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JaniceJ 05-24-2009 10:36 AM

Forced at a Party ?
Two weekends ago I went to a bachelorette party. Like any party these can be "wake me when its over" or "give me a few minutes to catch my breath". I did get to chat with a few friends. And then the two male strippers arrived.

After stripping down to nothing, they formed a row of chairs with the bridesmaids, maid of honor and the bride to be seated. The one guy started at one end, with a bridesmade, offered himself to the women, and received loud cheering when she accepted his offer. The guy moved down the line and each women performed oral sex on the guy.

Now one women, I will call her Judy (I will use my middle name, not hers) at first refused. The crowd started to chat, cheer, scream and finally she gave in and accepted him. For me it seemed like he was in her mouth a long time, for her it must have seemed like forever. She clearly did not enjoy the experience. The guy moved on, most everyone watched to see the bride to be do her thing and missed Judy refuse the second guy.

I am no prude and have seen women all but attack some of these guys at parties. But it seemed strange and uncomfortable to see these women lined up and all but "required" to participate.

I realize Judy was not drugged, did not have a gun held to her head, was not being held by 4 or 5 guys. But I can not help but think she was somewhat "forced" to take his guy in her mouth simply to appease the crowd.

Any thoughts on this or similar situations ?

Flesh4Fantasy 05-24-2009 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by JaniceJ (Post 351388)
Any thoughts on this or similar situations ?

Why yes, many and thank you... :D

Did you share in her shame vicariously?

I imagine you will soon be over run with replies...:skull-big

I will savor my dirty thought to myself for now, but will watch this thread...


ChiTownHoney 05-24-2009 01:51 PM

As someone who has been to alot of bachelorette parties, I am quite suspicious that this is not what had happened...unless of course you guys had to pay extra for it...in which case you had to buy man whores. Not a pretty thing. Sorry. No respectable women would ever do that.

GeorgeDaBrute 05-25-2009 10:21 AM

an odd arrangerment to say the least ..I will neither conform nor deny my presence at a rather sizeable number of bachalorette parties and never once had them lined up for me like that ....eeerrr I mean never heard of such a thing ...lucky bastard.

although peer preassure is a whole new rape fantasy idea .. hmmmm

GOATBOY 05-25-2009 01:40 PM

I'm amazed it was legal.

the situation she was put in was equal to being drugged, or with a knife to her throat.

dirtmcgirt 05-25-2009 02:09 PM

She was somehow forced, but it was not a strong force. She accepted it. She could have stood up from her chair and say she doesn't want to put the dick of a stranger into her mouth.

But instead she chose to please the crowd (which are supposed to be her friends) and do something she didn't want to do. There's no real force in that.

I also doubt this really happened. But I agree that it is a nice fantasy idea.

BTN 05-25-2009 02:21 PM

You see some of these "real stripper videos" online. The parties seem genuine to me in alot of these cases and it has to be said that the atmosphere is quite bawdy. More than a few of the women at these events seem very willing to have a little suck. However some are reluctant but have a quick go after some cajoling. An interesting question should be to ask just who is doing the forcing? The stripper or the other women?

Just who is applying the force?

strippingu 05-27-2009 02:03 AM

tell us more
tell us more! Did you also cheer, or were you horrifeid? HOw did you feel at the time? Is she still friends with everyone there?do you think he came in her mouth?

prey4me 05-27-2009 05:56 PM

StrippingU, you bring up an interesting point: the fact that JaniceJ never mentioned when, how, and with whom the stripper(s) climaxed is a critical omission, and suggests the story may be concocted.*

For that matter, who contracted the strippers? Paid for them? With us guys, it's usually the best man who arranges for all these affairs. I would think the maid of honor** is the culprit? Oh, for the days of virgin brides!

**maid of dishonor, I should say!

ChiTownHoney 05-27-2009 10:56 PM

For my best friends bachelorette party, the guy was not good looking at all and had a husky build and wore a leopard print thong. It was just not cute. I threw a dollar at him and now I want my dollar back.

So we got this guy in our hotel room that none of us would even give a second look if we just saw him out of the street all while the groom and his buddies were in the next room licking whip cream off the stripper(s) panochas. men are just dirty like that.

Seriously its so easy for guys to be attracted to women. Oh she has a nice body.. win! For us...it took us forever to find a stripper online that we liked...but we left it into the hands of one of the bridesmaids to pick by herself, and she kept insisting the guy was cute. Egh. Lose.

Cedar 05-28-2009 06:45 AM

BTN: The parties seem genuine to me in alot of these cases and it has to be said that the atmosphere is quite bawdy. More than a few of the women at these events seem very willing to have a little suck. However some are reluctant but have a quick go after some cajoling.

Dunno if these things ever go that far, but it is rather cool to think of a blushing bride walking down the aisle at her wedding, with some male stripper's sperm still in her stomach from the bachelorette party.....

ChiTownHoney 05-29-2009 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Cedar (Post 353189)

Dunno if these things ever go that far, but it is rather cool to think of a blushing bride walking down the aisle at her wedding, with some male stripper's sperm still in her stomach from the bachelorette party.....

I still adhere to a very "boys will be boys" attitude concerning these types of things. To quote myself....respectable women do not do such things. First of all...I'm too fine to be touched by a guy I dont know, especially a pretty boy. Any women that does not see herself as such is not worth much of anything at all.

pervipete 05-30-2009 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by ChiTownHoney (Post 353849)
I still adhere to a very "boys will be boys" attitude concerning these types of things. To quote myself....respectable women do not do such things. First of all...I'm too fine to be touched by a guy I dont know, especially a pretty boy. Any women that does not see herself as such is not worth much of anything at all.

Ah Chi, modesty has never been one of your problems..:skull-big:p anyway, I thought you didn't want to have any choice in the matter..:confused: :D

I dunno though, when the old vino is flowing, and in that kind atmosphere, and a certain amount of peer pressure, nobody knows what they would do...

I must admit, I seen some of those party clips, and I have always wondered how real they are, the sheer volume of women in the hall points towards them being real, but, in the world of porn, nothing is as it seems.

JaniceJ 06-07-2009 06:51 AM

Sorry I have not participated in the discussion sooner, but a few personnel issues came up (real life) that needed my attention.

I have no way of proving this experience. No ticket stub, pictures or videos. I can only relate what I saw and you can make the choice to believe it as true or .... concocketed. The beauty of this forum is that either way you might have formed a fantasy of what it was like to be one of the participants.

These guys did move down the line quickly. Each women got a taste, maybe a minute at most. And although aroused, they did not appear to be even near climax. The crowd was loud and having a good time. I did feel bad for "Judy", submitting to the desires of the "mob". But at the same time I found it a bit erotic.

bound4me 06-07-2009 08:41 AM


pervipete 06-07-2009 08:44 AM

With no evidence to the contrary, I believe you JaniceJ. As I've stated, I've seen videos of this sort of thing happening at parties, and well, there are too many women involved for it to be financially viable to fake.

BTN 06-08-2009 06:18 AM

These events boil down to one thing really.....they loooove the cock;)

pervipete 06-08-2009 07:19 AM

I think a combination of booze, a sex charged atmosphere and some peer pressure will lower a lot of womens guard

RapeKarenX 01-31-2010 02:55 AM

pervi, i have not been in any combination of the situations you've mentioned, singularly, yes. i'm jealous. i'm going to be un-PC and say it's HOT!! willingly sucking a strange male's spatially located lower brain (being the majority of brain function activity occurring there) is not hot. being forced to deep throat is.

BTN- loving the below the belt brain is why women speak to men! lol! And men love p*ssy.

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