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Shadowed_Love 12-29-2007 12:37 PM

A Crook for a Husband [one/two male(s)]
[This is can either be a crooked cops thread, or just one/two of my 'husbands' previous associates paying me a visit! Whichever you prefer!]

Character Stats:
Name: Kathleen Gordon
Age: 25
Hair Colour: Mid-brown, shoulder length, wavy.
Eye Colour: Light blue.
Body Shape: Curves in the right place, fit.


I've heard it said that you can never really get to know someone; that there is always something hidden from view, a secret that you will never know. Everytime someone told me that, i simply informed them that they hadn't met Mr/Mrs Right yet - for i was certain i knew everything about my husband. That was until he was arrested three years into our marriage, charged with murder and numerous crimes of rape. He was sentenced on the 28th of January - 30 years without parole and i was a divorcee.

The bastard might have been locked up, but I became a target for all those who hated the crimes he had committed. Shunned by my neighbours, ignored by my friends and questioned on numerous occassions by the police, it appeared as though i had carried out these horrible crimes. Tired of the jeers and glances, i finally decided to move out of state and start my life afresh, where no one knew who i was.


The new apartment was smaller than i was used to, but comfortable enough and free of judging neighbours and disgusted glares. No one knew who I was, nor who my husband had been, and i enjoyed my newly found anonymity greatly as i settled into my new home. Within two months i had found a steady job that would pay the bills with plenty to spare, i had built up a good set of friends and, finally, had managed to move on and begin to forget the man that i had once loved.


It was early one Saturday morning that my previous life caught up with me, the doorbell flooding the still apartment with noise. Still curled within the warm cocoon of my covers, i had not expected to be disturbed at such an unearthly hour and it took me some time to respond as i should have. Dragging my eyes open, i glanced reluctantly at my alarm. 6:07am. A groan escapes me as i lay the back of my hand across my eyes and wait, hoping that whoever is there will just leave when they don't receive an answer. It is not to be, for ten seconds later the bell is rung again, only this time with greater persistance.

"I'm coming!!!" I call through my half-asleep consciousness, throwing my covers from my body and stumbling over to the door. Unhooking my dressing gown, i pull the silky material over my scantly clad body and secure it with the tie. Feeling my way down the hallway, i try to shake the drowsiness from my head, as my fingers ease the locks back and draw the door open.

My appearance clearly testifies to the fact that i have just woken - my warm brown hair tousled and untamed, blue eyes squinting against the harsh light to make out the figure(s) that stand within my doorway. The silk dressing gown that flows around my body comes to just above knee level, the rest of my legs revealed and bare toes curling against the cold ground. The purple fabric hugs to my curves, and a small portion of dark fabric speaks of a night gown of some description beneath the purple silk.

"Yea? Can i help you?"

clan_hunter 12-29-2007 10:52 PM

I get out of my car and look at the apartment block, i look at the screen in my cruiser confirming the address, "Tango Mike 13 to control, show me committed at this time, i have paperwork to take care off" "roger Tango Mike 13" the radio crackled.

I walk up the door and look at the names on the wall against the intercom's display and see Miss Sally O'Brien listed on the upper floor, 'good at least i have the right place' tracking this girl down has not been easy since she was put in witness protection following her ex-husband sentencing. She became the target of the victim's families hate campaign when her husband narrowly avoided the death penalty so she was put into protective care and given a new ID and moved to the other side of town all at the tax payers expense.

I notice the intercom for the resident caretaker, i push it, beep, crackling sounds and a "Yes who is it?" "Detective Carter madam, i need to see one of your residents, please can you release the door?" a little old women sticks her head out of the ground floor apartment into the stair well, i flash my badge and she gives me a weird look, goes back into her apartment, then i heard the door click as she releases the electronic lock.

I walk up the stairs, half way up i am puffing, mid 20's but already i have a pot belly from too much take-away, when your a Detective you have little time for proper meals, its grab fast food and inhale it before the next job comes in.

I get to the landing with a bit of a sweat on and knock on the door, i am meet with a dazed young brunette who had just obviously had been woken my knocking and ringing of the bell, she was wearing a silk purple dressing gown that was hugging the curves of her body, 'nice, real nice' i thought to myself, i had not meet Kathleen in person before but i had seen enough press coverage of her on TV at her ex-husbands trial and she was a looker then, she had packed a few pounds likely due to comfort eating following the stress of the trial and her re-location, more curvy than fat, still a stunner, i pulled my eyes away from her body hoping she would not notice me staring her down.

"Miss Sally O'Brien?" i say showing my badge or "shall i say Kathleen Gordon, that is your real name is it not?" the sheepish look confirms it, "i am DC Carter, i am hear about your ex-husband case, may i come in please?"

Shadowed_Love 12-30-2007 09:21 AM

A frown furrows my brow as i squint through the haze of sleep to make out your police badge and i am left in no question over what this is about as he mentions my real name. Glancing past you, i'm thankful that it is so early in the morning, for i have worked hard to start afresh with my new identity and i do not feel like going back to being Mrs Gordon - the rapist's wife.

I am sure that i've paled significantly, but i step back and draw the door wider, allowing the Detective to move past me into my modest apartment. Easing the front door closed behind him, I gesture for him to continue down the hallway and take the door on his right, leading him into a large room that served as both my kitchen and living room.

"Please have a seat.." i offer, lingering in the doorway as i try to calm my paniced heart beat. "Would you like a coffee? Tea?" i ask, moving to fill the kettle though my hands are trembling now and i am need of something far stronger than caffeine. Allowing the water to heat, i cross over to the couch and ease myself down upon the cushions, folding one leg across the other. "So..what is this about? I thought you had all you needed...."

I feel sick to the pit of my stomach, having to swallow several times in an attempt to ease the nausea that i thought might choke me. Everything had been going so well and for the last week or so i'd actually begun to believe that i had escaped my past. Clearly that was not the case.

clan_hunter 12-30-2007 01:47 PM

"Mrs Gordon, thank you for your time", i sit down in a seat on the sofa that she indicates for me, she goes and turns on the kettle offering me tea or coffee, her voice is trembling as she offers a beverage and i can see her hands are shaking also, i don't answer as she crosses from the kitchen and sits down in front of me and crosses her legs, i was not looking on purpose but i am sure i caught a glimpse of her pussy, i may have imagined it thought looking like she had just gotten out of bed i would not put it pass her that she was not wearing any underwear.

I felt my loins twinch god it had been at least three months since my girlfriend left me, i was married to the job and had no time for women, to make up for the lack of sex i visited the local prostitutes on 4th avenue, knowing that if they do get pulled into the station by a rookie cop i will pull strings for them for the occasional fuck on the side but it had been three weeks since i visited them also.

I can see that this Kathleen was shifting uncoftmabley in her sofa so i started

"Kathleen, why is it that you think your husband avoided the death penalty for his crimes?"

Shadowed_Love 12-30-2007 01:55 PM

I wait with as much patience as i can muster as the Detective gather's himself, trying to ignore the various crazy thoughts that were rushing through my mind. Perhaps he had been released and had promised to come find her, but that was unlikely, particularly without her knowledge. Perhaps something had happened to him inside, maybe he'd killed himself - i was surprised how my heart ached at such a thought. Why would i care if he was dead, he was the scum of the earth and yet he was the man i had fallen in love with and married.

Shaking my head lightly to clear my thoughts, i focused upon the question that Detective Carter had placed to me, a frown furrowing my brow. "I cannot say for certain Detective, it could be numerous reasons. Perhaps he knows someone, or something about someone on the justice system. Or perhaps he made a deal, he might have known information on other criminals.." I made these suggestions but really i had no idea, these were possible explinations that i had formed in my head all those nights that i had lain awake.

The kettle clicked, signalling that the water had come to the boil and i eased myself off the couch. "Would you like a tea or coffee Detective? Have i already asked you?" I'm sure i sound as flustered as i feel, turning to the cupboards and lifting down a couple of mugs. "What is it i can do for you Detective, i know as much as you do.."

clan_hunter 12-30-2007 02:42 PM

"I cannot say for certain Detective, it could be numerous reasons. Perhaps he knows someone, or something about someone on the justice system. Or perhaps he made a deal, he might have known information on other criminals.."

I smiled as she made this comment and suppressed it quickly, wondering nowif she was as stupid as i first thought she would be, well this won't come as a surprise to her all all then..

I heard the kettle click and Kathleen got up reaching into the cupboard she asked again about tea or coffee...

"Tea, Miss Gordon, please" she reached into the cupboard and lifted two mug's saying ""What is it i can do for you Detective, i know as much as you do."

"Miss Gordon, i was not the lead detective on your husbands case as you well know, i was let's say working in the background on it, helping with some of the lesser leads, to put it simply Miss Gordon your husband got off the death penalty simply because Judge Griffith's who we know is a 'happily' married man was caught in bed with another women, in fact a girl no older than 19 year of age."

'In fact i had arranged this girl to be at the hotel where the judge was residing during the trial, a chance meeting in the bar of the hotel, a bit of flirting and flowing alcohol delivered the results i needed, in fact the girl was one of the nicer looking working girls from 4th avenue and owed me a favor for getting her off the hook for soliciting again, from a distance i got snap shots of the judge kissing her outside his room with his wandering hall up her skirt before they went into his room, fat old bastard like he would ever have a chance with a girl like that, how he could not work out he was likely being set up i don't know but it was likely down to his dick doing all the thinking for him wanting this young firm piece of arse after 30 years with the 'Mrs Judge the frumpy cold bag at home'

I went on "Miss Gordon, no one knew about this information apart from myself Miss Gordon because i had set it up, you see the police force does not pay much these days and well i want to retire early, now i tried to ask the nice judge for money in exchange for the photos i had of him with this girl but it seems he has a gambling problem and was well skint and on the verge of losing everything anyway apart from his pride and his marriage which well i held in my hands thanks to a few snap photos you see, now i knew that your husband had made a small fortune from selling his rape's that he taped online to perverts like him, to the tune of $125,000 we had it worked it out to be from the credit card records from his site, but hell no one knew what he had done with that money before we busted his arse, now your husband knew he was facing the death penalty Miss Gordon so i offered him a life line, i struck a deal with the devil Miss Gordon, the judge would get his precious photos, the negatives and his life back and he would stay your husband execution and give him 30 years, your husband was to give me $90,000 dollars

"Now i have kept my part of the bargain Miss Gordon but your husband has not kept his, in fact he refuses my visits to the prison now or my phone calls, but Miss Gordon i do believe you know where the money is and i want my $90,000 and if i do not get it from you Miss Gordon then i will simply alter your statements that you gave to us at the start of the trial to incriminate your husband to make it look like you lied to us Miss Gordon and you knew about the website and the money it made, in fact i will alter the evidence to show you helped him set it up and run it, which will give us grounds to arrest you and you will be looking at five to ten years yourself Miss Gordon, now we all know that the womens state prison is being shut down in the next month as its unsafe, it will be at least 10 years before a another one is built and all the female prisoners are being transfered the same prison your husband is in Miss Gordon on another wing, i am sure your husband is resourceful Miss Gordon, in fact i don't doubt it and when your husband learns you are in the same prison as him he will make it possible for well lets say for you to run into each other......

Miss Gordon, i am a nice man really, simply give me my £90,000 and you will not hear from me again"

She stood in the kitchen with the mugs in her hand, trying to take in what i said.

Shadowed_Love 12-30-2007 03:24 PM

I nodded lightly to the request of tea, busying my trembling hands with pouring the hot water into mugs, making myself a strong cup of coffee. Occassionally i would glance over in the Detective's direction, giving a light nod to his comment about not being the lead detective - i of course rememered that, i remembered everything that followed my husband's arrest. However, as the explaintion continued i felt myself slow in my movements, careful not to make too much noise so that i could hear all that was said clearly.

My blood chilled as Detective Carter informed me of his role in my husband's sentencing and then his recounting of how he was yet to be paid. Wrapping my trembling fingers around the mugs i turned and stared at him, unable to find the words to respond. Sure that i was about to drop the two steaming containers, i shakily lowered them onto the worktop once again, my startled blue hues remaining fixed upon him.

"You..you helped him.." i whispered breathlessly, allowing my mind some time to catch up as it digested the information that had been presented. Snapping out of my stunned state i shook my head, "I don't have it...I didn't even know..." i trailed off, staring at the man who sat in my living room. "I can't pay you...i..i don't have the money.."

The threats he had placed before his request drove my imagination into overdrive - i could not think what my husband would do to me if he got his hands on me and prison...no, i couldn't go to prison, i'd done nothing wrong. "Please Detective, you have to believe me..."

clan_hunter 12-30-2007 03:46 PM

It took a while for my words to hit home, either that or this broad a was dumber than i first gave her credit.

"Listen Miss Gordon, i went to a lot of trouble to protect your husband, i did a lot of risky things to get to this stage i am out, i don't want excuses i WANT MY MONEY" i said raising my voice.

Knowing that she did not have the money, "Tell you what Miss Gordon, your husband will know where it is and i want you to go to the prison and find out where my money is, will you do that for me Miss Gordon?" i said in a mockingly sweet voice.

Shadowed_Love 12-30-2007 03:51 PM

I flinched back as he raised his voice, trying to keep myself calm but it was a battle that i was losing swiftly. However, his voice lowered and his tone calmed though his words sent a chill down my spine. Seeing no other option i nod my head, "yes..yes ok...i'll go and see him, i'll ask him where the money is.." i whispered.

I had not been to visit my husband at all since he had been sentenced, disgusted by the things he had done and wanting nothing more than to start afresh. The idea of going to visit that vile man made my stomach churn, but if it was the only way i could keep myself out of prison, surely i had to try.

clan_hunter 12-30-2007 04:01 PM

"yes..yes ok...i'll go and see him, i'll ask him where the money is.."

Damn i sort of hoped she had the money and she was bluffing.

"Well thats mighty good of you Miss Gordon but i am afraid i don't quite believe you!

You see i think as soon as i am gone from here you will take flight on me, i may just go ahead and alter that evidence anyhow, hell i might as well arrest you now for LYING to us like you did when you gave your statement about his website and that money, of course you can convince me that you will be obedient, trustworthy and i have nothing to doubt about you keeping your end of the deal......."

'Sitting on her sofa i open my legs wide and motion her to come forward to me'

Shadowed_Love 12-30-2007 04:07 PM

Eyes widen as you dismiss my reassurances that i'll get you the money you were promised, listening with held breath as you tell me that you might just doctor my statements and have me arrested anyway. "No..please, i swear i knew nothing about this website...or any money.." i stammer, reluctant to approach you as you ease yourself down upon my couch.

As you motion my forward, i reluctantly do so though come to a stop a good foot or so away from you, clearly rather nervous of your intentions. "Detective i'll go and see him, i'll get him to pay you..." The way you are sitting, with your legs held apart sends a shudder of dread through me and i cannot prevent myself from taking a step backward, "..i'll get you your money.

clan_hunter 12-30-2007 04:12 PM

Looking like a rabbit staring down the barrel of a gun knowing but not knowing its fate Kathleen stood before me shaking and promising to get the money.

"Miss Gordon, i don't doubt you will go and see your husband but to make sure, i want to see that you will be obedient, now get down between my legs, you know what i want and i have somewhere else to be Miss Gordon, i need to arrange your visit for one"

She stood there still dumb struck unsure what to do.

"Miss Gordon, don't keep me waiting....oh and while your standing i don't like my women clothed so please take off your dressing gown and what ever else you have hiding that body of yours and get on your knees NOW MISS GORDON "

Shadowed_Love 01-01-2008 08:47 PM

My eyes widen at all you demand, but i can only stand and stare as you list off your commands - that i am to remove my clothing, kneel between your legs and, well i can only assume, pleasure you - for what other reason would there be for me to be in such a position.

Flinching at your raised voice, i shake my head, taking a hesitant step backward, "No.." i whisper weakly, "No..no i'm not going to be your common little whore!" My voice grows louder as i speak, trembling hands curling into small fists, "You can't bully me Detective...i-i know my rights..you can't..."

I glance sideways, looking to make sure i have a clear run to the door before returning my gaze to the male that sits upon my couch, "I'd like you to leave now...and i'll..i'll be reporting you to your superiors for the threats that you have made..."

clan_hunter 01-03-2008 03:36 PM


Is she worth all this trouble? i think, hell i need my money.

"OK Miss Gordon, you win, i am going, however we will see each other again tomorrow at 3pm i have already arranged a visit for you to see your ex-husband and i will be waiting for you outside the prison gates to make sure you turn up, if you don't Miss Gordon, well you know what will happen, i will plant the evidence against you"

I get up and walked pass her towards the door, i stop short standing next to her, "Oh Miss Gordon, dress nicely, the prison does have standards of dress for its visitors and frankly you look like a mess".

I reach forward grabbing her crotch area feeling the silk of her dressing gown i stick my face near hers and snarl "and Miss Gordon, do not be late"

Shadowed_Love 01-04-2008 09:59 AM

I hold my breath, waiting in terrified silence to a response regard my disobedience, relieved when you finally speak. Nodding weakly, i reassure you in a trembling voice that i will be there, flinching backward as you move toward the door. Wide frightened eyes stare up at you as you come to a stop in front of me, instructing me to dress appropriately.

A cry of alarm escapes me as you suddenly reach foward, taking a step backward only to find my back pressing against the end of the counter, trapping me between it an your hand as your fingers slip between my thighs to cup my silk-covered pussy. I dare not move, even if i wanted to i cannot, and simply nod weakly, reassuring you that i will not be late.

clan_hunter 01-05-2008 08:16 PM

"Good Miss Gordon, remember 3pm and i will be waiting outside for you, Good Day".

I walk out of her apartment and down the stairs smiling, i pass the caretakers residence and see the old chinese women peering out at me throught a gap in her front door, ignoring her i head to my car, once inside i make a phone call to the prison.

"Yeah its arranged, 3pm, yes yes i am sure she will turn up as promised, you better sort out the money, yeah see you tomorrow"

I pull off, wondering what shit awaits me back at the station to deal with...

Shadowed_Love 01-11-2008 04:18 PM

I stand, frozen to the spot where he left me, releasing a sigh of sweet relief as i hear the apartment door snap closed behind him. A shudder passes through me as i turn my head to the side, soft blue hues catching sight of the two mugs of, now, cold liquid. When finally i seem to regain control of my body, i move myself into the hallway, quick to lock and bolt my door before i hurry to the window, watching as you drive away.


Leaning forward, i shut off the engine of my car, turning my head toward the jail house as i try to calm the trembling that has seized my body. Even after the detective had left, i had not been able to calm myself and, after a fruitless day and a sleepless night, i felt no better. Reaching across to the passenger seat, i grasped my hand bag and eased the car door open, setting high-heeled shoes upon the ground.

Glancing at my watch, i was reassured that i was not late - in fact i was about twenty minutes early which gave my time to calm my nerves. Locking my vehicle and slipping the keys into my handbag, i placed the strap across my shoulder and smoothed out the skirt that flowed around my legs. I had done as asked, dressed rather smartly in an attractive black skirt which clung to my hips and complimented my long, slender legs. A short-sleeved blouse graced my torso, the top two buttons left undone due to the warm weather, revealing a triangle of soft flesh.

Glancing up and down the street, i draw in a deep breath and cross the road, making my way to the entrance of the building where i pause. It was here i had been asked to wait, or at least it was here that the detective had said he'd meed me and so, leaning lightly against the wall for some form of support, i waited.

clan_hunter 01-12-2008 05:02 PM

Watching the CCTV with the guard i saw her walked the front entrance of the main gate and leaned against the wall, i had arrived about a hour earlier.

She looked great in that black dress, using the zoom feature on the camera i zoomed into on her cleavage that i could see thanks to a few undone buttons on her blouse, couldn't help to notice that she did look like she had a rough night, i smirked at the prison guard and smiled at me for zooming in on her, i almost jumped when she looked right at the camera on the gate focused on her, wondering if she knew it was me looking down on her.

Leaving the monitering station i walked down the corridor and walked outside the main access gate.

"Miss Gordon, so glad you could make it, now we will go inside and see your ex-husband Miss Gordon, i am sure he will want to talk about your life, why you have not contacted him or visited him and all that stuff but your main concern is the whereabouts of the money Miss Gordon, i know he has not kept it in a bank account as i have done those checks so its hidden somewhere and you need to find out, if you do once i have the money i will go away and you can go back to your secret life"

"Now walk this way into the reception area Miss Gordon" i indicate with my arm out-stretched "the guards will need to search your belongings for illegal items you may want to smuggle in and pat you down to make sure you have nothing on your person" i smile at last remark eyeing up her body.

As she walks pass i slap her behind.

Shadowed_Love 01-22-2008 02:46 PM

I had bowed my head, hair sliding in front of my face as i wait for you to arrive and escort me inside. Your voice calls me to jump and my head snaps upright again as it turn to look at you, eyes narrowing as you inform me of what i am supposed to do, well aware of what is expected of me. "I know what i have to do.." i hissed sharply in your direction, straightening as i move past you.

My body jolts as your hand comes in sharp contact with my behind, causing me to draw in a deep breath as i turn my head and glare at you before moving on into the prison. What choice really do i have but to go along with whatever you want at the current moment in time.

clan_hunter 01-23-2008 08:26 PM

She walked into the reception area, a security guard i know is working security at the front, i wink at him while Miss Gordon is in front of me, "This is Miss Gordon, the one i was talking about to see 'you know who'. The guard smiles "Handbag please" taking it from her and sticking it into a locker behind him, "now i will pat you down", he runs her hands over her, lingering longer in places he shouldn't, i smile at her watching her winch as the guard runs his hands under and around her breast's.

The guard stands up and nods to me, "This way Miss Gordon", i point to a room just off the reception area, she hesitates and walks through the door and i follow behind her closing the door.

The room is cold and bare, its about 10x10 feet long, there is the door we walked through and another on the other side that leads some place else into the prison, there are no windows to let in natural light, in the middle is a table, its about six feet long made of cold dark steal and two chairs are at either end, "Miss Gordon, sit down"

At the same time of telling her to sit the other door opens and her husband steps in, wearing standard prison issue orange tracksuit bottom's and top, he is not handcuffed or secured, the guard looks at me "leave us alone" i tell him, "we will be fine" i say flashing my badge, the guard nods and leaves the room.

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