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Old 05-27-2011, 09:01 AM   #3
Defilen Rekker
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“Time for the main course, bitch” oozed Duke. Taylor's deep blue eyes blazed as she looked up at him. A cold voice deep in her mind told her that the nightmare was coming true. All her carefully planned dreams of a special night, where she would become a woman in the hands of a gentle lover, were gone. She could only groan and writhe helplessly as he knelt down between her legs. “Ohguddddnnnooooo,” she moaned bitterly. “Not like this, not like, NOOOOO...”

Duke's cock was already engorged again, throbbing just above Taylor's heaving stomach. He took a small curl of her soft golden bush in his fingers, giving it a slight tug.

“Now you slut, you gunna beg for it.” He twisted the curl harder. “Say: fuck me, niggah! Say it!”

Taylor shook her head wildly in a pain- and drug-racked delirium. She had never imagined it was possible to suffer like this. “I ccccccccan't,” she howled “I can't do this please stop, stop, that hurts so much-” Her pleas were cut off in a sobbing scream as Duke nearly tugged the hair right out of her crotch and roared “SAY IT, YOU DIRTY LITTLE WHITE BITCH! SAY IT!”

Swallowing hard, almost choking on her tongue, Taylor desperately gasped “Fffffffuuuuummmmmeee....n-n-n-n...niggg....” The humiliation of the words was almost as bad as the burning pain. She burned as she felt the pressure of Duke's cockhead press against her moist pussylips. Swallowing hard, she wildly gasped “Fffffuuuggggmeee nig-nig-nighAAAAHHHHH-”

With a firm, fast thrust Duke drove deep into her. Taylor screamed and bucked like a whipped animal. Her cherry could not have been torn more painfully, and the agony of feeling herself stretched inside was unspeakable. She felt impaled on a steel rod, each vicious ram breaking her in the most intimate place. The cuffs cut deeply in her back. The more she struggled, the more she suffered.

Duke took deep, slow breaths and tried to make every second last. The hottest porno bitch he'd ever seen could not compete with the sight of Taylor struggling and sweating on the end of his dick. “You slut,” he grunted, “you wiggle that ass like a real white crackwhore.”

Mex laughed insanely as he hit on the pipe. “Lissen to that screamer! Bitch oughta put out an album of her riding the cock, it'd sell a million!”

Exhausted and panting with breathlessness, Taylor's cries became incomprehensible wails as she was broken. Head arched back, mouth fixed open, she felt her hair whip across her face and breasts as she thrashed in agony. She grunted with every thrust.

Releasing her tortured tits, Duke dug his fingers like claws into the satisfyingly firm flesh of Taylor's ass. Gripping it tight, he rotated his cock deeper into her, feeling the soft velvet fold of her pussy yield. Her eyes turned white, rolling into the back of her head.

Duke felt an orgasm coming like none before. Putting one hand down to balance himself, he fixed a firm grip around Taylor's neck, squeezing tight and throttling. Her already red face puffed bright as she began to choke, her eyes bulging. Her cute, girlish face was looked almost cartoonish as the life was drained from it.

Just as Taylor felt the panic overwhelm her, Duke released her throat and came with a roar. She felt him throbbing so hard that her body almost shook with the sensation. With a detached disgust she noticed the warm cum when it fired inside her. Gurgling with pleasure, Duke kissed Taylor deeply as her head lolled about.

He pulled out of her with a satisfied sigh, taking up the crack pipe. “'K it's your go bro, but be quick, we're gonna be at the house in 10 or so.”

Oh god no, not again, Taylor thought in a daze. She begged for unconsciousness, for some kind of escape from the horror. But Jesus was answering none of her prayers. She knew deep down that she had been ruined forever; something special in her had been broken utterly. Bitter tears flowed as she realized the destruction of her dreams, her life.

Mex jumped down on Taylor like a tomcat on a bitch. “Can I have the slut's ass, man? I wanna fuck this bitch in that tight white ass.”

Paralyzed and dazed, Taylor struggled to fight back. The thought of anal sex horrified her utterly. She would beg them to kill her before that. She tried to speak, to plea for mercy, but then Duke spoke in a casual voice.

“Nah man, that's spoken for. Dude who rigged this has pre-paid for that hole.” He loaded a fresh cone into the pipe. “But pound that tight pink pussy hard bro, it's some sweet shit.”

Easily weighing twice as much as her, Mex's bulk crushed Taylor beneath him. Every part of her was filled at disgust at his hideous smell. He wasn't as big as Duke, but with every thrust her savaged pussy burned in pain. Unable to struggle any longer, Taylor's suffering body jerked helplessly as Mex fucked her hard. She was little more now than a cute blond sex doll, having lost all use of her body. Staring blankly at the ceiling as he grunted into her ear, Taylor wished she was dead.

“FUCK YEAH BITCH! HOW YOU LIKE THAT!” bellowed Mex as he came. He sat up on the seat quickly, his wet, erect cock slapping Taylor in the face as he moved over her. “Best pussy I ever had – tight, white, and delivered to my dick!”

With a hiss the partition between driver and passengers slid down. The driver – another of Duke's boys, called Del – was wearing the cap he had taken from the real driver, moments before the gangster had shot him. He whistled in appreciation as he cast his eyes over a ravishing sight : the violated body of Taylor Swift, glistening with sweat and semen, sprawled on the limo floor.

“Shit, niggah!” he chortled. “You leave some for the rest of us? How you 'spect this bitch to last back at the house? Or when that Russian motherfucker comes for her?”

Duke laughed coldly. “Oh this little bitch was made to be fucked. She's gunna go the distance alright, plenty for everyone.” He kicked hard at the near-catatonic Taylor, now curled in a ball on the floor. She yelped like a beaten dog at the blow. “Those legs, fuck. Could fuck just them all day.” He took a deep hit on the pipe.

Stories are supposed to have happy endings, thought Taylor. A princess is supposed to be saved, rescued by her knight. Her gentle, fragile mind was beginning to crack. She knew this was just going to get worse. A house? A Russian? But the traumatized ingenue truly had no idea of the tortures awaiting her. The double rape and rough handling she had just endured were gentle foreplay compared to what would do done to her later. By the time her absence was noted, her new life as a sex slave was beginning.

Taylor Swift had been taken.

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"Treat a whore like a queen, and a queen like a whore"
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