View Full Version : Will Texas leave the U.S.A?

06-25-2016, 01:23 PM
The precedent has been set now, let's see how big a pair of balls your average Texan has! ;)

06-25-2016, 01:51 PM
Texas did try to leave the US once long ago after begging to get in not too long before that and got monkey stomped along with the rest of the Confederacy!

06-25-2016, 02:02 PM
Yes, but that was when the United States had the political maturity of a ten year old. Now that you're just about to experience puberty, what will happen? Personally, I think you should wait a couple of hundred more years, for when you're proper adults, with responsibilities. :)

06-25-2016, 05:43 PM
Unfortunately, with Obama's justice department refusing to enforce existing immigration laws, the average Texan is now an illegal alien from south of the Texas border. The Hispanics get free phones, free housing, free food, free education, free medical and dental and all they have to do is vote Democratic.

Like England's Muslims, here, the Hispanic population is out breeding all others in an exponential fashion. The Dallas Independent School District has over 70% Hispanic students. The San Antonio Independent School District has over 90% Hispanic students. As per Obama's population design, Texas will soon be a blue state (Democratic).

As far as succession, the Confederacy should have freed the slaves prior to leaving the Union. England would have supported the Confederacy, stopped the Irish immigration directly into the Union military and provided the weaponry required to defeat the Union.

Hind sight is always 20/20.

On the bright side, maybe there is some Hispanic genetic link to El Cid in Texas and the Muslims will be defeated again.

The governor of Texas has some good ideas, but I fear that all hope is lost. The age of political correctness has enveloped us. When stating the truth becomes racist and squirrels rise to power spouting vile untruths such as saying that the Muslim ideology is a peaceful religion, what happens? Lenin and Stalin missed the boat. They should have tagged Communism as a peaceful religion.

FR, as far as puberty versus adulthood, if Britain is so far advanced in the aging scale, why the hell did such a wise seasoned society allow the current successful Muslim invasion to occur. Damn, the mayor of London is a Muslim!


06-26-2016, 02:15 PM
I didn't realize that all illegal immigrants were Hispanic.

Immigrants didn't steal anyone's job. Their boss gave it away.


06-26-2016, 06:35 PM
I didn't realize that all illegal immigrants were Hispanic.

Immigrants didn't steal anyone's job. Their boss gave it away.


Of course, there are illegal aliens from many nations. However, the overwhelming majority are Hispanic.

The cost that illegal aliens bring to our society far exceeds their benefits to the society.

Obama and his justice department enforce the laws that benefit the Democratic party.
