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Spell Siren 10-12-2009 06:05 AM

Things that annoy me
I have noticed some people developing an annoying habit of posting unnecessary visitor messages and spamming....

If his/her story/vid is good he/she will automatically be appreciated. I wonder if there is any need to knock on everyone's door to publicise it...

It is good manners to thank poeple, to say a few kind words, and offer invitations, but when these things get a bit too much, they are seriously very annoying.......

What's your take on it people?

collesfracture 10-12-2009 09:46 AM

Interesting observation Spell..Kinda agree with you on the appreciation part.if something is good it will get appreciated and the word will be spread regarding it.Dont think one needs to publicize anything/everything here.The folks here are smart enough to see and appreciate.Hell its just cause of the appreciation and support of the amazing people here that i love being here and giving my all.
Cheers to RB :skull-bee

hellminth 10-13-2009 07:26 PM

Agree with you guys - I really think spamming on people's walls who you hardly know, about your story has just been completed, or please read my jokes etc. is really lame and desperate. Not only it messes up your wall that your actual friends write on, but completely makes me not want to read McDonald's-like advertised material.

I guess currently there is no rule against that?

Flesh4Fantasy 10-13-2009 08:49 PM

:skull-sai I never promote myself on the board. :eek:

Wait... Stop throwing rotten vegetables at me...

I was only being sarcastic. :skull-big

FuckingRotter 10-13-2009 10:55 PM

Did somebody say rotten?

batffink 10-14-2009 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by FuckingRotter (Post 388772)
Did somebody say rotten?

There's only one Rotten on this Board and it's a pity we don't hear more from him. I don't care if he is English, nobody's perfect. (Except me of course) :skull-big:skull-big

HRH1948 10-17-2009 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by batffink (Post 388802)
There's only one Rotten on this Board and it's a pity we don't hear more from him. I don't care if he is English, nobody's perfect. (Except me of course) :skull-big:skull-big

Actually, you come pretty damned close! There is nothing more rotten or more toady than what you are likely to see on this board!

Batffink, you are the cerebral pro from Dover.

My hat is off and I need not adjust my kilts in your company.

Watch out for the up drafts and the more than occasional pole axe.

Your olde friend,



batffink 10-18-2009 11:09 PM

The main thing that annoys this old scribe is the insidious political correctness stifling free speech these days. Minorities are always bitching about some slight or other that's offended them.
Let's not forget that these ARE MINORITIES after all. Does the MAJORITY not have a say? We are not allowed to use certain words because they may offend some fucking sensitive group who have nothing to do all day except pick faults in the rest of us.
One idiot group even tried to take a man to court for using the word 'denigrate' The wankers thought that it slighted negroes in some way. (yes: negroes not the more PC African Americans.
I spoke to a friend in London recently and asked why he still did not have a Council house to rent. He said that the only way you could get a Council house in Islington was if you were a black, one legged, unmarried, lesbian, Muslim, pregnant mother.
What a fucking joke, and it's getting worse. :skull-thr

PS Don't pm me and tell me I'm a bigot. Far from it. But I'm getting fed up with being a second class citizen. Australia's not far behind.

Sierra 10-19-2009 01:24 AM

I have chosen not to identify with my minority status.

In my field (law), just being a woman is enough to get you kicked out of the clubhouse. I am a member of at least four "protected classes" (probably more), two of which can be plainly seen by looking at me, but I prefer to earn my way without invoking them. I wish more minorities and women would do the same.

That said, although I recognize your frustration, Batffink, and share some of it, I would have you walk a mile in that black lesbian unwed mother's shoes before you think she got the clean end of the stick.

Prejudice, hate and discrimination are sadly still with us. There are people who believe that women should not work. Who don't like Blacks. Don't like middle-eastern people. Don't like gays. Don't like Jews. Don't like Whites - the list goes on and on - and are willing to go to extremes to say so.

There always will be those who hate themselves enough to hate and fear someone else based on something so inconsequential as the color of their skin or which version of God they worship. Who view being gay as a "preference". Even here on RB, where we are already looked down on as "perverts" and should be more tolerant, take a look at how this community treats women who are not a size 10 or below. It's shocking.

I wait for the day when being a person of color or being a certain religion will be of no more consequence than having brown eyes or red hair - something you see but which does not matter. We're not there yet.

batffink 10-19-2009 02:21 AM

With all due respect my Sierra, I still don't think you've grasped what I'm getting at. I don't want to deny ANYONE their rights. I just want to be treated EQUALLY. Should I get preferential treatment because;

(1) I am white.
(2) I am Scottish.
(3) I am Protestant
(4) I am right handed etc etc etc.

Of course not. So why do other groups get priority. Why should minority groups get more because, for some reason known only to God knows why, they squeal the loudest and invoke racial vilification if they are denied.

Isn't the majority sometimes discriminated against. I certainly think so. Think about it. We've all been suckered. :skull-bee

FuckingRotter 10-19-2009 06:36 PM

I think the problem is political correctness, the fear of lawsuits and a dozen a day stupid laws have caused us to lose our way. Fuck equality, how can all people be treated equally? That would leave many short changed.

What about treating people equitably? For anyone who doesn't understand, that means equitting yourself and giving each person you encounter the best of you.

By the way, that doesn't of course apply to one-handed, constantly protesting, pasty Scotsman.....

batffink 10-20-2009 12:12 AM

By the way, that doesn't of course apply to one-handed, constantly protesting, pasty Scotsman.....[/QUOTE]

See what I mean? Blatant racial prejudice. I'll have you up before the United Nations I will. Mods take note of this please. :skull-big

ChiTownHoney 10-21-2009 12:43 AM

If it helps you guys...I am white and I recieved plenty of hispanic student grants and scholarships from the government that helped pay for over half my tuition at a 30,000 dollar a year private institution.

Hows that for kicking the government and 'minority' status in the ass?

I fucking love preferential treatment. I get both the benefits of being a 'minority' and being white in society at the same damn time.

You guys should try it. Change your name to Mustafa and see what the government will give you.

BTW Sierra, your minority status is something that stays with you for life. The world is just not going to change to a color blind utopia where everyone is going to accept each others religion. At least not in our lifetime. You can wait for that day, but it wont come not when you are I are around. Human nature is fickle that way. If we are all living in a world where race and religion doesnt matter, what the hell are we suppose to fight about then? Only if it benefits you, you should claim minority status. The competition in the world is fierce enough to not play some kind of minority card. A few years ago, I got a job over another white equally qualified candidate..I'm going to assume equally qualified...because they had assumed I was bilingual. Just by looking at me and by looking at my name they assumed that. Well fuck me, it was news to me I was bilingual. But I wasnt going to tell them that. Its a good thing a case that needed assistance like that never came up..

batffink 10-21-2009 05:56 AM

Excellent post Chi.
And goes a long way to prove my point. In Australia you get preference in housing, lower bank interest and preferential University entrance (via quota) if you are of aboriginal extraction. EVEN IF YOU ARE NO MORE THAN ONE SIXTEENTH ABORIGINAL.
Even if you are as thick as two bricks you can still get into Uni. because of the quota. Nobody says anything because they'll get accused of being racist. As far as I'm concerned, racism has nothing to do with it.
The system is purely and simply unfair.

Sierra 10-21-2009 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by ChiTownHoney (Post 391238)
BTW Sierra, your minority status is something that stays with you for life. The world is just not going to change to a color blind utopia where everyone is going to accept each others religion. At least not in our lifetime. You can wait for that day, but it wont come not when you are I are around. Human nature is fickle that way. If we are all living in a world where race and religion doesnt matter, what the hell are we suppose to fight about then? Only if it benefits you, you should claim minority status. The competition in the world is fierce enough to not play some kind of minority card. A few years ago, I got a job over another white equally qualified candidate..I'm going to assume equally qualified...because they had assumed I was bilingual. Just by looking at me and by looking at my name they assumed that. Well fuck me, it was news to me I was bilingual. But I wasnt going to tell them that. Its a good thing a case that needed assistance like that never came up..


Originally Posted by batffink (Post 391286)
Excellent post Chi.
And goes a long way to prove my point. In Australia you get preference in housing, lower bank interest and preferential University entrance (via quota) if you are of aboriginal extraction. EVEN IF YOU ARE NO MORE THAN ONE SIXTEENTH ABORIGINAL.
Even if you are as thick as two bricks you can still get into Uni. because of the quota. Nobody says anything because they'll get accused of being racist. As far as I'm concerned, racism has nothing to do with it.
The system is purely and simply unfair.

This is exactly why I choose not to use it. My personal reality is that I have done just fine without claiming any kind of advantage. I never did like take running starts.

If I am honest with myself, however, I have to admit that I'm not at all sure I would be quite so quick to disclaim this status if I was struggling to feed myself and my family. Standing on principle is a luxury you can only afford if your children aren't going hungry...

squidley 10-21-2009 03:10 PM

There is nothing wrong with helping the disadvantaged. That is one of the few things that make man just a bit better than the animals from which we claim to separate ourselves.

Individuals don't have to be fair about how we help others; you do what you can for who you can based on far too many factors. But our governments should at least strive for true equality, sharing what is available in the most equitable way and not just based on race, color, sex, or creed.

Real poverty and starvation don't recognize any of those factors, and one starveling looks pretty much like any other.

The Squid

pervipete 10-21-2009 03:56 PM

You do get people who use their skin colour as an excuse to be a pain.

One of my friends was accused of racism by an asian customer because whe would not discount a bag, despite that fact that she is from the Punjab...

Yeah, racism and bigotry is wrong, wrong, wrong. And some of the anti-racism and anti-sexism laws passed were justified, but have they gone too far with them? Are we now in danger of having the very thing they exist to end encouraged by their very existance?

HRH1948 10-21-2009 10:43 PM

Wrong is relative...
How wrong is it!

It would seem that I am a creature that is continuing to develop and evolve.

Having been sired and raised in East Texas, I was a devout bigot from a very early age. When I entered Southern Methodist University, I faced a major culture shock. I was the only guy on campus that wore cowboy boots and a sheep skin jacket. I was the real “Red Neck”.

It was the first year that blacks were allowed into the Southwest conference. I knew Jerry LeVias (a truly unbelievable small black athlete that would never make it to the pro level, but carried SMU to the national championship level) and I had a swimming course with him. He never swam and he couldn’t float. He had almost no body fat, but he tried more than any individual that I have ever known.

As an engineering student, I excelled. The following year, more black football players were admitted. Several required major tutoring. For extra credit, I tutored two black football players. One couldn’t read. The other read at the elementary school level. These guys weren’t stupid; they were victims of a flawed system. I managed to get both of these hard working guys through their studies and picked up a couple of “A’s” that should have been “B’s”. When I completed my work, both could read at an acceptible level.

Okay, I’m mellowing out and becoming almost normal.

Then, there was the Nam. I quickly began an extensive tutoring course all over again. I commanded steers, queers and niggers. In my world, “nigger” is not a reference to race but a reference to moral status. The sad part was that their blood was all the same color.

Again, I get a little closer to the norm.

Then the decades pass and yet another political correctness forms. I met an absolutely incredible Russian lady and fell in love. It took two years of government bullshit, four trips to her country, two separate marriages (one in this country and one in her country) and several major bribes to get her into this country. She is now a US citizen. However, her son and his wife are still in the mother land. Her son has a Masters Degree, owns his own home, owns two automobiles and lives in a former Soviet and now Moslem controlled state that hates Russians and it is no longer safe for is wife to go shopping alone.

I have been unable to get these kids into this country. As my immigration attorney states, “These people are white, well educated Christians. That type of people present a threat to the Democrats in charge. Why couldn’t you have married a Saudi Moslem fanatic? I could have had her whole family and several random terrorists carefully wrapped in C4 here by now.”

The bigotry starts all over again.

Courtesy of the government of the United States of America!

With respect,


batffink 10-21-2009 11:07 PM

Another great post and of the high calibre that i would expect from HRH.
To qualify again, I am not against helping the truly disadvantaged. My beef is with a system thay gives people an advantage when they are NOT disadvantaged. :skull-bee

HRH1948 10-21-2009 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by batffink (Post 391507)
Another great post and of the high calibre that i would expect from HRH.
To qualify again, I am not against helping the truly disadvantaged. My beef is with a system thay gives people an advantage when they are NOT disadvantaged. :skull-bee

A truly class act!

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