My Assault & Rape photography

Awesome work! Love the victims in pantyhose. Just rip open and feel those silky legs as you rape the shit out of her.

Zofia finished her shift at the coffee shop, tired she decided to cut through the old derelict estate, even though a girl was attacked just a week before.

That day Zofia decided it could not happen again, she soon had many regrets for her stupidity. To save 10 min she found herself taken, stripped and abused.

Awesome - Thanks for the update. Zophia is a great actress.

Nice location you found for these too.

Thank you, :skull-bee

yes in the UK can be hard to find derelict locations! Glad you like her.

I have a few loose images of other women to upload and then 3 more sets, one is not great the others are lovely - maybe some images of a distressed Handmaid!

But that will be it, for a while lost my job and no funds last 4-5 months, maybe again in the future :skull-coo not a cheap hobby but fun :skull-evi
All I need is a UK crew and small budget/funding, we could make some great Films better then last few I spit on your grave rubbish attempts. I can write the script, help with cinematography and more. (UK based you ever see this hit me up)

all so can make posters :skull-evi

Side note in all my photography here I did 100% of everything, light, costume design, talent and location :skull-bee

All I need is a UK crew and small budget/funding, we could make some great Films better then last few I spit on your grave rubbish attempts. I can write the script, help with cinematography and more. (UK based you ever see this hit me up)

all so can make posters :skull-evi

Side note in all my photography here I did 100% of everything, light, costume design, talent and location :skull-bee

Do not take the script stage lightly. There needs to be proper scenes, with plot points, and so on. Source the ressources of this forum for this. Also be careful of legal matters and demand written consent.
Do not take the script stage lightly. There needs to be proper scenes, with plot points, and so on. Source the resources of this forum for this. Also be careful of legal matters and demand written consent.

Thanks, I have written a number of spec scripts and can write with both correct format and structure. :skull-thu

Already have several potential story arcs, that could involve, trafficking, sexual exploitation, kidnap, baby factories and many other subject matters. Era, modern, western, WW1, 5-10 year future dystopian!

And as with all these photos, a consent form is signed, more if a wavier in the UK you will not need any specific cover unless you have real sex! or paying then a contract of payment and conditions (boring) ;lol :skull-aliim

Someone had a bad day... someone had a good time :skull-evi

Some images from a very old shoot!

Flight attendant part 1

Back to back flights and looking for her hotel in London Sofie followed the map app short cut into the park. Paying more attention to her phone made her easy prey. :skull-evi

Good old fashion daylight robbery was the plan

all she had was a naff mobile & 5 euros

She must have more? in her case?!

Nothing!! WTF

Maybe she has a stash, A strip search was in order:

The moment he noticed she had amazing legs wrapped in pantyhose:

She made life hard for herself but the skirt was coming off

She enjoyed his groping of her firm breast...

The strip search was going well :skull-evi :skull-evi
