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Old 07-05-2008, 12:35 PM   #108
Join Date: Nov 2007
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Jennevieve Level 1 (100+)Jennevieve Level 1 (100+)

Originally Posted by italianguy View Post
I was banned for a week.
Way to further my argument.

It's not that I like to harass you, it is cause you have stupid opinions and you can't even write down them properly.
"Write down them properly," eh.
I rest my case.

We are in a forum, it's obvious that if you write stupid things this is the result.
Um, no. First of all, you have absolutely no business judging other people's opinions. Secondly, a forum, like any other place, has rules and people are meant to be treated with respect. Please function as you would in normal society, or people will take you for what you appear to be -- a self-centered fuck.

I don't like your master,
Do you think I give a flying fuck?

I don't let my slaves to have opinions.
You don't let them to have them, eh. Maybe you should examine your wording before "writing down them."

That aside, you're probably 12 if you're saying shit like this. This is a rape _fantasy_ board, and people who "don't let their slaves to have opinions" are trying to recreate something that is utterly ridiculous and emotionally abusive. Please remember that in real life a healthy D/s relationship does not involve pervasive control (outside the bedroom ).

And when a slave of mine talks with me and can't explain something properly she DOESN'T ACCUSE ME OF NOT UNDERSTANDING, she actually punishes herself automatically, because I'm the smart one and she is the stupid slave.
You are twelve, please learn grammar.

But you like me more than your master.
I actually think you're a fucking asshole and, unfortunately, seem to be unable to continue giving you negative reputation. Someone please ban this prick.

EDIT: Oh, he was banned. Win?
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