A Song Without Music


Yes = No. No = Yes
Apr 23, 2007
Reaction score
Disclaimer: The following story is fiction meant for adults only. If you are not an adult or adult stories offend you then you don’t belong on this site anyway.

A college student is tricked into thinking her mother is kidnapped. Instead, the college student is kidnapped into a sex slave operation.

A Song Without Music

The band director pointed to the back of the band and motioned for a crescendo. Melodic booming brass instruments played their part beautifully. Then, the conductor motioned to me. I took a calming breath and began to play my part. My music intertwined with the brass and woodwinds until their parts softly ceased. My instrument produced a rich eloquent tone that touched the hearts of everyone listening. The music danced through all the appropriate emotions until my solo, and the song itself, ended. For a few seconds there was nothing but silence.

Someone coughed and that appeared to break the spell my song wove. “Excellent solo Amber,” the band director Mr. Mitchell said, “Your bowing technique is spot on. Everyone else played their part perfectly. I’m confident we are ready. Play exactly that way tomorrow.” I heard surprised murmurs from my fellow bandmates. It was rare for Mr. Mitchell to say we played to perfection. Usually there would be a brass instrument out of tune, or a clarinet’s reed won’t work right, or I hadn’t put enough rosin on my bow, or someone plays the wrong note.

With rehearsal over I carefully put up my instrument and went through the mental list of anything I needed to do before heading back to the college apartments, or dorm depending on who you’re talking with. My phone buzzed with a text message from my mom. “Call when alone.” My mom always texted in full sentences. She would never send me something like that! Something was clearly wrong, but mom and dad were supposed to be on a flight to Italy for their second honeymoon at that very moment. How did she text me? My heart pounded as I took a seldom used path to my apartment. I glanced around twice. No one had followed me so I pressed the call button to call her.

The phone picked up after one ring “We have your mother” a robotic distorted voice announced. I laughed, relief flooding through me because I knew this was a common scam. “You’re an idiot. My mother is safe with me. I’m looking at her right now.” Of course that wasn’t true, but the scammer didn’t need to know that. Whoever it was probably saw my parents were on their way to Italy through Facebook and spoofed my mom’s number to try and get me to pay a ransom. It was a scam too many people fell for. I was too smart for them - or so I thought.

“No. We have her. She did not get on the plane to Italy.” I shook my head. Just like I thought. Someone saw a post on Facebook and… “Hang up and accept the FaceTime call.” My heart dropped into my stomach. That wasn’t part of the common scam! Sure enough, when I accepted the FaceTime call there was my mother gagged with duct tape with two people in black masks. She looked to be unconscious. I froze in place, fear gripping my whole body. “No…mom…” I managed to choke out. “Please don’t hurt her!”

“Now you see we are serious. Follow instructions and no harm will come to your mother. Walk to your left away from the campus. Do not hang up the phone or attempt to call anyone else.”

“C…can you see me now?”

“Yes. You are wearing black boots, jeans, and a green hoodie.”

That information was definitely not on any social media under my parents control or my own. Maybe someone took a picture of me earlier that day? I would have remembered if someone did that. Usually I’m tagged if someone posts a picture of me on their wall. I decided to do one last test. I jumped three times.

“What did I just do?”

“You jumped three times. We see no one is around you. Walk closer to the street. A black van will pull up. Get inside if you want your mother to live.”

Thoughts raced through my mind. Why did they want my mother? Why me? What did we do to deserve this? Before more questions popped up the black van pulled up. A side door opened. Someone dressed in all black motioned for me to get in. Trembling, I stepped inside where there was a driver and two others, all looked like they were men. The door closed and the van slowly moved away from campus.

“Where’s my mother?”

“Give me your phone.”

“First my mother.”

“Last chance. Give me your phone.”

“Prove to me my mother is ok first.”

Before I knew it one of the men twisted my arms painfully behind my back. I felt a squeeze on my wrist that held my phone, causing me to drop it. An ear piercing scream escaped my lips. My scream didn’t deter the men. The one who didn’t hold me fastened a collar around my neck. I pulled and tugged as much as I could to get away, but I wasn’t strong enough. Suddenly my neck felt like a thousand needles were piercing it. Electrical shocks from the collar prevented me from moving. I felt the men tug at my clothing before I passed out.

I awoke in what appeared to be some kind of large basement on a mattress that looked to be stained with years of sex. I was also completely nude to my disgust. There were others with me all laying on their own dirty mattress like I was with the same black collar around their throats. My eyes darted around the basement. There was a bathroom nearby with no door. I was able to see the toilet from where I was. Desperate to pee after waking up, I slowly rolled off the mattress.

“Be careful. Don’t cross the yellow tape on the floor.”

The yellow tape thankfully included the bathroom area. I nodded to the woman who spoke to me with a flat tone dead of emotion. After relieving myself, and feeling even more disgusted with the lack of soap and hand sanitizer, I approached the woman who warned me. The area of yellow tape covered an area maybe a quarter of the size of the basement. I could see a door leading to another room beyond the yellow tape along with a staircase nearby and a computer next to the staircase. The computer would be my ticket out of the hellhole I was in along with finding my mother - if I could reach it.

“My name is Amber, what’s yours?”

“My name is unimportant. I live to serve clients and owners.” Her response was not a good sign. I knew right away I couldn’t trust her or possibly any of the other women with any form of escape plan. There was no telling how long they had been kept here. I had to be careful and gather the information I needed to escape slowly.

“What happens if I cross the yellow tape?”

“Without a client or an owner? You get shocked.”

“How bad of a shock?”

“Depends on what you do.” The woman demonstrated by stepping her left foot outside the yellow tape. I saw an electrical current pass from the collar onto her skin.

“One step out is a mild shock. Maybe you weren’t paying attention. Step back in and you’ll be fine. Two steps out is a medium shock with a two second window of no shock to go back into our designated area. The two second window is in case of a malfunction so that the collar can be disabled if it was an error. Ignore the two second window and you are shocked to the point of passing out. It’s a constant pulse of carefully timed shocks to keep you passed out but alive until they find you and put you back here.”

“The collars can be disabled?” I asked, a more detailed plan forming in my head. I had to disable the collars then get to the computer without being seen.

“Do not bother. You cannot disable your own. Many have tried all with the same result.”

“Electrical shock?” She nodded. “Ok, I need to know anything else that sets off the shock.”

“Whenever a client or owner comes nearby we receive a mild shock to ensure our submissiveness. With you it will be moderate until you submit enough times for them to be satisfied.”

“And is the shock constant?”

“No. Only if you go too far away from a client or owner outside the yellow tape.”

“How far away is too far away?” She shrugged then winced as an electrical current passed through her. “Some body movements also cause a shock as you can see. Especially if you move your arms or legs quickly as if you are running.”

At that moment a bell chimed three times. It sounded like your average school bell. All the women rose and stood in front of the mattresses like robots. I played along, following suit. If I was to escape from here along with finding my mother, I needed to act as compliant as possible for the moment.

Three men with black masks clomped down the stairs. None of us moved. The men each went to different women. I could see out of my peripheral vision - something I had plenty of practice with thanks to being in marching band - that they were inspecting the women with their eyes and hands. Gross. Some of the women twitched from the electrical shock as the men approached. Others did not. One of the men stopped in front of me. The shock was moderately painful. It wasn’t enough for me to black out but was enough to dull my senses.
“Ah the newcomer. Compliant already without even being told I see. A mark in your favor.” I said nothing. I could easily tell this man thrived on being one of the most powerful people in the room. They probably all did. “I like you” the man said “You don’t whine, or cry or blubber or carry on, or beg like many of the others do. Then again, that could be because you’re waiting it out. Biding your time for an opportunity to escape.” My heart skipped a beat and I felt myself make a subtle facial expression. He caught it. “Ah so you’re a fighter. Even better. Do you fight for yourself?” He paused looking for a reaction from me. “Fight for your mother?” Another pause waiting to see how his words affected me. “Ah so it doesn’t matter. You fight for both.” He smiled at me when I confirmed his thinking with an involuntary and subtle body language move. There was no way in hell I could escape with this guy in the room. He appeared to be an expert on reading people, or at least people with dulled senses. I knew I had to be careful. Additionally, I knew he was toying with me. He was picking at my brain to see how I would react. Gauge my reactions to try and see what would cause my mind to become broken. Bastard pig. Did he know who I was or did he simply like to play mind games with all the women he kidnapped?

“I’ll make it more fun for you” the man casually said “your mother was never in any danger. The video was a clever fake with an actress who looks similar to your mother dressed up like her.” The man laughed maniacally. “Am I lying or am I telling the truth? You will never know or find out!”

“Bastard pig,” I said in defiance.

The man laughed “We got a mouth on this one, boys! You know what that means!”

All three men surrounded me. I was commanded to walk to the door by the staircase. The electrical shock was milder now, or maybe I was just getting used to it. I didn’t know which and I didn’t want to find out. The man who had been attempting to mess with my mind opened the door and ushered me inside. I didn’t like what I saw.

“The middle ages had the best escape proof tool. The best part being its simplicity. Don’t you agree Amber?” I said nothing, my eyes widened at the metal stocks. It appeared the stocks could be raised or lowered depending on the height of the person. I could also tell that it was designed to keep someone bent over with their privates easily exposed for the taking. Part of me wanted to get on my knees and beg for mercy, but I knew it would be useless. They were going to abuse me no matter what I did.

“Now how about you make it easy on yourself Amber? Place your head in the middle hole and your wrists in the other holes. I’m sure you’ve seen the pictures right?”

I spat at the pig in defiance. Immediately the electrical shock worsened. I couldn’t move but it wasn’t enough for me to pass out. Before I knew it my head and hands were trapped in the contraption. A blindfold was put around my eyes. At that moment I concentrated on the song that included my solo piece. The music that made time not exist. Over and over I played the entire song in my head. For as much as I could I attempted to sing the tune. Sometimes I couldn’t with a cock in my mouth and another in my behind, thrusting at different rhythms. It was also impossible to control all of my moans and screams. They took me anally and vaginally multiple times. And a cock always seemed to be in my throat.

I also felt fingers play with my nipples and hands maul my breast. I couldn’t tell if the person abusing my breast was above me or under me. It could even have been two different people. My senses were all disoriented with the blindfold and my brain desperately attempting to recite my solo piece over and over again to distract myself from the horror. I know there were more than three men because I heard the door open and shut a few times. Multiple voices degraded me. They told me I was their property. That a woman’s only purpose was to please a cock. They laughed at me whenever I made uncontrollable moans, groans, and screams. I felt the cocks cum in me and felt cum being sprayed all over my body multiple times, too many times to count. My throat was coated with cum too, they demanded I swallow as much as I could. If I didn’t, or couldn’t, swallow the cum it would be smeared all over my face that wasn’t covered by the blindfold. They even smeared it in my hair. The room eventually smelled of sweat and ripe sex.

I played the song in my head 69 times before the abuse was finally over and I was back on the filthy mattress, my body completely filthy with sex and cum. Maybe even pee. I had no way of knowing for sure because the smell of cum overpowered my nostrils. I probably even had some go up my nose. The count of 69 utterly disgusted me because of the sexual connotation. For quite some time after, the men left me alone and played with other women. Sometimes it would be just one man and one woman. Sometimes a man or multiple men took a woman. There were also two women taking each other while a few men watched and masturbated to it. It was disgusting and horrible to hear and witness. Some of the women even looked happy that they were being used.
At the end of the day, or what felt like the end of the day because it was impossible to tell due to no view of the outside, women one at a time were escorted upstairs and came back clean. Everyone except me. My “friend” who wouldn’t tell me her name told me that keeping me dirty meant I would be expected to service someone who requested a dirty woman. It was either that or the owners wanted another session with me before they retired for the night. Panic gripped my chest when she told me her explanation.

The bell rang immediately after she finished speaking, as if on cue. All the women stood in front of each mattress like before. Unlike before, I didn’t get up from the mattress. I felt my insides quivering with fear with the knowledge they would take me again. I wanted to throw myself on the ground and beg for mercy, beg to be let go. But I knew doing that was just what the disgusting pigs wanted me to do. Either that or be a happy little robot like all the other women.

“Well, well. The newcomer is not complying, I see. What happened Amber? You were doing so well following instructions.” I said nothing and didn’t even look at the man leering over me. “Do you enjoy being covered in crusty dry cum? Is that why you won’t follow instructions?” I didn’t answer. I knew this part of his game was to try and mess with my mind before more abuse. I won the last round with my sanity intact. But how long could I last before he succeeded in breaking my mind? I didn’t know and that uncertainty was unnerving.

“What’s the matter Amber? Cock got your tongue?” He laughed at his own disgusting joke. The other men laughed along with him. I stared at the mattress and refused to say a word. The men stopped laughing when they realized I hadn’t taken the bait.

“Maybe we will find your mother and bring her here after all” the man attempted to goad me to respond. I moved my head to face the man close to me. I could see him smiling in his eyes. He thought he had me until I launched as much spit as I could right at his face. I didn’t hit any of the pig’s skin unfortunately. It all went on his mask.

After a moment the collar shocked me to the point where I couldn’t move and the men carried me to the stocks again. Only this time they put me in the stocks face up. A blindfold was put around my eyes again. My ankles were held by strong, rough hands. The hands forced my legs apart. It was very disorienting to have my feet off the ground and weight centered on my wrists, ankles, and neck. I heard the door open again and knew it was going to be more than three men abusing me.

The abuse was worse this time. My mouth was always invaded by a cock. The only brief respite I received would be when the cock would cum in my throat and pull out for a second. Then another cock would invade. They didn’t even give me time to try and swallow cum this time. And they rubbed it all around my face and in my hair like last time. With my chest facing the ceiling instead of the ground, the men had better access to my bosom and took full advantage of it. I felt teeth pulling and biting at both my nipples simultaneously without mercy. When my nipples weren’t being bitten, my breast took all forms of abuse. Hand slaps, rough groping, hard squeezing. Each time the abuse on my breast would stop, it was because someone was about to cum on them. Once the cock sprayed cum they resumed biting, slapping, and groping them.

I could feel someone underneath me and it felt like his cock was in my ass. At the same time a cock was in my vagina. I didn’t even know it was possible to have one in both places at once until it happened to me then. The men laughed at me like last time whenever I couldn’t control a moan, groan, or scream escaping from my mouth. Every inch of my body was used and abused. Like last time, they came inside my mouth, ass, and vagina multiple times. The room smelled like a stink bomb of sex had exploded along with a faint smell of pee. I’m pretty sure some of the liquid I felt on my body wasn’t all cum. The only reason I was able to keep my sanity is because I kept count of how many times I played that song in my head. I had less control of my grunts, moans, and screams than last time. But I managed to play the song in my head flawlessly until I was back on the dirty mattress, sobbing and crying my eyes out. The count of how many times I played it in my head was now 115. I must have fallen asleep while crying uncontrollably because the next thing I knew the bastard pig was shaking me awake.

“Time to get cleaned up.” I didn’t move, thinking it was yet another mind game. The bastard pig shrugged. “You want it the hard way? Fine.” The collar shocked me to the point of passing out. When I came to, I was sitting at an ordinary dining room table with a plate of food and water in front of me. My body was free from the sweat and dried crusty cum that had coated it. Surprisingly a man sat across the table without a mask on. He had wavy brown hair and brown eyes.

“Eat. Drink.” When he spoke I knew it was the same man who had talked to me both times. “You need to keep your body in the beautiful shape it is,” the bastard pig commanded. I didn’t want to eat, but I was famished. There was no telling how long I had gone without food and I didn’t know when my next chance at a meal would be. After one bite of the roast I swiftly attacked the food, my stomach begging for relief from being empty.

“You may not have seen it in the bathroom, but there’s a water hose in a tub.” He was right. I had seen the tub but didn’t look inside because it was a disgusting brown color. “Flip the switch on the hose to get water to come out. Drink from there often. You don’t want to get dehydrated.”

I paused eating at that moment and looked at him like he had grown a second head. “You expect me to drink from a hose all day long? You’re out of your mind you disgusting bastard pig! There’s no way I’m doing that.” He shrugged, not bothered by me calling him names. “If you get dehydrated I have a doctor in my pocket who could give you IV fluids without telling anyone about my business here. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had to call him. You won’t accomplish anything by making yourself dehydrated. Unless of course you want to have a needle in your arm while we and anyone who wants to have their way with your body. We’ve done that before and are prepared to do it again should the need arise.”

“You’re a sick bastard,” I said and resumed eating. He shrugged again, still not bothered by my jabs. “Maybe, but I’m the bastard who owns you now. The sooner you accept that the easier it gets.” I shook my head. “I’m not going to accept it you sick freak.” He chuckled, a smug smile plastered over his face. “They all do eventually. The only question is, how long will you hold onto this brave resolve of yours until your mind shatters into a zillion pieces? With your friend Ashley it only took a week before she became the broken girl you saw when you first woke up.”

“Yeah I’m not falling for that name drop you just did you disgusting pig,” I said. My plate was empty of food and my belly full. I gave the pig a hard stare into his eyes. His eyebrows raised. “You’re smarter than you look. But then again are you really? All this time you’ve been sitting at a dining table and you haven’t tried to leave or yell for help. Usually someone tries that before they begin eating the first time they come up here.” I laughed “I’m not falling for that one either. You or someone employed by you controls the shocks of the collar around my neck. You could shock me anytime you want without any reason, but that’s not your style. You want an excuse to do it. You want to be the most powerful person in the room, and for now you are. But that won’t last. I will defy you on my terms, not yours.”
I poured out the anger and pain from the last however many hours it had been into a bravado speech. My words were powerful, but I was truly terrified on the inside. I hid my terror by focusing on the song again. The count was now 116. It worked. For a small moment, maybe about a second, the man was visibly shaken and bewildered. He didn’t allow that moment to last long. I felt the shocks of the collar paralyze me again. It caused me to fall out of the chair and land painfully on the floor. Before I passed out I heard him bark orders to someone I couldn’t see. “Take her back down. And find out everything you can about her. She’s not like the others and I want to find out why.”

Boy, did she wake up! The room was filled with an ear splitting scream when she awakened and realized her predicament. She was afraid at first when she saw me cautiously approach her, but then she noticed I had a black collar on just like hers.

“It doesn’t help to scream. They don’t care.” I said.

“Wh..wh…where are we? Where’s my son? Do they have my son?”

“I don’t know. I was brought here just like you. They claimed to have my mom. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to escape and find out if it’s true or not.”

“Oh no” the blonde sobbed “I know what this is. They’re trafficking us. I’m a perfect target. Nobody cares about me! No one will know that I’m gone!” Tears streamed down her face and dripped to the ground below. I attempted to reassure her. “I’m sure someone cares about you. What about your son?” The blonde laughed ironically “I don’t even have custody of him right now. I was an addict.” She turned her arms to show me old track marks. “I got clean and am in the process of getting my son back. I wanted to be able to go with him on his school trip to D.C. but that didn’t happen…” she trailed off, paused, then said “…if I disappear then they will think…”

“Let’s focus on now,” I advised. “One step at a time. What is your name?”


“I’m Amber. And right now I care about you. I want us both to get out of here alive. Once we are out I can talk or testify to whoever I need to testify that what’s currently happening now is not your fault.” A hopeful look appeared in Sara’s eyes. “How will they believe you?” It was a fair question. “It would take too long to explain,” I said. It wasn’t the full truth but I wasn’t fully sure this was another mind game or not yet. “What I should be doing now is telling you how to avoid being shocked by that collar…”

The women all lined up in formation in front of each mattress. I did the same and motioned Sarah to follow suit. She didn’t and sat on the mattress with a questioning look in her eyes. The same three men galloped down the basement stairs. Like before, they fanned out and inspected all of us with eyes and hands. This time all the men completely ignored me. The bastard pig with brown eyes stood in front of Sarah. I knew it was him without having to see his face.

“A defiant newcomer. What do you think, boys? How should we deal with Sarah?”

Sarah got off her mattress and onto her knees. “Please. I’m begging you please let me see if my son is ok.”

The brown eyed pig laughed “your son safely arrived at D.C. He was never in any danger. You on the other hand…”

“Please, I’ll do anything you ask, just let me go please!”


“Yes, whatever you want I have money. I also know where to get drugs if you want some. Please just let me go!”

The brown eyed pig dropped something beside her knees. “Masturbate with this and make yourself cum.”

“You…you’re never letting me go are you?”

“Oh darn” the brown eyed pig said in faux disappointment “she figured out our little game and isn’t doing what I asked. You know what that means when a woman doesn’t do what she’s asked, right boys?”

The collar shocked Sarah to where she couldn’t move a few moments later. The men took her to the other room in the basement with the stocks. Even though it was a different room, we all were able to hear every grunt, moan, groan, and scream. The walls must have been thin. Listening to the sound of someone being abused and being unable to stop it was torturous. I now realized how all the other women lost their humanity. It was the combination of being abused and having someone else be abused just out of reach. I cried for myself. I cried for all the other women who lost their humanity. But most of all I cried for Sarah. It was obvious now that Sarah wasn’t part of a game to mess with my mind alone, but with all our minds. With her being abused, as messed up as that is, I now knew I could trust her.

Multiple men trampled down the stairs and entered the room. It was impossible to tell how many because they wore all black and had black masks on. The other women lay on their mattresses with their legs spread, waiting for orders or to be taken. The men ignored them, focused on tormenting the newest addition. After what seemed like hours, the men finally plopped a dirty, filthy Sarah onto her mattress.

After they released Sarah the men turned toward the rest of the women to play with, including me. I was forced to have vaginal sex again. I complied because I knew the penalty for being defiant. It wasn’t the brown eyed pig who took me, but someone I didn’t know. Sex with him was far more gentle compared to the abuse of multiple men at once. I was able to easily detach myself from it. The count of how many times I played the song with my solo after sex with the man was 189. I played the song in my head while Sarah was being abused too.

To my surprise and relief, Sarah was brought upstairs after I was. That meant the men weren’t going to have another round with her. I couldn’t bear hearing it happen to her again or anyone for that matter. It was time for me to put my escape plan into action. If I didn’t do it when Sarah got back, then I would never be able to do it later.

Sarah came back clean with mixed emotions in her eyes. She mostly looked haunted and afraid.

“Sarah,” I whispered. She turned to look at me with a glazed look in her eye. “I have a plan to escape. I need your help.” A small flicker of life entered her eyes. “I can’t take that again. Whatever you need me to do.”

“I need you to show me your collar so that I can examine it. I’m not going to lie to you Sarah, there’s a chance you will get shocked by me doing this.” Alarm and confusion became plastered on Sarah’s face. “The shock…are you trying to trick me?” I shook my head. “The first day I was here they did to me what they did to you. You will need to trust me Sarah. I can’t get us out of this without seeing how the collar works.”

Sarah nodded and sat down on the side of the mattress. I inspected her collar. It had a panel that could be opened from the back. Figuring out how the collar worked after opening the panel was a piece of cake. It also helped that I had bitten off part of one of my fingernails. I used the crude partial nail in any way I needed. After a few moments I was fairly confident I knew how to disable the collars. I just needed to do some quick tests to be sure. The only problem was if I was right about being able to disable the collars, I couldn’t see to disable my own. And I was the one who needed to be at the computer. Sarah could disable the collars just by following simple instructions. A computer on the other hand? That would be more complicated for the average person. “One thing at a time,” I told myself after changing a few settings on the collar.

“Ok. Step across the yellow tape.”

Sarah did as instructed. She yelped and jumped back when the collar shocked her. “It didn’t work,” she complained. I shook my head “It did. I turned up the setting of the shock. Now I’m going to change it again.” Sarah looked angry “But you said…” “Shh, just trust me. You won’t get shocked again.” I fumbled with the collar once more and then told Sarah to step across the yellow tape again. This time nothing happened.

“Ok, now listen carefully.” Sarah listened intently. “I need to turn the shock back on to protect you if things don’t go according to my plan.” Sarah nodded “I don’t like it,” she said, “but what you say makes sense. If you get caught and I don’t we have a better chance. Just please…please try to get us out of here before they do that to me again. I can’t…I…” I put my hand on her wrist to reassure her. “One thing at a time Sarah. Focus on the now and that’s how we get out of here.” I said. “Now, this is what you need to do to my collar.” I gave Sarah instructions on how to open the panel, what to look for, and what to tinker with, “…and make sure you turn the knob to the left.” My instructions were finished. Time for the final test. I stepped over the yellow tape and there was no electrical shock. I moved back behind the yellow tape. “It worked,” I said.
The bell mockingly rang immediately after. “Oh crap,” I said. “If they pick me to abuse and notice I don’t get shocked…” Sarah stared at me wide eyed, fear plastered over her face. “Get in position,” I said, “maybe we’ll get lucky.” Three men paraded down the stairs like they had always done before. They fanned out into the line of women. Some inspected us with their eyes while others inspected us with their hands just like the first time it happened after I arrived.

The brown eyed pig stopped in front of me. I was nervous and he could tell something about me was off. Before he could say anything the door above the stairs burst open. “Sir! I’m sorry to bother you!” The brown eyed pig turned away from me “This better be good” he angrily and impatiently murmured. “It is, we have to take care of this problem immediately.” The man half ran, half tripped down the stairs and handed a folder to his boss. The brown eyed pig opened the file. Silence blanketed the room. Suddenly the brown eyed pig whirled around and held something I didn’t have time to see next to my face for a few seconds. I could tell that under his mask he was seething with rage. He turned to one of the men beside him.

“SIDE ROOM. NOW!” He barked. All of the men followed him to the room that housed the stocks. The piece of paper he held to my face floated to the floor. It was a missing person’s poster. A poster of me.

“How could you have been so incompetent?” The brown eyed pig yelled at his staff, clearly flustered and not thinking clearly. Now was my chance to get to the computer while they were all distracted. Quickly and quietly I slid my way over there without being seen by any of the men.

“You idiot! You were supposed to collect unrecognizable people! She will be recognized because she has that solo everyone’s been talking about! And don’t even get me started on what else you didn’t know about her! Your incompetence could have jeopardized this entire operation! Did you even do any form of research on her before you took her?”

Now in front of the computer I had my one shot at getting me and all the other women out of here. The brown eyed pig continued yelling, he had probably forgotten that everyone could hear what goes on in that room from the outside…or he no longer cared. Two minutes of luck and magic and I was inside the computer system. The yelling still continued.

“I was able to hack into one of her friends’ Facebook…”

"And you thought that was good enough?”

Security of the computer was a joke. The pigs probably never expected someone other than them to be able to access it. I was able to do what needed to be done quickly and efficiently. The yelling still continued.

“I’ve told you time and time again to make sure you know your target well before taking her to be part of our operation!”

“But Hank…I thought I…”

“And now you just gave everyone my name.” The computer dinged while Hank yelled. He didn’t hear it. “What a buffoon you are!” Another ding. Someone got my message, which meant I had to last 10 minutes or less in this hellhole. “We have to move operations now because of your blundering incompetence!”

Hank continued to berate his goon. Quickly and quietly I made my way back to the mattress where he would expect me to be after yelling at his employee. “I pay you good money for discretion. You do anything like this again and I’ll make you service gay clients!” I motioned for Sarah to be ready and mouthed silently to her “ten minutes.” Sarah nodded.

Hank walked in after tearing his co conspirator a new asshole. The men all scrambled upstairs to do various tasks. All of the women besides me and Sarah slithered onto their mattresses. They laid on their mattresses as if waiting for the next order to be given to them.

Hank paced the room, then looked at me and shook his head as if to clear his thoughts. “This is how it will work. You will stay here while we go…elsewhere. I’m going to set a timer on your collar for 48 hours. Once that time is up your collar will fall off and you’ll be free to go. Tell someone whatever you like. I don’t care. We’ll be long gone by the time any investigation starts.” Good, he hadn’t noticed Sarah had disabled my collar…yet.

“What about the others?” I asked. If I could keep him talking…

“You needn’t worry about them. Most of them don’t even need their collars on. They’re mostly for show with our clients. The others like to be of service.” Hank smiled smugly.

“What about Sarah?”

“Don’t worry about her either. You heard her story?" I nodded. "Nobody cares about her. She doesn’t have custody of her child. She’s better off with us.”

“I care about her. She stays with me.” Hank laughed “You’re in no position to be giving out demands.” I smiled, “Are you sure about that?” Hank appeared to weigh his options, thinking he had time. “Fine. I’ll have her collar do the same thing.”

“How do I know I can trust you? What if you decide to kill us? What if you program a bomb in our collars?” I knew it wasn’t possible for Hank to do the last option. It was a bit of a stretch for me to go that far, but it worked since Hank now fully knew who he was dealing with.

Hank shook his head. “Bombs are messy. Even the best ones leave behind evidence. You of course know that. I’m also a businessman. Killing you may help me in the short term but ruin me in the long term. Police won’t use extensive time and resources looking for us when you turn up alive and mostly well. By the time you tell the police about us, if you decide to tell, all the evidence will be erased and this place will look like the average abandoned crack house. If I kill you both, then I have to put your bodies somewhere away from where I do business. Clients come for sex not the smell of death. Eventually no matter how hard I try to hide it, someone will discover one or both of your bodies. Pretty girls like you, police will use whatever resources they can to find out who killed you. While I do need attention, I don’t need that kind of attention.”

“What about your goons?” I asked, gesturing toward the door of the basement where the men had earlier fled to do who knows what.

Hank didn’t look away from me. “They do what they are told because they all like being paid handsomely. You and Sarah will not be troubled by them.”

“Fine,” I said. I couldn’t think of any further ways to get him talking without raising suspicion.

Hank didn’t expect me to be able to move quickly. Years of musical practice where I learned how to play fast and slow may have helped too. Before Hank knew it the collar was around his neck.

“What the…how the…”

“Bastard pig.” I turned the collar on a high setting before he could recover from his befuddlement. Watching him pass out dancing to electrical shocks was satisfying. A few moments later the police arrived. It took them a minute to piece together what happened, but I was finally free from the bastard pig and his house of horrors. Oh, and my parents were both fine too. The video of my mother was indeed a fake made by Hank, yes his real name was Hank, and his goons.


One year later
Dr. Higgins listened to every word of my encounter without interruption. She had asked the standard interview questions and after inquiring about what happened was completely silent. “Thank you Amber for being strong for me. I know it was difficult to talk about. Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

I shook my head. “No, but there’s no choice. I trust your word that the other women still believe they are owned by that bastard pig. They won’t testify. I’m the only one able to” I sadly said. Dr. Higgins caught my sorrow. “I’m sorry about your friend Sarah.” I dried my tears with a kleenex and looked into her eyes. “Thank you, it’s not your fault.” Dr. Higgins without missing a beat replied “It’s not yours either. You were there for her when you were able to be.” My emotions threatened to break into a million pieces. Time to focus on the music. The count was…oh right I had lost count somewhere around 1,000. Dr. Higgins looked at me with concern. “We can ask the judge to do this another day.” I shook my head. “No. It has to be now or I will never be able to do it.”


“State your name for the record.”

“Amber Richardson.” My voice somehow came out clearer and stronger than what I was feeling inside.

“What do you do Amber?”

“I’m in school. I major in IT and work with various technologies like computers, phones, and other devices. My minor is psychology. I also play in the college band. My goal when out of college is to work somewhere in law enforcement to primarily help with computer systems and wherever else they would need me.”

“State in your own words the incident that began on April 28, 2022.”

I took a calming breath and played the solo from a year ago in my head as comfort while I testified about my abuse. My words intertwined into emotions from the pit of the abyss. I spoke with a sorrowful tone that touched the hearts of everyone listening. The words danced through all the appropriate emotions until my testimony, a song without music, ended. The courtroom was silent for a few moments after much like the silence after playing my solo.

The jury’s deliberation lasted about 7 minutes. It helped that I sent all the laptop’s dirty secrets to the police along with an sos message to rescue me. Guilty on all counts and sent to a federal prison where the pig will rot in jail for the rest of his days along with anyone complicit in his operation and even all his clients. Testifying to make sure all of them were put away was worth the pain. Yet I’m still hollow inside. Dr. Higgins assured me after testifying that the feeling was normal. I’m glad I have her as a therapist. Without her I would be dead from suicide just like Sarah. With her I hope to get my life back under control. One step at a time.