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Old 04-16-2013, 12:11 PM   #6
Join Date: Oct 2012
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Default The Crone, The girls and the two brothers.

The Crone is always the ruse, the black magic woman who attracts the young, pretty teens to help her with her ‘disability’ and her ‘plight.’ She is obese, appears ‘sickly’, ‘helpless’, ‘depressed’. The girls often have pity on her, with all her ‘homeless things’ weighing down her wheel chair. “Push me somewhere safe dearies, there are bad men always stealing my things.” The girls comply; bring her somewhere ‘safer,’ sometimes, to the ‘safe house’ where she pretends to be staying. A dilapidated shack away from main streets. When the girls help her, her magic makes no one else see, no witnesses. All sense of caution in the girls vanishes as prudent energies are eaten away by black magic. The crone lures the girls away from their daily life and into a life of sexual abuse and primordial lust and terror and sometimes, death.

The latest capture is not of one, as the brother was mistaken, but two. Two exchange students. Barely out of school. One from America, another from Taiwan. Lured in similar fashion, together, to their explicit fates. One always cherished that quickening of the blood when he first laid eyes on the new victims. He stood at the door frame, door ajar, the large bed in front of him. His near naked brothers were at the two sides, standing on chairs, taking photographs. He admires his grotesque looking brothers. The one on the left is a seven foot albino she male, with a deformed belly and long frightening hair that drops past to the half of his back. He has a yellowing bridal gown on, complete with veil. He has a terrible hatred towards young females. The things he does to them out of that hatred is unspeakable. The elder erotically hardens, wondering which of the unlucky girl is going to be chosen to be his ‘playmate.’

The other brother is another obese, perverted Asian-Indian man who also dresses like a woman. An oversized lacy black bra holds his large drooping breasts back but do not be mistaken. This other she male LOVES young girls. Especially virgin girls. He is often charged up with Viagra so he can go one raping them for hours on end. He was giggling and snorting through his panty hose mask, taking pictures excitedly of the two girls on the bed. He rubbed his eel like cock through his black fish net like thong underwear.

One could hear the two girls crying noisily through a simple tape gag slapped across their mouths. The crone hadn’t re-gagged them yet and the elder was happy to witness such a ritual. The crone was sitting on a stool behind the bed, each large calloused hand stroking and petting the heads of the two frightened girls. “Hello my elder prince,” she greeted one, “you are just in time for your favorite scene…”

“Hello your majesty,” he said, bowing,” such fine specimens you have here…I particularly like the small Asian one…”

“Oh no no no my dear elder, you have your own little Chinese fuck toy in your room as a gift…this pretty one belongs to one of your brothers….which reminds me…” She looked down at the two girls who seem to have no idea where to look except the ceiling, One did not blame them, for all around the innocent girls were terrible, nightmarish looking freaks just waiting to get their hands on their bodies…”My little pretties, “she said, “look at me…” slowly, they arched their heads back reluctantly, eyes quivering with utmost fear, full of tears, moaning and sobbing into their stupid gags, “First of all, thank you for helping poor little old me to my ‘house,’ you must have been shocked quite badly, and literally with the Taser I hid beneath my blanket on my lap. Hahahaha and look at both of you now. All bound up and gagged and on a bed in a room full of bad bad men….this is the price you pay for being such ignorant, kind hearted puppies….har ha harrr.” Her laugh was discomforting, the laugh of a deep voiced witch showing her full ugliness. Her hair was clumped and balding in some areas, her eyes big and black, her skin almost just as black like she had been charred, burnt at the stake. Her skin looked greased and diseased. And she was fat and distasteful to look at. She stuck out her unnaturally long pink slimy tongue at the girls who started whimpering noisily.

She stood up suddenly, an ugly dark brown dress stuck to her sweating body. Her stomach protruded above the girls as if she was pregnant full term. She was full of nightmares. “ One of you,” she said, “will be gagged by me. The other one, would be gagged by my white prince over there,” she gestured to the she-male bride. He barely smiled, his face old and muscular and tensed with an angry angry look. “Now, who will be gagged by whom hmmm? Is it you?” She bent over to the screaming Taiwanese girl. “Little miss, Nicole Lee?” Nicole started pleading behind her gag and the sound she made, like a young kitten, turned on the elder exquisitely. He studied the small thing. Slender, shapely body, a 24-inch waist, around five feet two. She had long straight black hair tied in a pony tail. Her youthful beauty was Pan-Asian. Sweet and innocent. Her skin, without blemish and smooth and fair. She had on a white floral dress that hugged her upper body and waist nearly like a second skin. He reckoned she was a B cup, with breasts perhaps slightly larger than the naked teen he had seen in the other room. Her fair legs were exposed from her knees downwards and the lower part of her dress was fairly loose. Her legs were of course crushed together and secured with black cable ties. Such young, tender looking legs….One cable tie trapped her ankles together, cinched with a shorter cable, another around her knees, also cinched with cable. Her arms were taut behind her and he guessed it was also bound with cable ties. The strip of tape on her mouth was black and almost peeling off with all her tears. He so wanted to crawl onto the bed, onto her and run his hands up the sides of her dress to feel out her panties….

The crone bent down, kissed the forehead of the Chinese girl then turned her attention to the American. “Little miss Samantha Roberts. 19 years old. Look at you! Such well formed breasts for your age! Is that a DD cup? Hmm?” The American teen mewed into her gag, which also seemed to be peeling off. “ I asked you a question little one,” The crone snarled, “are you a double D?” the girl nodded weakly then gave out deep sobs of humiliation. She did not dare look at the men in the room staring at her body with rape lust and bloodlust. She had a pink tank top on that was stretched to its limits, as if it was a size or two too small. Her perfect waist was exposed, and the elder found her belly button really cute. He wanted to stick his little finger into it. She was certainly pretty, sharp jawline, a sharp nose and well-moisturized skin. Her eyebrows were arched upwards with fear and her brown hair bunched up around her shoulders. “And such a cute braid you have my sweet!” The crone looked up at the two brothers, “whoever gets her, make sure you don’t mess up her braid you understand?” “Yes mistress,” both of them said in unison. The Indian brother chuckling. Excited.

“So!” The crone clapped her hands, “who shall be gagged by yours truly? Lets begin the selection process!” This was exciting to the elder. The crone loved being dramatic, mostly to scare the girls and to turn on the men. She delayed the gratification as much as she could, dropping hints of what was to come next bit by bit.
“My albino king!” She called out loud, “come on down to the end of the bed there and show these girls your crowning glory!” He stepped down from his pedestal, passed the phone to the elder. And stood at the end of the bed. “Now girls! Look up to your master! NOW!” Their terrified eyes turned towards him, almost unbelieving the horror they were seeing. He slowly lifted up his dress, with relish, to reveal his cleanly shaven crotch. With no penis. The old stitch marks were visible, like thick worms criss-crossing the hole where his testicles and penis used to be. A dried up mound was left there, white skin grown over it. He was leering at the screaming girls. “ You see my dear, one of his old victims, -Graheg rape her soul- bit off his poor manly cock a long time ago. It was his fault really, not using a ring gag on her and the doctors could do nothing to save it. He has been a very very VERY angry monster since. A man with no penis will be driven mad but thankfully, he has found a way to channel his madness….” She leaned over the two terrified girls for effect. “You see my dearies, one. Of you.” She said slowly and with relish.” Will NOT be raped.” She paused, staring down at two of them. They were not sure what to make of the sentence. “ I mean,” she went on, “how could he possibly rape any girl now? With a strap on?” She laughed hard. This angered the Albino freak. He was growling. She did it on purpose. to heat up his blood. “No no no,” she gestured to him, then to the girls below her. “One. Of you.” She leaned in closer, “will. Be. SEVERELY. Tortured.”

A long, unearthly loud wail came from their gagged mouths, noise spilling out of the loose tape gags. They shook their heads violently, the American had her eyes shut, chest heaving with crying, the other had her eyes wide open in disbelief. The crone pressed down the tape on their faces one by one. “Its going to be a very long and a very, very, VERY painful journey for one of you pretty ones! So WHO WILL IT BE?!” She jumped onto the bed maniacally. Jumped up and down shaking the bed, her fats wobbling beneath the dress, rocking the mattress, sending shockwave after shockwave into the vulnerable girls. She suddenly stopped, glared down at both of them and pointed her fat finger at the American girl. The panicked teen shook her head from side to side, obviously crying out “no no no” through her gag. “EENIE!” The crone started, “MEENIE!” she pointed to the Chinese girl, “MY-NEE, MOE! Catch the tiger by the toe!” Every word fell on either of the girls. “If it growls, let her go!” she was pointing at the Chinese girl. Then, “EENIE, ME NEE, MY NEE, MOE!” The last ‘moe’ ended with the Asian girl. She scrunched up her body then started to push herself away frantically from the psychotic witch woman. The crone bent down and dragged her back to the center of the bed, “I’m not done with the rhyme yet sweetie!” She growled hot into her ears, then she quickly pointed her finger at the American teen who stared at her with renewed panic. In the poor girl’s heart, she was somewhat relieved when the rhyme ended with her new friend. At this stage, she didn’t care. Let someone else be tortured please, she thought. The crone was still pointing her finger at the girl in the black shorts while shouting, “WHICH!” She pointed back to the other girl, “ONE!” “WILL. BE. TORTURED.” She stared at the American girl, her heat thumping, trapped in an eternal moment of stress.

“FIRST?” the Asian girl stopped breathing.


The fatal finger ended pointing at the Caucasian girl. The crone clapped her hands, the teen wet herself on the bed, too terrified even to make a single sound. She was it.
“Take this filthy whore from my sight,” the crone commanded the albino torturer. “And TAKE YOUR TIME WITH HER. HAHAHAHAHHA!” The madness in the room escalated as the screaming teen, who had urinated on herself, was swept up into the arms of the large beast. He was clearly pleased he could start having fun. He grinned like a madman. She trashed and struggled over his shoulders as he turned to the door. Elder held the door open like a faithful doorman. His mind now utterly confused. Should he stay to watch the Taiwanese girl be re-gagged or watch his deranged brother prepare the other girl for her horrific fate?

He could not decide…..
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