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  • Hi masochisticginger.
    Well, I have a lot of fantasies in mind of course, but I particularly like the fact of kidnap "victim" before taking him home to humiliate her.
    I will attach him before making him go through what I have in mind.

    I like to see my victim to struggle as much as possible, the fact that it gives me even more revolt want.

    I love when it's pretty violent and brutal, I have nothing against the accessories (such as the whip)
    I like strong women, with the temperament, this gives a special challenge.

    here is a summary of the kind of stuff I like.

    and you? what do you like? we can talk by mail if you want.
    We push you out off the van
    "Keep walking you cunt," I growl motioning you with the gun "Yeah it's not easy when everything is taken away from you is it?" We march you down watching your naked ass. We march you down a trail pushing you further so you can't get your bearing we eventually end up at a clearing. We find a tree with a branch hanging just low enough to suit our purposes. We throw two ropes around it one we hang overhead and attach to the bindings on your hands the other we tie into a noose and place it around your neck.
    Well i don't rape role play on this site but I do on messanger if you want to rp your rape fantsa, i like to rape younger women but I understand if you don't want to go under 18
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