Martin McGuinness, RIP or rot in hell?


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
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Curious the reaction , if any, of the British and Irish members on McGuinness's passing.

Love him or hate him, his impact on the Northern Ireland of today is undeniable.

He admitted his role in the IRA, he shed blood, whether by his own hand or his direction. And yet in his later years became a central figure in the peace process. He forged a not just a working relationship with Ian Paisley, the Unionist leader most rabidly opposed to everything McGuinness stood for, but the two actually became close friends. Surely one of the most bizarre couples in recent history.
I just read up some about him on Google. I guess he's a freedom fighter and hero to his own kind, but the British might have other ideas. He never gave up his beliefs, but still they are no closer to a united Ireland and that was/is the real goal.
surprising main stream turn out, Bill Clinton gave the eulogy, Lots of British and Irish vip's. Kinda funny considering he had a price on his head on both sides of the border.
Not a fan of the Clintons myself, my point was someone born dirt poor in Derry's bogside having a former US president give your eulogy is kind of remarkable
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funning thing about bombings, its the delivery system that determines it's if its legitimate.
100 hundred thousand German civilians in Dresden is war, 20 Englishman in a pub is terrosim
Different set of circumstances. The provis were unhappy with the compromise that was the partitioning of Ireland. Hitler was running amock across Europe and had to be stopped. Although, you really shouldn't mention the war around here. There is a certain Texan, ahem, gentleman, that really loses the plot as soon as you dare mention the role of anyone except Septics in defeating Germany. The USA, apparently, won the war single-handedly....
Former Provi golden boy, Gerry Adams, is trying to re-assert his status since the Guinness snuffed it. He's proposing a South Africa style truth and reconciliation commission that would allow citizens and relatives of British Army personnel offed by the IRA "closure". I'm sure Prince Charles would be fucking thrilled to learn who really killed his uncle!
my point was someone born dirt poor in Derry's bogside having a former US president give your eulogy is kind of remarkable

I agree. If I'd grown up there as one of the disadvantaged, I'd probably have joined the fight against the establishment.
I don't know. The Provisional IRA is run like a proper army though. Members don't just go out carrying out random killings and bombings. Mountbatten would have been killed on the order of some one like Martin McGuinness.

Didn't the killer of Lord Mountbatten get jailed for that?
Or just as probably ended stealing cars for some thing to do, and getting your kneecaps shot off before you got to twenty years old.

I agree. If I'd grown up there as one of the disadvantaged, I'd probably have joined the fight against the establishment.
Where I come from, we don't have much time for car thieves. We used to hang horse thieves, so any car thief getting shot in the legs is getting off light IMHO.
If you were from Londonderry, you wouldn't be from where you are from. You couldn't even be certain the IRA would want you. Are you Catholic for a start?
No I'm not Catholic. But after finding this thread, I did a quick Google on Northern Ireland and how the Nationalist Catholics were deprived of jobs, housing, votes even long after the civil rights protests in the USA! Apartheid Northern Ireland style. :)
A few thoughts, Gerry Adams is a cunt, he was and is despised by the hard core of the IRA tha actually did the fighting for his denying he was ever in.

Thomas McMahon was convicted of planting the bomb that killed uncle Lou. He was locked up in the Republic until his release in the 1998 amnesty. As to who gave the order, unlikely to ever find that out.
As to getting into the IRA, it would be next to impossible for an outsider such as an American or Canadian. They didn't have recruiting offices. After British intelligence penetrated them a few times, they became even more careful. It would not have been uncommon for some of the locals to have a pretty fair idea of who was who,that wasn't talked about, at least if you wanted to keep your knee caps