This set I made from a movie posted on here by someone. sorry downloaded it awhile back and cant remember who but thanks goes to the poster..the name of the movie is:Lesviakos Avgoustos
I made this set from a movie I got off of here..thanks to Mr. X posting it in the rape movies thread.. it made me LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
A poor little minx was just takin a nice train ride when a bunch of meanies jumped her and started to doink her delicates..the rest of the people just kept on reading and shit..Kinda makes the NYC subways look safe
This clip from some unknown Japanese film is a reject from my “Gun” post, because most of the action is off camera. But if you read the subtitles you might find it entertaining.
misterx recently posted this clip on his thread in this forum. Best I can tell of the plot, the scene is in a bedroom where the husband is sleeping, and some creepy older Asian boss-type dude is forcing himself upon the sleeping guy's wife. She is fighting him off the best she can while trying hard not to wake up her husband, but the guy must be holding something over her. I like the seeming sexual blackmail/reluctance/cuckold aspect to the whole thing.
I made this set off of a movie from ForRapes thread post #446 I strongly recommend you all download this one because the long drawn out rape scene is pretty good. The action and camera work could have been better..I don't really like staring up some dudes nose..but all in all its pretty hot.