Members that needs a verbal ass whooping.


New member
Mar 28, 2015
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Hello people, im Boletus (lat name for a fungy :) This Board i visit for a long time and i noticed that you always put the same clips... Every new Thread of mainstream rape movies is the same as the other, same links same scenes. Im sick of that i wants to se some new rape scene from some other movies. since I am a fan of movies il try to put some rape scenes you never see before or can`t find it :) I would also like to anyone who share my opinion share with me and with Us some rape scene from movies which have not been shown here. They can even porn but, BUT with storyline. Tnx!
What's the Latin name for being an asshole?

Your on this board for less than 24 hours and you have the nerve to ask why people post the same clips over and over again.

Exactly what the FUCK have you contributed to this board? If you even think of posting anymore whiny bullshit your off this board.

On behalf of the membership here and I can speak for most of them your a useless bitching twat. I'm moving this thread to the rowdy room so the other members can rip you a new asshole as well.
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I believe the correct translation is approximately "Genus Idioticus Orifice Fundamentalis"

However "Stupid Arsehole" is near enough. What a fucking plonker. How to make friends and influence people!!
What a fucking moaning little cunt! I don't think we've had such a moaning little cunt since that moaning little cunt Sasha bitch. Bitch. I don't think it's a new arsehole this cunt needs cutting, it just needs its cunt widening to a six lane motorway so everybody can drive over it and really give it something to complain about. The cunt.
This is all well and good. A "needle dick" was driven off the board and has not returned. But, how the bleeding hell did this become a "sticky".

On a similar subject, what's the deal with the birthday loan spam bullshit. Why hasn't this been nipped in the bud? Which more well known "needle dick" is in charge of this Chinese Fire Drill?

And "gold", I don't know any long positions, but I am legendary in the use of short positions. A classic case of being a legend in my own mind. But then, who cares? The gold ad may pay the bills in the light of a devalued ruble. Disgruntled mumble, after yet another disgruntled mumble!

The gold ad is a lot better than some of the other ads we have had! And the spammer account birthdays keep showing up because the only way to stop that would be to delete the spammer accounts and that would allows those usernames and their e-mails to be used again by spammers.

Brought to you by Carl's Junior!

And if you get that reference, you like obscure comedies :D
I only found this thread now and wonder how far down we can plunge that Boletus fuckers rep. It's at -1186 right now. What an obnoxious bastard altogether.
Spammers, hackers, and jerkoffs there's always some idiot looking to be a dumbass towards us.