max hunter
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  • Thanks for your reply. I am unable to safely use EMail to tell you too much more about my roleplay bondage with my Ex which with two exceptions was between us alone. I continue to write fantasy stuff but cannot find a board where I can share them
    have imagined her bound and gagged by strangers many times but I am willing to share our own experiences together
    Hey Max, apologies for my abscence LOL, things have been pretty hectic but I'll catch up soon I promise x
    regarding yoru post on the young mother thread in the stories forum. I'm happy to share stories regarding the humiliation of women especially when they are in a position of authority. email me at if you have any good stories. I have about 30 you may like. leave me your email addy and I'll send you what I have to.


    average joe
    MH, somehow missed your new Afent Summers story,must read it mate and loved it. Keep up the good work!
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