It could happen...


Dec 31, 2010
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I work for a company that builds and manages apartments (true). I’m usually in the office, but sometimes I go out to show apartments to potential renters. I never really gave much thought to the fact that I was walking into an apartment with a total stranger. After all, the office knows where I am and who I’m with, right?

It has been extremely hot lately, so I wore a sundress to work with no pantyhose. I know some people think women my age no longer have attractive legs, but I really don’t care—it’s comfortable.

I was meeting a young man for a showing, and he was there when I pulled up. His car was reasonably new, and his clothing seemed decent so I figured he wasn’t going to have any trouble passing the credit check. He had a great smile and was very friendly, so I was glad to unlock the apartment and lead him in, figuring he would be a reliable tenant.

I showed him around the apartment, which had a kitchen and living area on the ground floor, and a master bedroom upstairs. Here in the South, it’s perfectly natural for a gentleman to wait for a lady to lead the way, so I didn’t give a thought to his insistence that he follow me. Sure, guys check out your rear, but I’m not a young woman anything longer and honestly I don’t like the fact that some political correctness is taking the fun out of the game between guys and girls.

But because of that, it did seem odd when he started down the steps in front of me. He had gone done a few steps and I had gone down the first two, when he suddenly spun around and pushed me backward. I fell back with my butt hitting the landing hard.

“What are you...”

“Shut up!” he shouted, as he leaned forward to grab my shoulders and shake me hard. “Not it’s time for the real tour—of your body!”

With that, he grabbed my ankles and lifted them apart and back, exposing my panties completely. I’m neither a thong nor a granny panty person... they were rather brief pale blue cotton, and he was looking right at my crotch.

I quickly snapped my legs back together and shouted, “Hey, quit that!” and tried to get up. When he had pulled my ankles up, though, I ended up laying back against the landing and had a hard time trying to get leverage to stand.

He was taller than I am, so when he leaned forward over me his weight pretty well pinned me down from feet to chest. He slapped me once, not hard enough to leave a mark, but hard enough to stun me and get me attention.

“Now listen to me. This is going to happen. You can either fight me and get really hurt, or cooperate and leave with nothing worse than a leaking pussy and an interesting memory.”

As I looked into his eyes, what struck me was his absolute confidence. He wasn’t cocky, he wasn’t leering, he wasn’t anything other than absolutely sure that he was going to get what he wanted.

I tried to talk my way out of it. “But why me? You could probably get any girl you want—especially younger ones.”

“Yes, I could,” he said matter-of-factly. “But they all want to be made love to. I’m not going to make love to you. I’m going to use you. Embarrass you. Make you feel like nothing more than a cum dumpster for my pleasure. And then I’m going to leave you, with your precious little married pussy full of my cum so you can feel it inside you for hours to come. So you can go home to your husband knowing that you have another man’s cum still inside you as you try to act all proper with him. And as you lay in bed tonight, you’ll be trying to detect any sense of me still inside you... and know that I’m no longer thinking of you at all. You will have served your purpose.”

I tried to process his words. I wanted to understand what was going on, and find some way to talk him out of it. But they seemed so foreign to my frame of reality that it didn’t really make sense. I played the only card I had. “The office knows where I am and who I am with. You can’t possibly get away with this.”

“Really? You really think no one would ever lie and give you false info? You haven’t called the phone number I gave you, because you had no reason to. If you had, well, I don’t know whether you would have reached someone or not. I just used the same first three digits as your office and made up the last four. No, nobody knows who I am—including you. You have no way whatsoever to try to track me down. I saw you look at my car, but your eyes never went to the license plate.”

“Yeah, but I’ve seen you. I can give a description!”

“Yeah, when you tell people you’ve seen a tall white guy with an average build, probably in his 30’s, that will totally narrow it down,” he smirked. Then his eyes grew darker. “Look, the truth is that this is going to happen. You can either fight me, in which case I will really hurt you, or you can cooperate.”

His weight against me, pressing my back against the landing while my hips were bent downward over the steps, was really getting painful. He was already hurting me, and my cheek still stung from the slap. He was many years younger than me, and the initial adrenaline rush of strength I felt had been replaced by fear and resignation.

“Just get it over with,” I said.

“Oh, no, my little sweetheart, remember that this isn’t just about using you. It’s about making sure you feel completely used. So, pull your knees back up and spread your legs for me.”

“Come on, I said you could have what you wanted, just get it over with!”

“It’s so cute that you think you still have some control over this,” he laughed. “Now show yourself off to me before I have to show you the knife in my pocket.”

I didn’t think he really had a knife. He would already have used it, wouldn’t he?

“But why me?”

“Oh, don’t flatter yourself like you’ve been stalked or something. I had no idea who was going to be showing me the apartment today. It really didn’t matter, I just wanted to remind women that I am alpha and they are objects. For my pleasure. But I’ll admit that I got lucky with a redhead with big tits. Now shut the fuck up and show me what you’ve got”

I tried to weigh my options, but that’s really hard when you don’t see any. My eyes started to brim with tears as I raised and spread my knees before him.

“That’s more like it! Hey, is that a wet spot in your panties?”

“No!” I shouted, dropping my legs. “How could you even imply that?”

“Easy, little darlin’, I was just saying that this might not be as bad for you as you thought. Now sit up and pull the straps of your dress down.”

Being fairly large up-top and this being summer, I was wearing a sports bra so I didn’t think I was revealing too much as I pulled the top of my dress down to my waist.

“Damn, girl, why keep those puppies penned up like that? I think they’d be happier if they were free, don’t you?”

His eyes bore into me as I delayed. Finally I put my hands under the bottom of the sports bra, lifting it up to my armpits and releasing my breasts.

“Oh yeah, honey, you can’t hide those things! Don’t you know women have those to be looked at?”

He reached over and began fondling me, first stroking and then pulling my nipples hard. He bent over and licked each nipple and then bit it to the point of pain. He didn’t stop until I had cried out from the bite each time.

“That’s a good girl. Now get those panties off.”

Having gone this far and still seeing no way out, I was crying freely now. But I reached down and—raising my hips—I pulled my panties down and off, keeping my knees as closely together as possible.

With his right hand, he viciously slapped my left breast. “Don’t start this modest shit, cunt, spread those legs!”

Slowly, closing my eyes and trying to head in my shoulder as if it would make it go away, I moved my knees apart.

“Damn, woman, I guess your generation doesn’t shave, huh? I guess redheads are like blondes and their bushes are a little darker. But that sure looks like fresh pussy juice on your lips. See, that’s my point. In their deepest hearts, women want to be treated like the sex objects they are.”

I heard a click and looked up to see that he had taken out a phone and was taking a picture of me! My breasts were exposed, my legs were apart... Oh, dear God, what if shows the picture to someone? Would it get onto the Internet? Again I snapped my legs together and rolled over to cover my breasts. “No, no, no!”

WHAP! I felt a sharp sting on my bottom. WHAP! WHAP!

“Damn it, you are really not getting it, are you. You will do what I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it! Now, did you turn over because you want me to fuck your ass?”

Horrified, I tried to turn over and slide away from him at the same time. But he quickly slid back on top of me, pinning me with his weight.

“Now don’t worry, sweet cunt, I don’t plan to stretch your ass. Well, maybe a little. But I plan to leave all my cum in that sweet pussy of yours. There’s nothing more intimate to a woman than feeling cum pooling inside her baby-maker, right? And I want to leave a present for your hubby if he gets frisky tonight. But since this seems to be a special area for you, I need to make sure you know it’s mine too. I’m going to move back out of the way, and I want you to reach behind you with both hands and pull your cheeks apart to show me that asshole you’re trying so hard to protect.”

Openly sobbing, I hesitantly reached back and pulled my cheeks apart. CLICK! This horrible pervert was taking a picture of my exposed rear opening! CLICK!

“Very nice. Does your hubby fuck it often?”

I couldn’t respond, I just lay there crying in front of him.

“Well, let’s see if the muscles are trained.” I guess he had put it in his mouth, because I felt a wet finger touch me there, and push its way inside. “Hmm, a little tight but I can’t tell if that’s just the first reaction or you’ve still got your ass cherry.”

He pulled it back out, and as I was starting to think it was over, suddenly he pushed it back in...all the way. I know I gave out an audible grunt as I felt this deep invasion. He started wiggling his finger around in my bottom and moving it in and out. I’ll be honest, I love it when my husband fingers my bottom while he’s licking me. This had none of the same emotions. It just felt...I guess humiliating would be the right word.

“Alright, little cunt, time to turn it over.”

I scooted back onto the landing as I turned over, so my back wasn’t in such a painful position. The top of my dress was beneath my breasts, and the bottom of my bra was above them. My dress was gathered at my waist, exposing my pubis completely.

“You know what I want, cunt, spread your legs.”

He was holding his camera again, not hiding the fact that he planned to record me completely exposed to him. I saw that he had somehow removed (or at least lowered—from this angle I couldn’t tell) his pants while I had been turned over, and the end of his penis was pushing up the bottom of his boxers.

Still crying, I opened my legs before him. Exposing my naked womanhood. CLICK! I shook my head and turned it to the side, hoping my hair would cover my face. CLICK!

“No, you’re still fighting me. I want you to reach down with both hands and pull your pussy lips open for me. Show me how wet you are.”

My chest started to have with sobs as I did what he asked, touching my own lips to expose myself as intimately as possible. He wasn’t right, was he? That wasn’t moistness from excitement, it was sweat from fear. CLICK! CLICK!

“Now open your eyes. Look at me!”

I shook my head back and forth as I continued crying. Surely this had been enough.

WHAP! I felt a sting in my middle and realized that he had slapped me between my legs! “Nooooooooo,” I said, and turned sideways closing my legs again.

“Turn back over, show me the inside of your pussy, and look at me with a smile or I’ll leave your pussy bloody!”

Okay, he hadn’t really hurt me so far, but he had convinced me that he could. What choice did I have? I turned back flat, spread my legs, pulled my labia apart, and gave the closest thing I could come to a smile.


“Perfect! Now if you ever were stupid enough to report me, this picture would prove you were with me willingly! Now let’s see just how much you’re enjoying this.”

With that, he reached down and pushed two fingers roughly inside me. I don’t know if it was left-over moisture from when he had diddled my bum or the sweat from my fear, but it didn’t hurt as much as expected. He immediately started fingering me vigorously, pressing against the front wall as if he was looking for the proverbial G-spot. Maybe some women do, I don’t know, but it has never particularly done anything for me. After a few minutes, he looked disappointed that I wasn’t panting with pleasure.

“Well, it looks like your pussy isn’t going to totally betray you, but that’s okay. I’ll satisfy myself with defiling you inside.”

He positioned himself over me, and I could see that he was as stiff as I’ve ever seen a man. His size seemed average, but for some reason his balls seemed exceptionally large. I was thinking that that meant he was probably going to cum in much greater amounts than I was used to.

I think he wanted to hurt me, but after all the fingering I was ready when he pushed himself completely inside me in one forceful thrust.

Well, that’s it. There was the innocence before your husband, but now your second innocence is gone. In fact, all innocence is gone. The precious spark of mystical specialness that good girls are supposed to have around their middles is gone. A complete stranger is inside you right now, thrusting like an animal, with no love or even care for you whatsoever. You are a hole to be used.

His pace and breathing increased quickly. “I want you to know that I intend to cum inside you as quickly as possible. I don’t want to keep at it long enough to risk you enjoying it. No, you need to know that this is not about your pleasure in any way. You’re just a convenient cunt. But I do want you to enjoy feeling my sperm swimming deep inside you. I do hope when you get home your husband notices that your precious little pussy is a lot wetter than usual. Will you ask him to eat you, without telling him what’s there? WIll you pretend that you’re just more anxious than usual for his humping?”

He slammed me harder and harder, grunting and groaning, dripping sweat on me as he tried to push ever more deeply inside me. With a cry, he seemed to strain every muscle to embed himself at the end of my womb. As he pressed so tightly against me, I could feel him throbbing inside me, and I knew he was exploding glob after glob into the depths of me. It seemed to go on for minutes, and I knew those oversized balls were draining themselves completely within me.

“You should thank me, cunt. You’ll still be enjoying the feeling of my sperm swimming inside you long after I’ve forgotten you exist.”
Wow Shygirl, that is one of the hottest short stories I have read in a long long time. Beautiful description of such a realistic scenario. Excellent.