WARNING about comments in the movie section


Pantyhose Hunting Admin
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
The 3rd stone
Lately there has been a trend in the movie area to post comments about the nature of the material by some of the up-loaders.

THIS WILL NO LONGER BE TOLERATED. I'm tired of having to go back and delete remarks about how this stuff sucks, been posted a hundred times, the same old Russian bullshit,etc.

Failure to comply can jeopardize your ability to post here on Rapeboard, I can and WILL ban people who continue this behavior.

If you having nothing positive to add to an up-loaders thread then say NOTHING. If there posting banned material or breaking some board rules rules then post it in the movie alert section NOT IN THE THREAD.

That link can be found here.

Thank you CR
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I have not uploaded OR commented but I like your response to this problem, Short & Sweet.
Thanks, Crotch Ripper.
I'd rather have the same clip posted 5 times by 5 different people, than miss it.
I've been accused by some jerk for "stealing his clip". I found it at a completely different site, and as I asked him: "Did you film this, or have copyrights?". I heard no more. If I like a clip, I'll tell the uploader, if not I do not comment.
Cool, I'm all for more positiveness. Clips often get taken down by websites all the time, so a "duplicate" post may be the only working link at some point, especially for people searching out a specific clip.

I do like the phrase "russian bullshits" when not directed at someone. It's just funny. Although people should be free to post them if they want (and they can be good.) Is it bad to comment on the clips in the report thread? May occasionally need to say when one of those weird choking videos has no actual sex or if the person is fucked dead (that's not rape, right, since they hve no will?)
Thanks for keeping civility on this board. Your efforts are appreciated!
I know it is late for response but still. If you do not like the movie just do not dl it. Many uploaders are putting a lot of effort in the threads. So no matter how ba the movies are and how many times they have been posted ppl are doing the best they can. SO RESPECT ALL UPLOADERS!!!!!
What I don't like anymore is this trend going on for a few months, where a new user posts 20 pages in 2 days, I'm now completely ignoring any new posters with a big amount of posts
I appreciate the effort ... BUT

I appreciate the effort to keep posting new content as currently rape movies and new content is hard to come by but CR ... this is still Rape Board? Right? I am seeing many post especially from the teen fidelity website that are labeled Rape and once you take the time to download it is just a romantic vanilla love scene. While I hate this being a police state and yes many of the actresses are gorgeous this is still rape board right? It might be nice if a mod posts