Memories........from the other point of view


Dec 18, 2018
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somewhere over the rainbow
I took my story Memories and tell it from my point of view....I hope you like it!

I am a normal man. Married with two almost grown-up children. Well off. I work in a large company in the administration in a leading position. My life is quiet and orderly.So far, anyway. Until SHE came along. She was hired as a secretary in my department. That was three and a half years ago. And since then I can't get her out of my mind. She is a classic beauty. 35 years old and divorced. About 170 cm tall, with the high-heeled shoes she always wears in the office she almost comes close to my height. Long, slightly curly blonde hair and a gorgeous figure that she accentuates with her clothes. As I said, almost never without high heels and nylon stockings, plus tight skirts or dresses and blouses or sweaters or in the summer sometimes light silk shirts with spaghetti straps and lace trim to the tight pencil skirt. When she walks past me, my mouth goes dry. I dream of her. I WANT HER!

What I don't want, of course, is to endanger my marriage. A divorce is out of the question, and besides, SHE only sees me as a colleague and supervisor anyway. At the penultimate Christmas party of the company we sat next to each other by chance and I had to tear myself together very much towards the end, so that I do not tear down her sweater and grab her horny tits. In addition, I also learned that she is probably a little lesbian and is rather on women. But no matter what......ich wants her anyway.How the thought came into my brain, I can no longer say. But suddenly it was there. Just rape her! Rape. The thought frightened me at first. But then. The more I thought about it, the more I became friends with it. That would be the easiest thing. Just grab her, throw her to the ground, rip her clothes off that horny body and just fuck her. Hard and brutal. No matter if she resists or not. Yes! That would be very horny. This beautiful woman under me, as she wriggles and squirms and screams for help while I fuck her. Horny idea. I like more and more.But how? But where? And when? And do I want to go to jail for it? Probably not. Certainly not. And so I began to plan the "action fuck secretary".

First, she had to disappear from my vicinity. I figured that the police would also look for the rapist among her colleagues, so I had to get rid of her. So I made sure that she was promoted to a higher-paying position in another department. With that, I no longer had daily contact with her. That happened about a year ago. Then I started following her and stalking her. Always very very carefully, of course, because she knows me and I can't afford to have her wondering why she sees me so often in her private life. I found out where she lives. That she lives alone and is obviously not a lesbian. She probably only told me that so I would leave her alone, the little bitch! I've seen her with a man now and then, but she's obviously not in a relationship. I know which gym she goes to, which is her favorite restaurant, and where she meets up with her girlfriends. She is also at the adult education center on Tuesday and Thursday evenings taking a painting class. This seems to be a great hobby of her. I have often followed her there. The course is held in an annex building of the university, always starts at 7 pm and ends around 10:30 pm. There is a large parking lot by the building that borders the woods and is always well-packed when she gets there in her car just before 7pm. So she always has to park pretty close to the edge. There, where the lighting no longer reaches well. There, where no other car is parked when she leaves the building after class and makes her way to her car. She is probably the only one who comes by car. All the other course participants ride their bikes or take the subway. Anyway, I've only ever seen her alone in the parking lot. Good! I have found the place!

And the when is also already clear. She always drives directly from the office to her course on Tuesdays. Always. That means that I will attack her on a Tuesday. I've figured out that from now on I'll be there every Tuesday waiting for her. When the opportunity comes and she has to park in the back of the woods, I will strike. I will drag her into the woods, throw her to the ground there, and rape her. I have also already chosen a few places in the forest where we will be undisturbed. At the thought of it I become horny. The sex with my wife makes me suddenly also much more fun again, because I rape another woman in my mind while I sleep with her. We also have sex more often again and I think my wife likes it that I touch her a little harder. I lied to her that I always have to work a little longer on Tuesdays now, which she accepted so unasked. And so from now on I always have an appointment on Tuesdays. I wait in the area of the university until she arrives. Then I look where she parks. So far she has always found another parking space, annoying, but can't be helped. I "borrowed" one of a nylon stocking from my wife. One of the slightly thicker opaque stockings. I pulled it over my head and looked at myself in the mirror. I can see right through it, but my face is just a skin-colored distorted mass. Good thing. I can't let her recognize me. No way. If she recognized me, it would all be over. I'd have to kill her, and I don't want that. Never. I may be a rapist, but I don't want to be a murderer. What I do with her, though, if she does recognize me.......well, that's what I worry about if it comes to that. I also have latex gloves in my car and a folding bike. I'm not going to put my car in the parking lot too, I'm going to drive away before I hit. I will park somewhere in the metro area and then ride my folding bike back. After all, I have plenty of time, my beautiful victim will unsuspectingly paint her pictures. I will also leave my cell phone in the car. I've watched enough crime shows to know that they can broadcast the location. So I will also turn it off beforehand. I also have different clothes with me. A black sweater of slightly thicker fabric that I usually wear when gardening and a pair of black wide light pants, good for taking off quickly and light black canvas shoes, they make almost no noise when walking or running. Two cable ties I have with me just in case. If she struggles too much I can tie her wrists and ankles with them. I don't really have any experience with fighting. Except for scuffles in the schoolyard I haven't done anything like that. I am athletic and keep myself fit, but a real fight? I don't know how she will react if I attack her. Will she keep quiet? Or will she fight and scream like a wild cat? I don't know. I will definitely have to cover her mouth so she can't scream, and then I will overpower her. Whatever. But she won't escape me, that's for sure! I want to fuck her and I will!

The inspiration came to me through a real-crime series. There a case was treated, in which also a woman was attacked and abused. The criminal incapacitated her by hitting the woman several times in the stomach with his fist and then tying her up and gagging her. The scene was acted out very realistically by actors, with the actress being very pretty to look at. And a forensic scientist explained in detail afterwards what effect fisticuffs to a woman's stomach have. He gave me instructions, so to speak...... "to incapacitate a woman, but do it right!".....Very nice. Let no one say that television makes you stupid. My wife probably liked it too, because the show made me so horny that I grabbed her, carried her upstairs to the bedroom and fucked her straight away. If it struck her that I became so horny through the TV show, she didn't say so anyway. I think she rather enjoyed it, because I'm pretty sure she was also satisfied.

Now it's Tuesday evening again. I'm waiting at the big crossing. Quarter to seven. There she comes. I let her pass and follow her at some distance. She turns into the parking lot and I am 50 meters behind her. As always, the parking lot is crowded. Car after car and no free space. She drives two laps until she discovers a free space. At the back of the forest. Not directly at the forest, but a few meters away, still two cars between her parking space and the edge of the forest. There she parks. With the driver's side facing the forest. Perfect! That's it! That's exactly how I pictured it in my imagination. Today is the day! Today I'm going to get her! Soon. Very soon! In a good three hours it is so time. I drive past her car while she is already getting out and turn my face away so she doesn't see me. Then I leave the parking lot. I drive to a place about five kilometers away and park my car there. I call my wife and tell her that unfortunately it will take me a little longer to get home today because of a presentation that is taking place tomorrow. It may be very late and because we have to work a lot, I won't be able to be available tonight either. She doesn't ask any questions but wishes with luck that everything works out. Thank you...............I really hope my plan for today goes smoothly. Well, maybe not completely smoothly. There has to be friction involved. Then I turn off my cell phone and put it in the glove compartment. From the trunk I get the folding bike and the small bag with the clothes, the gloves and the cable ties. Then I go back. To the university. Across the parking lot into the forest. There I look for me in some distance to the parking lot a place where I can leave the bike. Here I also change my clothes. The suit is folded and comes into the bag. I also take off my shorts, they only hinder me. Then I put on the pants and the sweater. The soft fabric of the pants rubs against my cock and makes it swell. Or is it the anticipation? I don't know, but it doesn't matter. I put the nylon stocking on my head like a cap, ready to pull it over my face in one motion. I walk to the edge of the forest, which is a few hundred meters away. It is half past nine by now. She is probably happily painting a picture and has no idea what will happen to her in a very short time. In the meantime, the parking lot is getting emptier and emptier. I can clearly hear and see how more and more vehicles leave the place. I walk even closer to the edge of the forest. In about 100 meters distance I have also found a nice free place where I will bring her. Now also the two cars leave, which were parked between her car and the edge of the forest. The parking lot is now almost completely empty. Only her car is still there, facing me about 10 to 15 meters away. With the driver's side facing me, so I can sprint out of the woods toward her without having to walk around the car. Great! Scattered around the parking lot are a few other cars, but they are far away. It has already started to dawn. It's getting dark under the trees now, but I've been here so many times that I can find my way around even with so little light as now. Also, a few clouds are obscuring the moon, which makes it even darker. But that's good. In daylight, I very likely wouldn't pull this off.

I couldn't help it, I had to have another look at her today. Since I know that she goes directly from work to the course, I just had to look at her rape outfit and went under a pretext in her department. How infinitely horny she looked again. She wore a tight black skirt that ended just above her knees, accentuating her round ass and such great shaped legs. In addition, nylon stockings or pantyhose as almost always and a white, tight silk blouse that had all the trouble to keep her horny tits together. Her hair fell open on her back. And her shoes! She's wearing sandals today with three straps over her toes and a thin strap wrapped around her ankles. Incredibly horny. I could have jumped on her so easily and ripped her clothes right off her body in her office. Instead, I greeted her with a friendly smile, talked to her briefly and then went on.

And now I squat in the bushes behind a tree and wait. For her! In my mind I go through the plan again, as I have done so many times before. It is very important to surprise her. If she sees me too early, she will surely scream and try to run away. Should I chase her then? Or will that be too risky? What if I catch up with her then? Should I rape her in the middle of the parking lot? I have no idea. But now it's time. It's 10:30 pm! The class should be over by now. That's when I see the lights come on in the stairwell. People are coming down the two floors and then disappearing through the front entrance. She still comes down half the stairs and then goes through the entrance to the parking lot to her car. But today, no. She doesn't come. The light in the stairwell goes out again without her coming out. What's going on? Has she noticed something? Has she seen me and suspects what I'm up to? But I think police would show up here looking for a masked man. Did she go with someone? But her car is still here. She's never left it here before. I wonder if it broke down. Or what's going on? Is the little cunt fucking her instructor right now? Or what? What is the stupid bitch actually thinking? Is too late for her own rape! I could beat her up brutally now, the stupid whore. Shit! What now? Should I call it quits for today and try another time? It's almost eleven o'clock now. I decide to wait another five minutes, and the light in the stairwell comes on again. A slender figure comes down the stairs from the second floor. There she is. She is coming! Finally! I watch her come down the stairs. There you go. SHE'S COMING!

My heart beats up to my throat and my mouth goes dry and my pulse races. Now she is down at the exit and opens the door to the parking lot. Clack Clack Clack Clack Clack..... quietly I hear her footsteps now coming towards me from the exit of the university. What if I don't do it? What if I just let her go? What am I doing to her with what I have planned for her? She doesn't really deserve that. She's just a beautiful woman who has inspired some bastard's sick imagination. She would just go on living her life as before. What if I just let her get in her car and drive home? She would never suspect how narrowly she escaped a terrible horror. No, I won't do it! I'll leave her alone, I won't hurt her! Clack Clack Clack Clack Clack Clack Clack......she gets closer, her footsteps get louder and I watch her as she gets closer and closer to me. She is completely unaware of what terror is lurking in the bushes! Now she smiles slightly. I wonder what she is thinking about right now? And how beautiful she is! How her tits jiggle slightly with each of her steps and how her hair swings back and forth. The sway of her hips as she walks. Her walking, as if she were floating. And the sound of her high heels on the asphalt, coming closer and closer. Now a gust of wind blows a few strands of her hair into her face and she brushes it back with a movement of her left hand. I can clearly see how her blouse stretches over her chest in the process and my cock becomes stiff. And suddenly all doubt is gone. No! I'm going to get her. I want to have her! I want to fuck her! I'm going to fuck her! I just have to! No matter how! Now she pulls her purse forward as she walks, rummaging around in it as she gets closer and closer. It's your turn today! I pull the stocking over my face and get ready to jump. I look around to see if anyone else is around. No one there. Except for the two of us! The sound of her footsteps! Clack Clack Clack Clack Clack Clack Clack Clack Clack Clack.....she has taken her keys out of her purse and is now walking around the car to the driver's door. I see it as if in slow motion. The movement of her hair, the swing of her hips, the play of the muscles in her legs. Now she stands at the driver's door with her back to me and wants to put the key in the lock. She has not seen me. She is completely clueless! Now! Go! GO!! I jump off. Towards her. About 15 meters. Two or three seconds tops until I'm with her. There! She flinches slightly. Did she hear me? She wants to turn around, but too late! GOT YOU!

Before she can turn around I am with her and run full into her. I brutally push her face first against the car. The impact is violent and she immediately groans in pain. I give her no time to recover, grab her left shoulder and spin her around. Then I ram my right fist into her stomach and she collapses at my feet. But I am not finished yet. I bend down to her, grab her by the collar of her blouse with both hands and drag her back up to her feet. How lightweight she is, I think in passing, then I press my left forearm above her tits to her shoulders and punch my right fist twice more into her belly. Then I step back a bit and she collapses at my feet again with loudly moaning. Again I bend down to her. I pull her up again and turn her around like a doll. Then I press my right hand on her mouth and press her head firmly against my left shoulder. I wrap my left arm around her body a little below her tits and press her tightly against me. Then I lift her slightly and carry her into the forest. When we are out of sight under the first trees, she starts to scream and tries to squirm out of my grip, but she has no chance. Her arms are rowing through the air and she is kicking her legs uselessly. The noises she makes make me even more horny for her than I already am. Then we're there.About a hundred yards of useless kicking with those horny legs, pointless attempts to push my arm away from her body or my hand away from her mouth and such incredibly horny muffled noises coming from her locked mouth. I just let go of her and give her a powerful push so that she falls backwards onto the floor. She moans loudly again and I quickly open my belt and slip out of my pants. Already I am ready and throw myself on her. I pull and tug at her blouse until the silk fabric tears and the blouse hangs only in tatters on her. Then I grab her bra and pull on it too, until it too gives way, tears through the middle and exposes her magnificent boobs. I press my mouth on her full lips and force her to kiss me, but now she starts to resist in a serious way and she also tries to scream now. I sit up and hit her hard in the face with the flat of my right hand. This shocked her and I give her another even stronger slap right after. This works, her resistance becomes much less. Now she starts crying and begging me not to do anything to her and to leave her alone. I briefly consider tying her wrists, but then I remember that I had left the cable ties in my bag by the bike. Great, great preparation! Then it must go evenly without ties. I lie down on top of her again, resting on her left arm, which becomes useless as a result. I slide my left arm under her neck, then force her right wrist up to her shoulder with my right hand and then hold it there with my left hand. So she can no longer use her hands and is now almost completely defenseless. Now I kiss her beautiful full lips again and with my free right hand I start to fondle her big tits. I grab them roughly and brutally press and squeeze the horny things. I catch her right nipple and turn, pinch and squeeze it so that she groans loudly in pain. Now I bend my head down and bite and suck on these horny breasts, suck and bite her left nipple, which makes her cry out in pain this time. While I'm busy with her tits, she kept begging me not to hurt her, to please let her go and that she would never tell anyone about this if I just let her go.

My right hand now goes on a journey of discovery. From her chest, which I still work with mouth and teeth over her flat stomach down between her legs. Her skirt has slipped far up by the kicking with the legs. I help a little more and pull it up to her hips. So now she lies open in front of me. A pantyhose and a small white panties shine to me. I rub her legs, which felt so horny through the pantyhose. Then I reach between her legs and try to get to the little pussy. She obviously wants to avoid that and she twists in my grip and squirms back and forth while she presses her high heels into the ground, bucking like a wild horse and trying to fend me off by doing so. But in the process her legs are slightly pushed apart and I take the opportunity and grab. I grab her pantyhose between her legs, pull and pull and finally tear them with a powerful jerk. Then it's her panties turn. It barely resists as I tug at it, then the fabric also gives way and I have free access to her.I force my hand into her crotch, but she presses her legs together so tightly that I can hardly get between them. I bite hard into her right breast, which makes her groan in pain again. Distracted by this she loosens the pressure of her thighs a little and I can push my hand to her cunt. There I start to press and squeeze, rubbing her little pussy and searching and finding the little pearl and playing with it. She moans desperately, but she can't do anything about it. Now I push her thighs apart. Further and further. All the while she begs again for me to stop and not hurt her anymore. But I now press and push my left leg against her thighs and between her legs. In addition, I pinch her hard on the inside of her left thigh. She starts to gasp and the pain forces her to open her legs. I roll all the way on top of her, between her legs, which are spread wide as a result. With my knees against her thighs, I push her legs further apart against her resistance. She continues to squirm, still trying to fight me off. All the while she continues to beg and plead. Don't, please don't please. I push myself further towards her cunt while reaching down, grabbing my stiff cock and guiding in to her cunt. Her legs are now fully spread and I press my cock against her, pushing and shoving and then penetrating her. She grunts and moans desperately and is begging me in one go not to do it. To leave her alone and please please please don't do it. But this only excites me more. How desperately helpless she is. She's a confident woman, but she can't fight me off. There is nothing she could do to stop me from raping her. She is completely mine! This is exactly how I had imagined and dreamed it would be. I have an intoxicating feeling of infinite power.

I penetrate further and further slowly into her. Then, with one last powerful thrust, I am completely inside her. She cries out, moans again in pain and arches her back as I thrust, arching up to meet me. Kindly, she helps me fill her completely with this. And now I begin to fuck her. Slowly, deliberately and almost tenderly at first, but then I notice that she is getting wet and I thrust harder. I don't want to have sex with her, don't want to make love to her! My big hard cock is not a pleasure rod now. He wants to penetrate, tear, penetrate and brutally thrust. I want to FUCK her! Hard, brutal and against her will. Force and abuse her, hurt her, torture and rape her. I want to use and satisfy myself until my powers collapse. Without consideration and without mercy! Hard and harder and harder I push, while at the same time I'm wasting myself on her tits. They squeeze and squeeze and pinch and bite so hard into them that I can taste her blood.Harder and harder and harder I fuck her, fuck like never before in my life. She moans only half loudly to herself and then goes limp all at once. Gives up all resistance and quits fighting. Her left arm is stretched out next to her, her right arm still above her head. I look up, look at her. She has closed her eyes, tears are streaming down her cheeks on the left and right. She is completely apathetic, and I watch her tits move back and forth with each of my thrusts. How horny that looks, indescribable. Thrusting...tits still up, pulling back.....tits down. Again and again. I now also begin to moan, feel how I swell a little more, feel the orgasm that was about to come.

Now she opens her eyes again, looks into my masked face and now begs me not to cum inside her. To at least do her this small favor and pull my cock out before I would cum. She begs and cries again and I reach into her hair and press my mouth back onto her lips, silencing her. While I am now twisting her hair I force her head down her neck by doing this. I continue to pull and twist her hair brutally and she opens her mouth to a cry of pain. I have been waiting for this and my tongue now penetrates her mouth, searches and finds her tongue and when she tries to push me out of her mouth again with her tongue, I thereby force an insanely horny French kiss. Exactly at that moment, when our tongues press against each other like that, I literally exploded in her. I have never had such a violent orgasm! I press myself deep into her I only can and shoot and squirt load after load of hot sperm deep inside her. I shake uncontrollably until it was over. With further twitching I continue to inject, but then I am almost literally pumped empty. I detach my tongue from her and release her hair. Then I remain lying on top of her. My head left at the base of her neck I do not move. I just lie on top of her, motionless and feel her heavy breathing, feel her trembling and crying desperately. I feel my cock getting smaller and finally slipping out of her with a soft smacking sound.

Man, that was a horny fuck! It had been worth it in any case, all the work and effort. She continued to cry and I slowly came back to me. Then I stood up. It was now almost completely dark, but I could see her well, as she lay there in front of me. Her blouse tattered beside her, the cups of her bra hanging left and right at her side. The skirt pushed up on her hip. The big tits were bruised, with bite marks and bloody. The pantyhose torn and her right shoe hung on her ankle. The legs still spread and covered with scratches and bruises. And my cum slowly dripping out of her. I looked down at her and briefly considered whether it would not be better to kill her right here. I would only have to pull the stocking off my head, wrap it around her neck and pull it tight. I don't think she would put up much of a fight, it would be easy and quick. I could easily take her body away in the trunk of her car and then think of the best way to make it disappear. Then she opened her eyes and looked at me. No sign that she recognized me. I guess if she had recognized me, she wouldn't have been able to hide it. No, she's had enough, I thought to myself, leave her alone now. I put my pants back on and went on my way through the forest. At my bike I changed my chlothes and then I went to my car and home. My wife was asleep on the sofa, the TV was still on. I went upstairs, got undressed and got in the shower. My head full of memories. How easy that had been. I didn't think it would be. How quickly I overpowered her and how helpless she was. And how incredibly horny that fuck had been. I got out of the shower, dried off, went downstairs and gently woke my wife. Sleepy as she was, I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. My cock was stiff again and so I came to fuck twice that evening, not so bad either.

The next day she didn't show up for work, I was told, but called in sick for the next two weeks. After that, she had three weeks off. Every now and then I see her at work. Since we are no longer in the same department, I can't tell if she has changed much. It seems that way, though. She has definitely gained some weight, about two dress sizes I guess. And her beautiful long hair has gotten a lot shorter. But she is still a very beautiful woman. Her clothing style has changed, too, though. She used to wear only figure-hugging clothes and almost only skirts or dresses. That is over, because she actually wears only loose-fitting dresses and very often pants, that is, clothes that cover her figure and especially her tits. Also her heels have become flatter.......certainly not my taste! If she had worn something like that in the past, this would certainly not have happened to her. Did she go to the police? Who knows, I haven't heard or read anything about an assault on a woman at the university and I haven't heard anything about any investigations against a rapist. In the meantime, a good three months have passed. I wonder if you can still see my bite marks on her. I often think back to that special evening. See myself lurking in the bushes, see her coming unaware towards me and hear the sound of her heels. Feel her trying to fight back as I drag her into the woods. Feel how I brutally penetrate her. That was such an infinitely mega fuck!!!

Anyway, that's in the past, let's look forward! The other day my wife asked me if I didn't want to tie her to the bed......schau an, the harder number seems to really please her, I should have known that sooner! Let's see what she says when I suggest a pair of role-playing games where I play a burglar who attacks an unsuspecting housewife. And there's more news! I've had a new employee for a month now. Her name is Katharina, she is 29, just 155cm tall but with a dream figure and a very pretty face, long red curls and freckles on her little nose, bright blue eyes and always in a good mood. So a real little cheerful nature. I know by now that she is engaged and that the wedding date next year is already set. She also loves to go jogging in the woods twice a week for a good two hours. Unfortunately always alone, because her fiancé is rather lazy. I've been there before, watched her and know which is her favorite route. She likes to run off the beaten track in the forest at the then.....she is, as I said, a very very beautiful woman.......and once you have nibbled on the forbidden fruit.....