In memory of batffink...

I recall a post that exemplified the essence of Batffink. He offered a treatise on "old farts". It entailed capturing farts in jars and preserving them as "old farts". Absolutely brilliant! That was so in practically every post that he offered.

I thoroughly enjoyed his bouts with Fucking Rotter. He could gut and dress out FR without FR being aware of the infraction. I often wondered and most often rejected the notion that FR ever caught on. Damn, I miss the "old fart".

Ah, there you go again, using Batfink in your one sided vendetta against me, bought on by, what was it I am supposed to have done again? Oh yes, that's right, "outed" your son to his employer or some thing. Again, show us the evidence, or forever wind your fucking neck in. Or at least give us a motive as to why I would do such a thing....

Or, be the man you are so often claiming to be, and apologise.
I'd like to apologize to the other members of this board. It would seem that I inadvertently fed the resident troll while waxing fond memories of my old and dear friend, Batffink. Therefore in the future, I will endeavor to ignore trolls in general and our resident troll in particular. It was not my intent to cloud a legendary contributor's memory with pettiness and drama.

"It would seem that I inadvertently fed the resident troll"

Did you introduce my name in to this thread because you are gay for me, or because you crave attention? Either way, it seems you have failed to ignore me.
My thanks to all of you. Sorry I wasn't more communicative, I had lots to think about. At one stage I just stayed in bed for a whole day but I'm over that now and facing up to things. I have a lot to do.
This will be my last post on RB but I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to the people I have interacted with for the last few years. I have enjoyed sparring with you FR and many times I've tried to imagine you in my mind. The best I can come up with is a cross between Sylvester Stallone and Ken Dodd on amyl nitrate. I was toying with the idea of contacting you when I went to the UK in May but that "aint gonna" happen now.
HRH, what can I say, you big hearted Texan. You extended me an invitation to come and see you any time and believe me, I was tempted. I don't have to imagine what you look like, I already know. You once told me your business name so I looked it up and, lo and behold, there you were giving a blurb on your website.
As Bob Hope said, thanks for the memories. Be nice to each other. Thanks again all of you for your kind words. Goodbye. Bob.

A class act!

Sir Ken Dodd, a star of comedy music hall and television for over 60 years, died yesterday aged 90.

Dodd was born in November 1927, the son of a coal merchant, in Knotty Ash, Liverpool. As a child he was dared to ride his bicycle with his eyes shut, the resulting accident is how he acquired his famous mangled face.

He got his break appearing on stage at the now demolished Nottingham Palladium, and returned to the city to mark his 50th anniversary in show business in 2004.

Dodd is the only person to have appeared twice on the ITV show “An Evening With....”. Last year Sir Ken spent time in hospital with pneumonia. On Friday he was married to Ann, his partner of 40 years. Despite his fame and fortune, he continued to live in Knotty Ash up until his death.

Amongst the comments on news of Ken Dodds death, Sir Paul McCartney described being a close friend as a great privilege.

Sly Stallone was unavailable for comment.