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  • Hi there! I hope all is well. If you are interested in playing again please let me know. I really enjoyed our time together. I'll be away the next few days, but I will have lots of time after the 1st.
    Hi, I wanted to thank you for a very, very enjoyable RP and the picture :). Again I am sorry for vanishing on you. I don't know if the messages were being delayed or if you were too busy with the fantasy to respond quickly. After about 8 minutes of waiting I thought you had left. I am more than willing to continue or start a new RP if you like. I hope you had the RP you envisioned and it gave you the fulfillment desired. I know I'll dream about it for days.
    hello Cynthia, that is a lovely little black dress you have, I would love to see it on the floor ..or perhaps shoved up over your arms trapping them above your head.
    hmm into blackmail a little are we? I'd like to talk more about that with you and the 'problems' you've faced making it real for you ;)
    Hi Cynthia, I read your post on the "What should they find inside her". I really wanted to use the condom/spray foam idea in a story I was writing. I just wanted to check that you wouldn't have any problems with that. I found it a really interesting idea to humiliate my main character at the end.
    I prefer a roleplay where the victim is a strong, brave, fierce, woman and beautiful and sexy at the same time. She never gives up until the end.
    Hi Cynthia
    So you like different role play, I have done a fair bit of this in the past, it can be anything from stalking to kidnap, to be a friend then a then turn and be a villain,
    Although I catered for anyones taste my main theme was sleepy/drugged rape but how you got there is where the game begins.
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