Mad Gerald
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  • NgoÃ*i các Ã*ch lợi hệt nhÆ° tỏi Ä‘en tÆ°Æ¡i, tỏi còn có thêm những lợi Ã*ch rất quý. Trong củ tỏi có thÃ*nh tố SAC vá»›i hÃ*m lượng cao, chất nÃ*y được chứng minh có rất nhiều Ã*ch lợi sinh học nhÆ°: chống oxyt hoá, Ä‘iều biến sức đề kháng, kìm chế tế bÃ*o ung thÆ° cao hÆ¡n từ 6 - 12 lần so vá»›i tỏi Ä‘en tÆ°Æ¡i. lúc thá»* nghiệm trên chuá»™t, chất nÃ*y còn có công dụng chống phân bÃ*o trên má»™t vÃ*i loại ung thÆ° nhÆ°: phổi, gan, đại trÃ*ng…

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    Hi, MG - how are you? Raped any good policewomen lately?

    Haven't heard from you for some time or seen you on the site. I've got a new story running I think you'd like plus some policewoman rape and torture jokes and an album.
    Hi, MG. Just drawing your attention to my new policewoman rape story which I'm posting bit by bit. In the first part she's happy and confident, setting out for a remote farm where...of course, nothing will happen to her and if it did, she could handle it. LOL.
    Thanks. It isn't now. I thought perhaps the mailbox was cleared automatically when it was full. I'd also hoped I could select messages to keep and messages to delete, but that facility doesn't seem to exist. So I've cleared the lot.

    Policewoman chases big, musclebound, beer-bellied thug (maybe she's Asian and he's racist? Maybe he's a serial rapist and raped her best friend or sister?). She is exceptionally fit and strong, so when she grabs him there's an almost even trial of strength, but very slowly he pushes her back to a wall, subdues her and rapes her, leaving her in a humiliating public position like tied naked upside-down to lamp-post.

    Policewoman with big arse polices biker meeting. Biker grabs her arse. When she unreasonably objects, he grabs her properly. His friends gather to screen what he's doing. He humiliates her, rapes her and his friends take turns. She's too scared to report it. A year later, he meets her walking in woods or whatever. (Close to a true story an American biker told me)
    Hi, MG. OK, here are ideas I'm not well ahead with writing up. This message is too long so I'll return.

    I'm not sure how the age restriction works: obviously, we don't write stories in which under-age girls are raped, but what about under-age rapists? So if necessary interpret "kid" to be 18.

    Policewoman finds kid (immigrant? Somali, say?) drowning. She dives in and saves him. So she gets all wet, trousers sticking in arsecrack, nipples showing. So he rapes her (and then throws her in?).

    Black drug dealers are bothered on estate by new conscientious policewoman. Maybe they tell boss, who is amazed by their weakness and tells them to deal with her. They gang-bang her, torture her for information, inject her and drop her in a waste container.

    Policewoman interrupts burglar who thrashes her, rapes her and sells her.
    Thanks. Is that the current avatar - big-arsed piggy just turning round, head and shoulder chopped off so as not to show who she is (because she's genuine)? The uncropped picture shows her mouth is open wide! She is, of course, about to be raped. Until recently I had another avatar pieman said he admired - close-up of another genuine piggy arse.

    As for help, my current story is well ahead, but I might well post you a draft of my next story bit by bit for comments and ideas. Our writing styles are different and you tend to concentrate more on the physical details of the fucking while I include more dialogue and comments about what's going on in the characters' heads.

    Without you and WPC Rapist I wouldn't have got going here.
    A great new year to you too!
    Hope you have some more stories in the pipeline!
    Meanwhile I'd really like those final chapters of Jane's adventures...
    29 upwards or so...
    hi. we should chat on yahoo messenger. im at on yahoo and yahoo messenger.
    Hey Mad Gerald! Glad to see you back in business composing more material. You are the best of the bunch for the "sexual ravagement and humiliation of mlitary women" genre!:D
    I don't know if you're interested in criticism of your stories – or suggestions. Although they're madly great already there are some issues that could be addressed to make them even better. Perhaps you'd allow ideas and input where to go next with some stories? I suppose it gets hard after a while to find new ideas, since there has to be a continued crescendo of abuse to make a story good, and there are only so many things you can subject one woman to. Easier to start afresh with a new victim – but the truly great stories are the long ones, like your G I Jane. (The reading pleasure is enhanced when you have all the pain the woman already took in the back of your mind.)
    Hi every one if you like my stories please say so i need feedback i gave up writing previously cos everybody read them but no one said owt - nice to see you here though - HA MAD
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