once inside he saw doors to the rear of the school. That was exactly what Bob needed, he knew there was a easy exit there. Taking a piece of cardboard Bob sticks it in the lockntoneast rentry. Bob made his way back up past the gym, he noticed that the game was still going on . Bob quickly made his way to the parking lot to his Tahoe. He started the Tahoe and drove it by the maintenance room doors.

Once Bob gets out of the Tahoe he went around back and opened the tailgate, inside he grabbed his polo with the county logo and puts it on. Next Bob takes the magnets with then county logo on them places one on each door of then Tahoe. Bob then walks back to the rear of the Tahoe, he reaches in his bag grabs a pair of handcuffs and packing tape. Before shutting the tailgate he also stuffed a face mask in his pocket.

Walking back around then front of the building Bob heard back towards the gym, he sees the game is almost over. Hopefully they get to locker room and changed and quickly, Bob goes down the hall towards the lockers to see if they can find Taylor. It wasn't 10 minutes later most of the teams had headed out of locker room areas. Not one player seemed to pay Bob any attention in his county shirt. A few minutes later Bob heard two girls talking one just happened to be Taylor. Taylor told her teammate Lilly that she would grab the team's gear and taken with her back in her car. This is exactly the opening Bob was looking for, as Lilly walked away to catch up to the reset of the team, Bob saw Taylor starting up the hall towards him, she was wearing a volleyball pool over with her name on it, and a Blue checkered skirt. That must be her school uniform and colors Bob quickly through then realized he didn't care but her pullover would come in handy. Taylor was walking not paying him much attention as she carried her bag and then teams equipment.

As Taylor got closer to Bob he saw she still wasn't paying attention to him. Bob noticed they were all alone, he stepped out in front of Taylor and said "excuse me Taylor , can I have a word with you about your vehicle..please step into my office". Knowing when did not know any better with his official looking shirt, she nodded and folows him towards the maintenance room. Bob pushes then door open with his back and enter the room. Taylor was following him out the maintenance room, Bob thoughtnhkw great this is working out.

By the time they both entered the maintenance room and the door closed both of them were out of sight of the hallway. Bob wasn't sure if Taylor had figured out this was a trap or not but Bob wasn't going to take any chances. Bob pushes Taylor up against the far wall, at the same time he reaches into his pocket for his knife. Bob flashes the blade at Taylor and tells her "you best stay quiet if you know what is good for you", Taylor had tears coming from her eyes and made little sniffling noises, but didn't yell. Bob was ready to get her secure and transported out to his cottage.

Taylor standing in front of you with the deer in the headlights look seemed to be waiting to see what was going to happen next. Bob reaches into his pocket and pulls out the shiney Chrome handcuffs, Taylor gasped as she saw the handcuffs, then pleaded "please don't hurt me". Bob seeing Taylor was frightened and he knew he wanted to keep her under his control. Looking into Taylor's face watching the tears fall, bob said to her " if you don't want to get hurt listening carefully understand?". Bob waited for Taylor to nod her head, then he said "I'm going to hand you these handcuffs and your going to slip on on your wrist, then put your hands inside your pull over pockets and fasten the other other cuff....do you understand?".

Taken back at what Bob said but deathly afraid of the knife Taylor nodded , Bob reached out his hand towards taylor the handcuffs clinking as the moved . Smiling at Taylor Bob said "ok now take these handcuffs and put them on like we talked about, and I want to hear them click.. believe me you don't want to test me..".. Taylor with shaking hands grabs the handcuffs from Bob she was easily able to ratchet the right handcuff on. Taylor pleaded "please dont..". But was cut off by Bob as he said "cuff yourself now". That was enough of a boost to get Taylor to put her hands into her pullover pocket and ratchet the other cuff clumbsily onto her wrist.

Now that her hands were secure Bob said "hold still I'm going to check these cuffs, you better have made them tight". Reaching his hand forward and down into Taylor's pull over he was pleased to find her hands tightly cuffed and out of sight. Bob said to Taylor "good girl". Bob pulls his hand from her pullover, and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out some clear packing tape, looks back and Taylor and says "close your lips so I can tape your mouth". Taylor wimpered and said "please don't I'll be good", Bob wasn't going to have any of her pleading he ripped off a piece of tape and said "close you lips now". Taylor saw the tape coming towards her and tryed to turn her head, Bob followed her movements. Just as Taylor did that Bob placed the clear tape over her lips sealing her mouth shut. As the tape was being applied to Taylor's lips Bob heard her let out a crying moan.

Now that Taylor was handcuffed and taped bob was almost ready to move her he reaches back into his pocket and grabs the face mask. Bob put the mask over Taylor's mouth and then her ears. If anyone saw her they would have no clue she.was handcuffed and gagged.
18 year old Taylor was on top of the world, during her senior year she was named Captain for her school's girls volleyball team. Taylor realized all the practices and camps paid off being named Captain. She was not planning to let her team down this season hopefully they would win the playoffs.

Asthe away team made there way into the gym, Taylor got the que to bring in her team both teams were now situated, Taylor thought to herseld "time for the game to start". They had their opening and read team rosters, then the refs called over the team captains. Taylor made way to the center along with Samantha from the home team.

As the two captians made their way to the refs they went over the rules real quick, then wished each other good luck. Taylor saw the boys looking at her in the spandex uniform, she has a slender figure with firm c cup breasts, freckles and red hair. Taylor was excited to her the game started, this washer first as Captain and she was ready for the chance to prove herself.

Playing hard with her team Taylor and the others managed to come close but didn't win. Samantha came over and congratulated heron a great game, Samantha also said "hopefully we can play each other again". Taylor made her way to locker room and changed and quickly, it was her schools policy to travel in their school uniforms. Taylor put on her white blouse, blue checked skirt and topped it off with her volleyball pullover.

A few minutes later most of the teams had headed out of locker room areas. Taylor was chatting with her teamate Lilly about her plansfornthe weekend,she also mentioned to Lilly that Monday was her last dentist appointment before her braces would be removed. As they were heading out they realized they forgot to grab somevear. Taylor told Lilly that she would grab the team's gear and get it back to school. After grabbing the gear Taylor made her way back up the hall towards the doors, she saw a man who had a official county shirt on. In her own world Taylor was walking not paying him much attention as she carried her bag and then teams equipment.

As Taylor got closer to the man she heard him say "excuse me Taylor? , can I have a word with you about your vehicle..please step into my office". Taylor nodded and folows him towards the maintenance room, not knowing what was going on but was sure a county worker must need her for something. The man pushes door open with his back and enter the room. Taylor was following him through the doorway into what looked like a maintenance room. She quickly dismissed then thought something was wrong as the man was a county employee.

They both entered the maintenance room and the door closed ,Taylor realized both of them were out of sight of the hallway but still not worried. The man sprang quickly and pushedTaylor up against the far wall, and almost at the same time pulls from his pocket a knife. The man flashed the blade at Taylor and tells her "you best stay quiet if you know what is good for you".

Taylor became very worried, she felt as if she walked herself into a trap. Taylor felt her cheeks become wet as she had tears coming from her eyes. Taylor started to make little sniffling noises to herself but kept herself from yelling. Taylor was standing in front of the man, she froze like the deer in the headlights. Taylor stayed frozen as she was waiting to see what was going to happen next.

The man reached into his pocket and pulls out the shiney Chrome handcuffs, Taylor let out a audible gasp as she saw the handcuffs, Taylor realized that this was most likely a kidnapping and not a robbery. She decided to make a plea to the mand and said "please don't hurt me". The man could see Taylor was frightened and knew he wanted to keep her under his control. The man took a look into Taylor's face watching the tears, the man said to her " if you don't want to get hurt listening carefully understand?". Taylor afraid for her life and not wanting to anged the man nodded her head.

After Taylor nodded her head he said "I'm going to hand you these handcuffs and your going to slip on on your wrist, then put your hands inside your pull over pockets and fasten the other other cuff....do you understand?". Taylor was completely taken back at what the man had just said, but deathly afraid of the knife so she nodded in understanding. The man then reached out his hand towards Taylor, the handcuffs clinked so loud as the moved .

The man was Smiling at Taylor and said "ok now take these handcuffs and put them on like we talked about, and I want to hear them click.. believe me you don't want to test me..".. Taylor with shaking hands grabs the handcuffs from Bob she was easily able to ratchet the right handcuff on. Taylor shaking like a leaf as she realized would be trapped unable to defend herself, she pleaded "please dont..". But was cut off by the man's commanding voice as he said "cuff yourself now". That out urst shook taylor she quickly put her hands into her pullover pocket and ratchet the other cuff clumbsily onto her wrist.

Taylor now had her hands secured inside her pullover the man said "hold still I'm going to check these cuffs, you better have made them tight". The man not so gently shoved his hand forward and down into Taylor's pull over, she had made sure her hands tightly cuffed. The man then said to Taylor "good girl". He pulled his hand from her pullover, and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out some clear packing tape, looks back and Taylor and says "close your lips so I can tape your mouth". Taylor became very frighted when she saw the tape, not only was she not able to defend herself she would not be able to protest either. Taylor wimpered and said "please don't I'll be good". Almost as if he didn't hear her the man ripped off a piece of tape and said "close you lips now".

Taylor saw the tape and didn't want the man to seal her lips, she saw the tape coming towards her and tried to turn her head, Just as Taylor did the man followed her movement and. placed the clear tape over her lips sealing her mouth shut. As the tape was being applied to Taylor's lips Taylor was upset and let out a crying moan.

Now that Taylor was handcuffed and taped with no way to defend herself she sees the man reach back into his pocket and grabs the face mask. That puzzled Taylor why would the man need a mask. Her question was soon answered as the man put the mask over Taylor's mouth and then her ears. Taylor shrieked as she just realized that If anyone saw her they would have no clue she was handcuffed and gagged.
Now that Taylor was handcuffed and gagged Bob was ready to get Taylor into his Tahoe.
Spinning her around so she was facing the exit where his truck was, Bob placed a hand on her shoulder and said "were going to walk out that door and to the passenger side of the Tahoe parked out there.... Be quiet don't try anything stupid and you'll be fine.... Understood?". Bob waited for Taylor to take in his words , but he noticed her nod in understanding.

Giving Taylor a light push on her shoulder as his arm went down to grab her by the elbow in a escort position, they made their way to the back of the maintenance room towards doors. Once they reached the doors Bob slowly pushed open the door with his other arm, giving a quick peak he noticed noone was around. Bob pulled Taylor with him to the passenger side the Tahoe, he opened the door and said "climb in sit down and I'll buckle you in". With a slight smirk Bob watched as Taylor made her way to the passenger seat. He was not sure if she was having issues due to her hands being cuffed or if she was shaking with fear. Bob figured probably some of both, once Taylor was seated in the passenger seat Bob leaned in grabbed to seatbelt and buckled Taylor into place.

One thing Bob was sure of he didn't need to be stopped for a seatbelt violation, and besides buckling Taylor in was another way to keep her restrainted. Bob then shut the passenger door and made his was around to the driver's side. He cut in buckled himself in and started the engine.

Since there was no one around Bob was in no hurry, he put the Tahoe in reverse and pulled out of the parking spot. Bob says to Taylor "just sit still and quiet we will talk one we hit the cottage". Spinning the truck around and then slowly leaving the school not attracting any attention to himself. Bob made his way across the county to me the backroads, he knew those well seldom traveled by law enforcement and no cameras along the roof.

Bob finally arrived at the gate to his cottage, he pushes the botton on the remote to open the gate, they drive in and Bob quickly shuts the gate. Now that they are safely inside his property, Bob pulls the Tahoe up to the cabin. Bob gets out of the Tahoe, but before he gets Taylor out he pulls the magnets off and puts them back into his trunk.

Shutting the tailgate, Bob walks back up to the passenger door and opens it. He can see that opening the door had stunned Taylor. Bob reaches towards the seatbelt buckle and says to Taylor "I'm going to unbuckle the seatbelt now and your going to not fight me as we head to that cottage understand?". Taylor again nodded at Bobs words, Bob then reached over and hit the seatbelt release. Once free of the seatbelt, Bob grabbed Taylor's elbow again and helped her stand up outside the Tahoe. As the started towards to caving Bob gave the door s gentle nudge to shut.

Arriving on the porch while still holding Taylor ,Bob enters the combination to the lock. They both hear the bolt retract. Bob opens the door and pushes Taylor inside. He dragged her over to a wooden chair that he had pulled out earlier from the dining room.

Bob pushes Taylor over to the chair and tells her "Sit down in the chair and we can talk". Taylor seemed to quickly follow that command as she sat in the chair. Bob then let go of her elbow and ran his hand up her arm to Taylor's head. Bob brushed some of the hairs off her ears ,and then proceeded to take the face mask off her head.

Sitting in the chair was Bob's type of girl a 18 schoolgirl in a blue checkered skirt and pull over. She was also not going to be a issue as he had her handcuffed and gagged. Standing next to Taylor Bob looks down at her red hair, then noticed tears falling down her freckled cheeks.
Wonderful begining to another adventure.. cant wait to see what Bob has instore for her. Cant wait for him to just take her... great job....
Taylor was feeling totally helpless and vulnerable as she was handcuffed and gagged. Taylor let out a little squeal is Bob spun her around so she was facing the exit. She did not know what to expect next but sure it wasn't going to be good, then Bob placed a hand on her shoulder and said "were going to walk out that door and to the passenger side of the Tahoe parked out there.... Be quiet don't try anything stupid and you'll be fine.... Understood?". Taylor took in the words still sniffling she nods her in understanding.

Bob pushed Taylor on her shoulder , then he felt his rough hand as he went to grab her by the elbow. Taylor felt Bobs firm grip on her arm as they began to make their way to the back doors.

At the doors Bob slowly pushed open the door with his other arm. Dragging Taylor along with him, Bob reaches the passenger side of the Tahoe, then Taylor watched as he quickly opens the door. Heading Bob then say "climb in sit down and I'll buckle you in", Taylor knew this was protjust tbe beginning . Grunting with no other way to express herself, Taylor made her way to the passenger seat clumsily getting in without the use of her hands. Taylor was definitely shaking with fear not knowing what would happen next, once seated in the passenger seat Bob leaned in grabbed to seatbelt and buckled her into place. Taylor realized that she was now trapped and stuck in the SUV with no way to protior even open the door.

Bob then shut the passenger door and made his was around to the driver's side. Long seconds seemed to take forever to Taylor as Bob walked around and buckled himself in and started the engine. Tears were falling from Taylor's eyes anddown her cheeks as Bob put the Tahoe in reverse and pulled out of the parking spot. Taylor was surprised to hear Bob say "just sit still and quiet we will talk one we hit the cottage", Taylor nodded her head in understanding. The the made its way across the county using mostly backroads ad side streets. Taylor found herself wondering where they were hearing, the cottage must be pretty far out there she thought.

Pulling up the lane Taylor sees a gate then watches as Bob hit his remote to open the gate. Still with no clear direction what is going to happen Taylor still had tears falling as Bob pulls the Tahoe up to the cabin. Heading steps as Bob got out and I'd something at the back of the tahoe, Taylor was actually a bit surprised when Bob comes to the passenger door and opens it. Taylor Sat still as Bob reached towards the seatbelt buckle. Taylor then heard him say "I'm going to unbuckle the seatbelt now and your going to not fight me as we head to that cottage understand?". Taylor again nodded at Bobs words knowing there really isn't much choice. Everything still felt like hours as Bob reached over and hit the seatbelt release. Once Tahoe was free of the seatbelt she felt Bob grab her elbow again and helped her stand up outside the Tahoe. Walking towards the cottage Taylor felt Bobs slight movement as she shut the Tahoe's door.

They make their way to the porch ,Taylor notices as Bob stopswhike still holding her elbow he enters the combination to the lock. Taylor recognizesthe lock asits similar to the one they have as home, she hears a familiar sound as the bolt retracts. Once the lock was open Taylor filled with fear watches as Bob opens the door. Taylor feels a jerk as Bob quickly pulls her inside, she is dragged her over to a wooden chair that was in the middle of the room.

Taylor is right in front of the chair with her legs feeling weak as she is shaking. But Taylor was paying attention as Bob tells her "Sit down in the chair and we can talk". Taylor seemed to quickly follow that command as she sat in the chair. Taylor felt as Bob then let go of her elbow, her tears still falling Taylor began to try to pull away as Bob ran his hand up her arm to her head. Taylor couldn't stop Bob as he brushed some of the hairs off her ears he takes the face mask off her head, she wasn't sure if that was to make it better or worse.

Trapped in the chair Taylor thinks, "I'm wearing my blue checkered skirt and pull over, he might be able to see up my skirt". She quickly makes sure her legs are closed. Taylor tries to bring her hand down to make sure her skit is covering her and is quickly reminded that she is handcuffed and gagged. That's when the sobbing and tears falling down her freckled cheeks.
Bob is looking at Taylor sitting on the chair as she tries to bring her hand down to make sure her skit is covering her. He watches closely as she starts sobbing and tears falling down her freckled cheeks. Bob is looking at her slender figure racked with sobs, her large breasts were jiggling as she wept. Tears were going down her cheeks past her taped mouth and onto her top.

Knowing Taylor was feeling very vulnerable at the time Bob decided now would be a good time to probe her for some information. Stepping to the right side of the chair Taylor was sitting in Bob leans down and said " I'm going to peel this tape off your lips and we can chat a bit, Scream and it stays on". He let Taylor process his words for a few seconds and the said "understand?". Bob waited for Taylor to nod her head in understanding.

Bob reaches his left arm down to Taylors lips, he slowly starts to peel back the packing tape. Going slowly Bob remove the tape carefully it to hurt her lips he had plans for those later.

Once the tape was off Taylors lips he stuck to the back of the chair top in case he needed it later. Coming around in front of the chair Bob looks at Taylor sitting there her sobbing more audible.

Smiling himself Bob said to Taylor " Now that we can talk tell me about yourself.... How old are you?.... Where is your boyfriend didn't see him at the volleyball game?.". Knowing the answer to these questions Bob waited patiently for Taylor to answer.

Seeing Taylor give him a puzzled look after he pulled the packing tape off her lips, Bob could tell Taylor was taken back by his questions. Bob looked right into her eyes as she sat still, that must have been enough for Taylor to get the message.

Bob was smiling to himself as Taylor began to answer his questions. Taylor was still slightly sobbing as she said "I just turned 18 two weeks ago". There were more sniffles and then Taylor said " I have never had a boyfriend between school and volleyball I don't have time". All the things ke Bob knew these answers he just wanted to hear them from Taylor.

As Taylor was answering Bob's questions and her lips were trembling, Bob noticed the metallic lines of her braces. Wondering why she has braces at her age Bob decided to ask her " Is that metallic braces I see on your teeth?". He followed with " Aren't you a bit old for braces?".

Still sobbing to herself Taylor answered Bob's questions "yes I still have my braces, I had hoped to get them off but COVID delayed everything". Openly smiling Bob said " That's perfectly ok Taylor, nothing cuter then a fiery redhead with braces". Taylor let you a gasp abd Bob took his left hand and ran it down Taylors head until he reached her chin.

Grabbing Taylor's chin Bob lifts her face up so he can look down into her eyes. Looking straight into her blue eyes Bob said "let's talk about what your going to do for me".
Taylor was sitting in the chair as she tries to bring her hands down to make sure her skit is covering her powder blue panties . As the realization hits her that her hands are handcuffed inside her pull over, tears falling down her freckled cheeks. Taylor's right athletic figure racked with sobs, her large breasts were jiggling as she wept. Taylor was always uncomfortable with the size of her breasts, when tried to hide them in a tight sports bra. The tears were rolling her cheeks , Taylor felt them seed up as they past her taped mouth and fell onto her top. Taylor could feel her white blouse getting wet as the tears continued to flow

Taylor was feeling very vulnerable being restrained and gagged.. Bob stepped to right side of the chair said to Taylor " I'm going to peel this tape off your lips and we can chat a bit, Scream and it stays on". Slowly she processes his words for a few seconds and the Bob said "understand?". Taylor let out a soft moan then proceeded to nod her head in understanding.

Bob reaches his left arm down to Taylors lips, he slowly starts to peel back the packing tape. Taylor felt the tape start to come off her lips, she was thankful that Bob slowly pulled to remove the tape off her lips. As the tape cleared her lips Taylor instructivly ran her tongue around her lips to set them. Bob came around in front of the chair Bob standing in front of Taylor as she was sitting there her sobbing more audible.

Taylor was watching Bob's face as He said to Her" Now that we can talk tell me about yourself.... How old are you?.... Where is your boyfriend didn't see him at the volleyball game?.". Taylor squint's her brow wondering why he wants to know this information but thinks it's best to tell him. She saw Bob as he looked right into her eyes as she sat there ready to tell him what he wanted to know.

Taylor was sobbing the whole time but pulled it together as she began to answer his questions. Taylor was still slightly sobbing as she said "I just turned 18 two weeks ago". There were more sniffles, and racking on her chest as she said " I have never had a boyfriend between school and volleyball I don't have time". Taylor wasn't sure what Bob was up to , but judging by the questions it wasn't good.

Taylor lips were trembling as she spoke, she noticed Bob kept staring at her lips, her questions were answered as he asked her " Is that metallic braces I see on your teeth?". He followed with " Aren't you a bit old for braces?". Now Taylor started to really crying. Not only did the talk of her braces embarrass her, but she was really concerned why Bob would ask that.

Still crying with no other options, Taylor answered Bob "yes I still have my braces, I had hoped to get them off but COVID delayed everything". If it wasn't bad enough to have to wait to get her braces off, this man not only spotted them but challenged her for having braces. Bob uttered the words that would truly terrify Taylor as he said " That's perfectly ok Taylor, nothing cuter then a fiery redhead with braces". Taylor let you a gasp she was starting to really get uncomfortable. Taylor wanted to get up and run as she felt Bob's hand reach down to her face.

Taylor's felt Bob grab her chin, then she feels her face lifted up and she can see into his eyes Bob was looking straight into her eyes and he said "let's talk about what your going to do for me". That was enough to get Taylor to scream, tears flowing down her face. She was starting to shake as she blurts out. " Please leave me alone, I've been never with anyone".
Bob was still looking into Taylors eyes as she let out a scream, He saw that the tears flowing down her face. Bob knew he must have struck a nerve with his comment, but he was taken back when Taylors said. " Please leave me alone, I've been never with anyone".

Smiling to himself Bob knew he again would be able to push Taylor into what he wants. Bob said to Taylor "I'm going to help you stand up and keep your balance".

Waiting a few seconds for her to move Bob reaches his left arm down and grabs her elbow and starts to lift her up. Being pulled on seems to have worked , Taylor slowly stands up square in front of Bob.

What a sight Bob thinks to himself, Taylor was standing looking right at Bob her head came just under his chin. Bob knew there was not much resistance Taylor could put up with her hands cuffed inside her pullover.

Lifting his hands again Bob grabbed Taloyrs chin again this time with both hands , He lifts he chin up until he is staring into her blue eyes. Softly Bob said " I'm ready for you to do something for me".

Letting that sink in for a second as Taylor began to openly sob and mutter "pppllleeeaaaasseeee llleeeaaavvveeemmmeeeeaaallloonnee....ppllleeeaaa asseeee llleeeaaavvveee mmmeeee aaallloonnee".

Knowing that he was ready to get some action from this firey redhead. Bob said to Taylor "I'm guessing your probably a virgin". Pausing for a second Bob then said " If you want to keep your cherry a little longer, then your going to get down onto your knees".
Nice to see you are back and writing again. I hope you continue the story. When you have time, check out the three stories I wrote in the other post "Wife rape story" and tell me what you think.... Until then, cant wait to see what you write next in this story....
Online bob202
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« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2024, 11:31:54 AM »

Just as Taylor began to openly sob and mutter "pppllleeeaaaasseeee llleeeaaavvveeemmmeeeeaaallloonnee....ppllleeeaaa asseeee llleeeaaavvveee mmmeeee aaallloonnee". She had a bad feeling things we're getting ready to get much worse.

Taylor was openly shaking standing there with Bob, and then then Bob said the words she would never forget, "I'm guessing your probably a virgin". Taylor didn't No what to do she was taking back for a second by what Bob had said. Knowing she was trapped with Bob with no way to truly escape she glanced down at the ground and then knotted her head at his words.

Taylor knew Bob was going to do something sexual to her, she just wasn't sure what. Taylors family was very big on their religion and staying a vigin until marriage. There are as no way Taylor would give her hard held virginity away without a fight. Almost with a sigh of relief she head Bob say " If you want to keep your cherry a little longer, then your going to get down onto your knees".

Knowing that loosing the virginity in her mouth was way better then loosing her cherry, Taylor decided to try to reason with Bob. Taylor looked at him with completing eyes and trembling lips and sobbed out "please leave me alone I'm a virgin and want to stay that way until marriage ".
Bob was ready to take Taylor's virgin mouth , after hearing her mutter "pppllleeeaaaasseeee llleeeaaavvveeemmmeeeeaaallloonnee....ppllleeeaaa asseeee llleeeaaavvveee mmmeeee aaallloonnee". Bob also noticed the silver metallic braces as she was there sobbing, enhancing his desire to take Taylor in her mouth.

Bob took notice as Taylor was shaking standing there , her lips were trembling as she sobbed out "please leave me alone I'm a virgin and want to stay that way until marriage ".

Smiling to himself knowing he had Taylor where he wanted her Bob said " I'm running out of Patience Taylor, Now get down on your knees ".

Taylor let out a gasp in shock at Bob's blunt comment, Bob bwas very please with her reaction. Taylor was still standing there in front of Bob sobbing and shaking but not moving.

Bob decided he waited long enough for Taylor to comply. He reached both his hands forward to Taylor's shoulders. Bob gripped both shoulders in his hands and applied a gentle pressure to signal getting down. While Bob was pushing down on Taylor's shoulders he gently said "Let's go down on your knees".

As Taylor heard Bob's crude demands , Bob her her let out the loadest sob yet. But Bob realized she was complying getting on her knees as he watched Taylor sink down to her knees. Bob heard her repeating over and over " Please not my mouth... I don't want that in my mouth... Please Leave me alone...".

Laughing to himself Bob watched as Taylor instinctively tried to move her blue skirt out of the way of her knees, only to realize she was still handcuffed with her hands sitting uselessly inside her pull over.

Once Taylor was kneeling on the floor of the cabin , Bob squared himself up infornt of her face, Pulling his right hand off her shoulder and reaching around back of her head to her pony tail.

Bob grabbed Taylor's red hair with his right hand and pulled her head back until Taylor was looking into Bob's eyes. Looking down as her test stained eyes Bob said "Time for you to open your mouth and show me what a firey redhead can do"... A second later Bob said " And Taylor I better not feel your braces ".
Very nice, so glad you are continuing to share more of this story.. been so wanting to see where it goes....
Taylor was shaking still standing there in front of Bob. She had tried to plead with him, and even embarrass herself by admitting she was a complete virgin l.

Bob had confirmed her worst fears when he said said " I'm running out of Patience Taylor, Now get down on your knees ".

Taylor moaned a helpless moan in shock at Bob's demand. Taylor was still standing completely still, She was in front of Bob sobbing and Taylor felt like she was going to collapse as bad as her legs were shaking.

Taylor saw Bob reach out and grab her shoulders, As was pushing down on he shoulders he gently said the words that Taylor will never forget "Let's go down on your knees".

As Taylor heard this she gasped and then let out a huge sob. Knowing she was trapped Taylor let Bob push her shoulders down as she slowly sank down to her knees. Taylor decided to try to plead again with Bob by saying " Please not my mouth... I don't want that in my mouth... Please Leave me alone...".

All the years in school Taylor had been taught to watch her skirt as she sat on kneeled, Taylor instinctively went to move her blue skirt out of the way before she was kneeling on it. It was then that Taylor remembered she was still handcuffed helplessly, with both of her hands trapped inside her school pullover

In a total defeat Taylor found herself kneeling on the hard floor of the cabin. Taylor watched as Bob positioned himself in front of her, she left out a shallow yelp when Bob grabbed pony tail.

She knew she was totally trapped when Bob grabbed her pony tail, .Bob was almost gentle Taylor though as he pulled her head back until she was looking up into Bob's eyes. What happened next still haunts Taylor, the words Bob spoke made her realize how bad of a situation she was in.

Bob said to Taylor "Time for you to open your mouth and show me what a firey redhead can do"... A second later Bob said " And Taylor I better not feel your braces ". Taylor instinctively tried to shake her ponytail loose from Bob's grin, but that didn't work he was holding her tight.
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